What's your favourite canadian province/territory, Jow Forums?

what's your favourite canadian province/territory, Jow Forums?

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New Beijing

Northern Territory

how's New Brunswick?



Quebec because they are fellow Latins.

I yearn for the day when Quebec reconquers Acadia and forces the filthy angl*s to adopt a language descended from Latin.


Attached: Canada logging.jpg (3000x4000, 1.66M)



Any C*nuck that doesnt live in the prairie provinces is a Chinese sexslave

Attached: Snap.png (1000x1000, 343K)


It’s funny how French Canadians act so superior to anglos despite being repeatedly BTFO in combat

Still better than Ontario though, Toronto is cucked beyond belief and Quebec City is literally more European than actual actual city in Europe at this point...

Attached: paula.webm (540x540, 2.66M)

New Brunswick > Prince Edward Island = Newfoundland > Québec > Scotia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [tremendous power gap, the rest are barely Canada] >>>>>> Ontario without GTA > Saskatchewan > Manitoba > British Columbia without Vancouver > Alberta > Vancouver > GTA

Any post that is not identical to this one is objectively wrong

Attached: Canada.jpg (1000x1142, 236K)

Basé mon frère

anglos are the ones who actually got bfto in combat

Attached: braddock.png (323x751, 123K)

Come here and fight me you sissy anglo. We will see who gets btfo’d

Imma go to Quebec and get myself a qt French Canadian bf


>Quebec City is literally more European than actual actual city in Europe

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Mais les acadiens parlent français maintenant


Sois honnête, à peine. Ça naît et meurt bilingue là-bas et ils ont aucune préférence linguistique. À mes yeux ce sont des anglo-saxons.

Southern Ontario is the only part of Canada that matters. The rest of the provinces/territories are just colonies.

Attached: toronto1.jpg (1024x576, 70K)