
Who would win in a fight between these two cunts? N.Korea remains neutral.

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Japan would build nukes and win.

>glorified American citizens fighting

If they fight without notice tommorow? South Korea. Japan has a) no missiles b) shit MD c)no army. Everything West of Tokyo would be in target range of Korean Missiles and that includes the Japanese navy.

If they fight in 5 years? Probably still SK alot closer.
After 5 years? Stalemate which gradually is more beneficial for Japan

the world

a) no missiles
b) shit MD
VERY wrong
c) no army
technically no, but also wrong
>Everything West of Tokyo would be in target range of Korean Missiles and that includes the Japanese navy.
we dont have that many anti ship missiles, nor enough ballistic missiles to make japan surrender, but yes it will do certain amount of damage


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South Korea is crazy militarized. Prepared for an outright full war with North Korea at all times.
Gooks would crush the Nips in a month easy.

desu the US would
Just give us more say than we already have in their countries

Maybe even make them join compact of free association

let's be peaceful

ye this war scenario is fucking stupid anyways and it will never happen.
in reality there is no such thing as 1v1 scenario where everyone is neutral.

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oppa stronk!

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Japan is pretending to be weak but in fact they are much stronger than kimchi faggots

jesus christ can you stop posting this shitty worthless pile of garbage that is GFP which is credited by no one in a serious research? its pretty fucking pathetic

>Japan is pretending to be weak
Source: my brain

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we are weak! j-pop sucks
glorious k-pop forever!

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