
Do you shave your arms?

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Nah that’d look weird. Debating whether I should shave my armpits tho

Everybody should, that's why they smell.

Only armpits. But then again I trim my ass and general pelvic area every month, so...

No i don't have any hair on my arms

Post feet

Jealous desu, my hair is thin and grows slowly but not having to shave sounds great.

Scared of nipping myself there. Tbh I should do it anyways tho along with my privates

Why do you need to shave your arm hair?

I like feeling smooth.

Attached: c2bd6b45-0c2a-4e5e-8993-c83855d22690.jpg (402x240, 39K)

I trim down armpits but nope, I look like too much of a kid if I shave my legs or arms. And isn't it a bit weird for guys, right?

Unnecesary adorns such as body hair is weird.

What is point of trimming pits? Just shave with cheap razor under shower, daily.

i shave ass, pelvic area, armpits and legs, my arms aren't all that hairy

Because I like my hair under there. I just don't like 5cms worth of jungle. I keep it at like 5mm.

Answer honestly, are you a femboy or do you just dislike hair in general?

Yeah feels nice, legs too.
No need to shave tum it's pretty hairless

Why daily? You shave it once and it takes forever to grow even a tiny bit

My skin is super pale with brown hair. It looks so shitty having have especially being Jow Forums.

I use an electric razor everywhere; arms, legs chest, stomach. My face, shoulders and balls get a wet shave.

*having hair

I dislike hair, I hate lgbt, I am shahar regarding this.
But funny thing is I let the rest of my body grow wildly since I don't use it :^).
But whatever people see is removed.
t. Ahkenazi
Also, i don't like the trimmed look it's gross for pits.

So what's if I'm Ashkenazi.. It doesn't say much since it just means light skinned jew who came from Europe.
Anyways it takes it over a week to look like the trimmed look so daily is overkill.

why would you?

But I see stubbles next day..

Just don't grow hair :^) I only get stubble after 3 days and even then it's tiny.

I only shave my beard and pubic region.