This is a map of the average Americans by region. What do you think?

This is a map of the average Americans by region. What do you think?

Attached: american regions.png (2038x1280, 1.49M)

I think I don't care.

pink state masterrace

they are basically as fat as bottom-right

I laughed at Utah.

>Chad New England
Indeed, indeed

Attached: 312312312.jpg (79x125, 2K)


all very true. except those brown states.
they should look like literal short fat creaturas.

Hello, fellow green.

blue master race

green or light green?


I think you should stop making this map and that you have shit taste across all races

>tfw from brown
don't be rude, user

Dark green

Both reds seem like kool doods
All else are gay

>not black

i considered it but in the end it wouldve still been a bunch of fatties

I think you're a fucking faggot

Red here, we're the epitome of generic people

>south is nothing but a dixie cesspool

pretty accurate 2bh

seething dixiecuck

based retard

Attached: 1534450100097.png (199x203, 8K)

seething closetfag

oh no no

Attached: 1550795376868.png (210x252, 33K)


Attached: 1523429182137.png (551x589, 294K)

Multi flags are gay as fuck

got eem haha

Seethe harder retard


Blue would be tough for incels