All Muslims visit Mecca, right? Including Shia? Do Shia Iranians get discriminated against when they’re there?

All Muslims visit Mecca, right? Including Shia? Do Shia Iranians get discriminated against when they’re there?

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Most shi'a prefer to make pilgrimage to Karbala and Najaf in Iraq where they get curbstomped in giant human stampedes and blown up by al qaeda/isis suicide carbombs. They probably also smuggle tonnes of drugs in the process.

You can’t tell who’s Shia, who’s Sunni, who’s rich, who’s poor etc. when everyone is in ihram.

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Shias are not even muslims, infact the entire histroy of SHia is them fighting Islam including today, The Shia religion was created by a jew.

In fact Jeurusalem will not be liberated until the Shia are wiped out from Iraq to syria to Lebanon to Iran, the shia are way worse than the Jews in every way.

except iranians speak persian

Ironic considering the fact that shias are the only muslims who actually defy israel while all the rich sunni nations seem very content being israel’s little bitch

1. Not Iranians are shia
2. Tajiks are mostly Sunni and they speak Persian
3. Daari is indistinguishable from Farsi for someone who doesn’t know the language and Afghans are mostly Sunni.

1. Based double trips of truth
2. >Not Iranians
Meant not all Iranians.
Patently not true.

tajiks speak some weird dialect of persian, closer to pashto, no?

The takjik Persian is actually more pure than Farsi iirc

Iran is a mutt state, only about half of them are native Persian-speakers, the rest are turks, azeris, balochs, kurds, gilakis, mazandaranis, and other assortments of shit

Money doesn’t discriminate

you're not allowed to be violent on hajj
or be violent towards muslims that are on hajj
something like that idk

>All Muslims visit Mecca, right?
If they are able
>Including Shia?
>Do Shia Iranians get discriminated against when they’re there?
No, unless they try to start political protests and such but that's not tolerated if done by Sunnis either

>who cares about goatfuckers?
>all muslims should be genocided

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>Iranians go to Mecca paying a lot of money to Saudi Arabia supporting their Wahhabi agenda so they can sponsor more proxy terrorist groups to fight Iranian proxy terrorist groups in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
Holy fucking fuck what an absolute mindfuck

>the measly few billion dollars (that mostly go to private businesses) support the Saudi government
>how could Saudi Arabia survive or afford those alleged activities without pilgrimage?

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Don't they mostly visit that town in Iran where hussein was BTFO (I think)

Karbala is in Iraq


its the original khwarezmian persian dialect. who survived the mongolian invasion and destruction because its a mountainous area.

pamiri tajiks speak various dialects of sogdian which is closer to pashto