Women's bathroom = Austria

Women's bathroom = Austria
Men's bathroom = Germany

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both are shitholes

thats kinda rude

this is the implication in op, i am just spelling it out

absolutely cucked image
if you don't greet the gentleman peeing next to you with a firm handshake and then go on to discuss local sports for the duration of your piss then you are what's wrong with the world

That is how a leave a bathroom at my local kinoplex.

>he's never been into the girls bathroom
not gonna make it

I pee in the stall because I feel insecure pissing out in the open

I've been in a lot of women's restrooms and it's not clean at all.

Women's bathrooms are more disgusting than men's



I had a friend who used to do cleaning management at a huge shopping centre near here and he said he wouldn't do the women's bathrooms because they were that nasty. Supposedly they'd get wet tampons and fling them up at the ceiling

>the oatmeal
The most cringe comics in existence


They are both equally disgusting.
But most public toilets in trainstations arent really public but paid toilets run by private companies. Worth it as they are amazingly clean and modern. Free market provides.

Stall: comfy, allows you to kill endless amounts of time on your phone or reading some high-class bathroom graffiti, and enables you to take a shit if need be
Urinal: guaranteed will get piss on your pants

using a urinal while wearing shorts opened my mind to how careless I really am in splashing piss all over my legs

>no glory hole in men's room

this image is actual bullshit. My very first job was as a bag boy at a grocery store and one of my jobs involved cleaning bathrooms. The women's restroom was consistently far more disgusting. Im not lying when I say that I cleaned shit off of the WALLS twice within the year that I worked there and I only had to clean the toilets maybe 15 times in total. There were also protocols specifically for use tampons/pads being left on the floor

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That’s not really fair. Women get the groceries far more often than men.

that does not excuse shit on the walls. The only way I could possibly see that happening is that they dont want to use the toilet coverings and instead just squat over the toilet with explosive bowels and then dont bother cleaning up after themselves

Yeah that’s bizarre. I’ve never seen shit on the walls. But then again I don’t shit in public that often.

In my experience mens bathrooms are cleaner than women's

Women tend to be afraid to clean up any mess so it gets worse while men will wipe up things themselves

From what I've been told by my sis, it's the opposite.

Anyone who thinks women's bathrooms are clean is a virgin

nothing wrong with paying a nominal fee for the toilet

>women's bathrooms
>used, bloodied tampons everywhere and shit on the toilet seat somehow
t. not a women
my mom is one

I will attest fully, that it's the opposite in every country. We know that we're foul, so we clean up after ourselves. Women? FUCK IT

Female bathrooms are fucking filthy and they leave blood everywhere. It's actually a biological hazard to be in a female bathroom.

I go because I want to take a shit. Don't know if it's there, but it could be. That moment, when you're at a urinal, and realize that you need to shit is not a very ceremonious one. You must suddenly remove yourself from said pissers, realize that you've become a shitter, and congenially rush to the receptacle. What has your life become, and what are you doing.

Who here /pissattheurinalwithyourpantsaroundyourankles/ here?

imagine thinking women's bathrooms are pristine
a million times worse than the men's bathroom since women are too grossed out to clean up after themselves

Now the REAL question is, why must there be separate restrooms for men and women? Why can't we go unisex already?

This is the least Australian comment I ever read had to double check it wasn’t NZ

why are you gay?

Having worked as security and having had to go to the women's bathrooms to drag out junkies and whatnot, I can tell you with complete honesty that the women's bathrooms are generally far, far worse.