This is a map of the average Americans by region. What do you think?
This is a map of the average Americans by region. What do you think?
I think I don't care.
pink state masterrace
they are basically as fat as bottom-right
I laughed at Utah.
>Chad New England
Indeed, indeed
all very true. except those brown states.
they should look like literal short fat creaturas.
Hello, fellow green.
blue master race
green or light green?
I think you should stop making this map and that you have shit taste across all races
>tfw from brown
don't be rude, user
Dark green
Both reds seem like kool doods
All else are gay
>not black
i considered it but in the end it wouldve still been a bunch of fatties
I think you're a fucking faggot
Red here, we're the epitome of generic people
>south is nothing but a dixie cesspool
pretty accurate 2bh
seething dixiecuck
based retard
seething closetfag
oh no no
Multi flags are gay as fuck
got eem haha
Seethe harder retard
Blue would be tough for incels