My brothers :)

My brothers :)

Attached: 800px-Indo-European_branches_map.svg.png (800x800, 262K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Each province has its own regional language, but for communicating with each other they use Urdu (basically Hindi except that it has more Persian loanwords and it's written in Arabic script).

I guess they mostly speak urdu.

My rapebabies :)

Attached: R1a_distribution_Eurasia (2).jpg (863x560, 286K)

>russians actually believe this

Well I think the whole world believes it except nationalist Indian retards that think the Aryan invasion did not occur

you is a polish rape baby

It did not though

the whole world believes that R1a is a product of mass russian rape?


Attached: 426px-Liberator.jpg (426x600, 76K)

t. Pajjeeeet
Not Russian rape, but people from Ukraine and western Russian region migrated to Europe and India and raped them

it absolutely 100% ocurred, Andronovo chads rekt indus-valley pussy

>Not Russian rape, but people from Ukraine and western Russian
And they were nothing like the russians today. just like none of us are like the ancient people due to mixing heck even europe was invaded by aryans so I don't think it's fair to take pride in a thing they haven't even done.

Brownshit cope is strong in this one

Attached: 1551991699615.png (3000x3000, 620K)

Okay brainlet. Come back when you learn some history. Also, I'm most probably and unironically lighter skin than you.


>Okay brainlet. Come back when you learn some history. Also, I'm most probably and unironically lighter skin than you.

Attached: 1554673000106.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

I thought Jow Forums was banned in New Zealand.

The argument that people provide is that none of this invasion stuff is in our ancient texts which date back to 5000-6000 years. So, on one hand we have this, on another hand we have some wh*toid saying this. Btw britishers also said that they found scientific evidence that Indians had lower intelligence than whites and they made up some archeological finds when the British govt. decided to elect some Indian judges to look at court cases of Britishers in late 1800s. So, we do NOT trust wh*toid

Go vote for modi you retard

Well he is going to win so,,,

What a surprise, americans dont know anything

I assume you got confused at the moment of quoting
>none of this invasion stuff is in our ancient texts
what the fuck are you talking about the vedas clearly describe the aryan invasion perfectly

You've never read the vedas you absolute fucking retard. Oh and don't even think about replying with quotes which are translated in english from sanskrit that are clearly altered in a way to fit a narrative.

>oh and dont prove me wrong with your racist evidence

Bro you probably have r1a haplogroup yourself, whats so bad about having a based andronovo ukranian ancestor who rode a charriot directly into the indus-valley princess's vagina? Its pretty dope

I'm just saying no one gets to claim anything because they're all mixed too.

Andronovo people were 90% as close genetically as ukranians of today, if you go here and look at the pigmentation of ancient andronovo samples (here you will see that some were blonde, some where brunnettes and some were redheads and half had light eyes, half didn't, they werent really mixed but if it makes you feel better they are really far from the british people who colonized you and honestly ukranians are not a bad bunch of people, they never did wrong to anybody, i think you should research into the aryan invasions with an open mind and let your guard of for a bit, you would be surprised of how much you can learn

Attached: 56835575_2236927776387782_1198151027811942400_o.jpg (2048x1461, 531K)

Also forgot to add, andronovo people dont exist anymore, they are were absorbed and BECAME modern day indians, its not like a small group of people moved out from ukraine, they ALL moved into the indian subcontinent through persia (starting the persian civilization as well), so it's not like you guys are rapebabies from a modern day ethnicity like ukranians, more like andronovo and protoslavs were cousins

Are you the guy who's spamming all the aryan invasion threads on /his/?
Also, our gods are always described and depicted to look like pic related (which makes more sense) rather than the one you posted.

Attached: VedicAryans.jpg (2195x1600, 3.07M)


Feminine and kitschy.


Based and manly.

Get fucked

Attached: IMG_8413.jpg (1278x743, 306K)

i dont post on his except for the occasional archaeogenetics threads, and yes i think probably the higher caste rode and dressed in very fine indumentary, the image I posted is a reconstruction of common andronovo vs dravidian warriors

Poo+Loo(cleaner)=master race
This is proof that hindus are our brothers

based and redpilled

You might wanna worry about your mom currently getting fucked by Jamal.

>[10-023] HYMN XXIII. Indra.
>4 With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard.
>[10-096] HYMN XCVI. Indra.
>8 At the swift draught the Soma-drinker waxed in might, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair.
The other picture seems more accurate

Daily reminder: only people from the blue parts in that map can call themselves Aryan.


Attached: 1543525626377.jpg (250x250, 18K)

what's the coolest indian language?


>Aryaner than you, Horst Wessel

Attached: 0973E7B6-4B73-46E9-89DD-5E8334D002D9.jpg (571x800, 241K)

Sanskrit but I don't know how to speak or read it :(

Do you see your country on that map?

Kannada for obvious reasons

Attached: Leafman.png (474x592, 7K)

>white finland

Attached: 1552973334740.jpg (552x496, 52K)

*blocks ur path*
your ancestors got blaqqed

Attached: 772BAC83-131E-4E6C-A2B9-3905EBACC209-239-0000001E70FF4C8E.png (961x1271, 1.42M)

>Polak, Hindu — dwa bratanki, do klozet i do szklanki.

