Bro... What do you mean being a doomer is cringe... Bro... You just don't get it bro

Bro... What do you mean being a doomer is cringe... Bro... You just don't get it bro...

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being white is cringe

Looks exactly how I thought these fags would.

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>tfw wanna be sad
>can't, because of these melodramatic soi bois
>will lose respect if I show any weakness, ever, to anyone
>have to keep a neutral/content act at all times
>literally devastated inside

Is "doomer" the new goth/emo phase for internet nerds?

you don't need others to acknowledge you to be sad

so 2018

nice now the whole doomer thing is ruined forever, i kinda liked it

You're doing it right tbqh
Whateva happened to Gary Cooper

You can show sadness just don't be a blatant attention seeker like OP's pic related.

whats worse about is the guys not even a fucking doomer, just another emo faggot.

it was ruined before it even started

It's so dark here alone, though. I am hoping if I could share it would alleviate the pain a bit

Always found it cringe from the start

>noooooo. us depressed pipiou are not to be taken lightly. there's a 4channel word for us with a wojak edit and all you know?

Of course you can be sad user, but just don't be a pathetic e-boy who accepts it as his aesthetic. Work on your self and help other and be an user of virtue. Why are you sad user?

I feel bad for him, he a qt :(

there's basically no difference

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I wish he would be my bf and top me

Okay, now this is epic


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With everyone?

Anyone. But I think I'm so much inside my own head at this point and afraid of being vulnerable I will never be able to fully open up. This is a bad place in my head right now

>what if society?
wow I never even thought about that

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fuck "aesthetic" fags, fuck "sadboi" fags, fuck "Xoomers" (X as in making up some dumb prefix to rhyme with "oomer") fags, fuck all you faggots trying so hard to fit into some dumb meme made up by retarded incels on the internet

We make an effort to group humans in different categories to understand them better. You, for instance, belong to the group of people that blow themselves up.

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What a fucking gay fagboy LOL

bet he squels like a pig oink oink

>what if society

Boomer/doomer/bloomer were the most cancerous and forced memes to ever exist on this site. A cheap fucking wojak edit is not a personality.

>fuck "Xoomers"
Settle down there ahmed
Boomer and zoomer memes are quite based and merely a factual critique of dumb behavior on the internet act, not a faggy self identification like the doomer crap

Hahaha bro totally man


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What's bothering you user? Also do you have no family or close friends you've been open with? Talking helps it helps you focus on your problem, it'd be better of you talked to a person but as you aren't doing that (yet) maybe opening up here might help.