Why is japan so much better than any (((white))) country they are naturally humble and graceful people japan rejected...

why is japan so much better than any (((white))) country they are naturally humble and graceful people japan rejected christcuckery from the invading portuguese they were well respected in early 20th century brazil for their good work ethic and education their trains are spotless and have insanely low violent crime levels compared to their big population
how do they do it bros

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fuck off retard

Stagnating economy, declining population, only became remotely relevant upon being influenced by the west

But yes it is rather pretty, isn't it?

why is declining population a problem for them?

we wantu withu pipol no blacku pipol

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The Boomer Die Off is going to be a fun time for Korea and Japan.

Lel I can link you a confession of Indian weeb girl who married a japanese guy and is now heavily disappointed that Japan turned out grim and soulless unlike her Chinese cartoons

The Japanese are a bunch of psychopaths.

>Stagnating economy
better than any western country
>declining population
a solution to overpopulation
>only became remotely relevant upon being influenced by the west
wrong abraham lincoln was the first weeaboo and let me direct you to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientalism

Yeah therell be more room and the all native Japanese population can innovate rather than endlessly growing and importing when your godless capitalism demands you expand more.

>a solution to overpopulation
A literal meme

>better than any western country
No barring the low levels western ones. Japan has extreme competition from other nearby Asian states with it growing by the years and worker deficits at all levels of work.

That's not the case elsewhere with population declines.

Ok champ

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vincent van gogh and frank lloyd wright were both weebs who tragically had to accept they will never be japanese

No more faxes!

based nobita

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China's growth will inevitably cast Japan into irrelevancy before the end of our century, probably even before 2050.

oog muh anecdotal evidence oog
japenese literally had to coin a syndrome for themselves when they visited paris and were highly dissappointed by how gross western countries are

To be fair, a lot of doctor offices and pharmacies still use fax machines in the US.

everyone will still rely on japan to make the greatest cars/electronics/tools practically everything

lets not forget japan hasnt tossed aside their traditional diets yet that keeps them from aging like milk meanwhile semitic whiteys are making avacado smoothies because its the cool new foreign food to eat

he actually wants asians and more robots

Funding pensions

Attached: Senior 2050.png (749x432, 31K)

Paris is another level of bad

Because then young people will demand higher wages and the industrialists will have a harder time abusing the workers

This is why they are inviting more immigrants to bolster the capitalist ruling class

>more robots
be real with me. How realistic is that?

unlikely but he seems to think that robots are the solution to declining population

Mediterraneans live longer than any other race

1. You're not white
2. Avocados aren't med

Brainlet mutt as always

Christianity took the culture, wits, and brains of people and dumped it in nonsense.

>lets not forget japan hasnt tossed aside their traditional diets yet that keeps them from aging like milk

Wrong. They actually are getting the diets westernized more and more. Okinawans are even worse on that front.

okinawa ranks above every place in the world

Avocado isn't Japanese

China is even more weeb that the west. If anything they will propel Japan to even greater heights. Can't wait for the Mao television series by Kyoto Animation.

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2d girls are one of the few reasons I haven't killed myself.

okinawa is med


>better than any western country
first of all, "Japan is not doing bad because we are doing even WORSE" is a fucking retarded argument. second of all this is demonstrably not true
>a solution to overpopulation
a population decline among the youth is not a solution to overpopulation, it's a fucking disaster to a country that has to keep paying to keep their elderly alive while fewer and fewer people work every year

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Weebs are subhumans

fuck off retarded ignorant mutt
we never invaded Japan and Kirishitans are great people who did many great things for Japan

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Japan is a faggot country. It should get nuked to oblivion

you're really dumb if you think Nobita wants whites in Japan.
He's pilled enough to know whites stink up the place and bring dumb ideals wherever they set fot on.

He despises americans (granted they aren't white) and only tolerates other asians

humans shouldnt live long enough to retire, japan is proof of that