>do klozetu

Attached: Flag-Pins-India-Poland.jpg (400x320, 56K)

>Russian larping as PIE when Slavs we're the least relevant IE people for thousands of years.

fuck indo-europoors


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if that were really the case the mtdna haplogroups would coincide



What type of peruvian are you?

>ancient Aryans have blonde/brown and possibly also red hair and blue/green/brown eyes
>modern "Aryans" have black hair, dark brown eyes and medium-dark skin
not an argument

If indians claim the aryan invasion theory is a hoax then what kind of theory do they believe in? Ancient aryans fell on the indian land from the sky?

>medium-dark skin
Not true at all. I have wheatish skin.

Baziran i dinaridtabletiran

the original aryans were the stepe mutts, you have nothing to do with them Sven, your main haplogroup is WHG nigger tier

Fuck off you're not aryan.

post pic
>Yamna were mutts
>Swedes have nothing to do with Yamna
>WHG were niggers
That's a yikes

>not an argument
Yes. it is. Swedes have one of the highest steppe ancestries in Europe, yet you did even less than Polacks or Russians.
The original Aryans were light-pigmented Andronovo people. They only muttified by fucking BMAC pussy.

>post pic
lol no

answer my question retard

Neither are you, Onge-Abo mixture.

Attached: steppe vs neolithic.jpg (2198x1813, 809K)

No I want.

Modern Indians are more closely related to indo aryans than swedcucks

>yamna were mutts
yes, CHG/ANE mutts with light brown skin and dark features
>Swedes have nothing to do with Yamna
less than indians for sure
>WHG were niggers
they were worse than niggers, during the time the WHG existed they didn't do a single interesting thing, meanwhile east africa was setting up the first early horizons on the east coast

Attached: 0D30A01E-921F-47E7-A4C8-984DFD17C94E.png (1205x827, 188K)


Attached: cig pepe.png (250x202, 8K)

>The original Aryans were light-pigmented Andronovo people
yes if you mean aryan in the strict linguistic sense, the swede here is utizling the Urheimat "mythical white ethnos" meaning of aryan


All those blonde niggers were Iranian-speaking Scythians though, and my ancestor Darius the Great raped them and brought their king back to Persia in chains (:

Attached: scynthian king.jpg (624x1868, 877K)

lmao nice meme

Freddie Mercury was at least 80% Andronovo

Attached: freddie-mercury-1543599639514.jpg (1200x674, 213K)

So, Haitians and French are brothers because both speak same language. Same Jamaicans and British or Bolivians and Spaniards.

>Swedes have done less than Polacks and Russians
Uh what
Swedes are much closer related to Yamna than Indians
>during the time the WHG existed they didn't do a single interesting thing
they literally lived in the stone age
>meanwhile east africa was setting up the first early horizons on the east coast
In 6000 BC?

To be fair, Yamna was more churkified due to more CHG than rest of steppe cultures. Sintashta -> Andronovo, probably picked up lighter traits from Belarusian HG/farmers.

Attached: C49F4A15-6437-4017-B442-EEE87375E98F.jpg (465x262, 29K)

Attached: 1555484056365~3.jpg (184x232, 10K)

He doesn't even look like your typical Paki.

A typical Paki would be:
>large bug eyes
>childish overgrown face
>shitty facial hair
My grainlet ancestor :)
>Uh what
Are you implying Swedes contributed more than Russians or Poles? Nobel Prize doesn't count, Sven.

Based Imran khan paki poster.

>Swedes are much closer related to Yamna than Indians
you cluster closer, but the indians DESCEND more from them than you
>they literally lived in the stone age
doesn't make them any less uninteresting bland, (quite literally) nigger tier


Attached: Haplogroup_I-borders.gif (800x581, 94K)

Can't believe I'm defending a paki but Imran Khan is a pashtun and pashtuns do look like that.

Attached: Male_body_height.png (800x581, 143K)

can we stop pretending that andronovo's were funnelbeakers? yes some were blond but most were brunettes

Attached: gravet52.jpg (492x580, 24K)

Poland has been nigger-tier for it's entire existence, your copeposting can't change that.
>but the indians DESCEND more from them than you
I suppose arabs are sumerians too?

Also were East Africans really
>setting up the first early horizons on the East coast
In 6000 BC

Oops, meant to reply to as well

Funnelbeakers were little horsefaced men with feminine traits. Andronovo were broadfaced and robust. Extremely tall, some even reaching 190cm. So not really your typical Nordic. Also, it's not like other farmers in Europe were as light pigmented as Funnelbeakers and GAC.
>Poland has been nigger-tier for it's entire existence, your copeposting can't change that.
And still acomplished far more than Scandianvians. You are the one coping.

Attached: Andronovo_skull.jpg (715x312, 28K)

Attached: 792px-distribution_haplogroup_i_y-dna-svg.png (792x600, 79K)

Fantastic LARP. Sadly, half of your l2 subclades came recently with Slavs from Ukraine.

>he finally admits that Funnelbeaker and GAC were mostly light pigmented and more light pigmented than steppedwellers
Soon you'll be admitting that they were Proto-Nordids too.

I'm going to sleep bye yall

I never claimed they were swarthoids as the rest of the EEF. They have nothing to do with Nordids though, you mentally ill trash.

Bye :3

Those 'slavs' weren't slavs at all, probably goths or vlachs
the theory of slavs coming to balkans is false