Look at all the attitudes of those complaining about notre dame

>look at all the attitudes of those complaining about notre dame
>all whitoid supremacists
>the same people applauding the christchurch shooting
and you wonder why non wh*toids hate you?

Attached: 926AD13A-8DEF-499F-8A68-A5E5794AEB41.jpg (674x536, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:




>caring about r*ligion
>in the year 12047214092174

>only non whites are annoyed about wh*toid /polS autism

How are these two events even comparable? Dumb frogposter

This was more significant than 9/11. Kys faggot.

This. We based and redpilled white men need to rise up against minorities and women.

Attached: pepe paris.jpg (1300x2048, 272K)

>that pic


Attached: 1555358404339.png (673x619, 459K)

>liking cathedrals built ontop of pagan monuments

I'm not even white you groveling cuck. Why are Americans so fucking dumb?

Did the OP not make it understandable you brainless ape? on this board people praised the christchurch shooter, them turned around and complained about a burning building. Are you really that stupid to not understand?

Good bait

Man I can't imagine what it's like to live your life instantly politicizing and creating narratives around every event that happens. Must be stressful, it can't be good for your mental health to be constantly doing mental gymnastics.

>and you wonder why non wh*toids hate you?
No, I am perfectly aware that we are hated for being better.

fuck chr*stianity

Notre Dame is worth significantly more then the lives of some sandniggers.

It's the truth. Nobody in their right mind would or should care about a new yorker or an american in general. Notre Dame is more important than 9/11.

>liking cathedrals built ontop of pagan monuments
Seems unironically like a Nazi thing.

My asshole is worth more than your family, you german fuck. Your people have historically been hellbent on destroying your continent, whereas my people have made my continent relevant.

>whereas my people have made my continent relevant.
But I don't think you are an Germanic immigrant to North America, are you?

>implying germans were anywhere near as relevant as white anglo saxon protestants
Retard aren't ya?

>This. We based and redpilled white men need to rise up against minorities and women.

Attached: soy notredame.jpg (3362x2240, 953K)

>implying germans
I talked about GERMANIC'S, you know the speakers of Germanic languages which includes the WASPs, Dutch, Norwegians, Danes, swedes?

I concede your point there, but you asked if i was a germanic IMMIGRANT. Germanic immigrants were not relevant in much capacity here. Anglo saxons speak a germanic language but aren't germanic you stupid fuck. Anglo saxons were much more relevant than nazi fucking retards

>Germanic immigrants were not relevant in much capacity here.
youre very wrong actually. They just assimilated so well that you barely know there were shitloads of germans around in the US at one point.

forgot map

Attached: mostcommonancestry.png (1136x568, 255K)

and yet anglo saxons were the most relevant

Losing Notre Dame hurt, but French deserve it.
>oh no le important church, my pride!
>I hate Christianity and we have le demolished tens of thousands of churches since le french revolution
God, I hate the French.


white people are subhumans animals

chilenos son blanco

Major cringe

You can say that once this starts a war. Until then, a shitty tower that DID start a war is more important than an old church that burned down due to French incompetence.

Why are you so enraged?

>Anglo saxons speak a germanic language but aren't germanic
I mean, that depends on your definition of Germanic, certainly they had a large Germanic influence, that's why they are called Anglo SAXONS.

>beautiful structure burns
>human filth cleaned up

I wonder.

Why aren't French immigrants on that map? Also why is there US immigrants included in the US? Who was the retard that made this map?

>*precedes to do nothing but pic related*
wignats are the fucking worse

Attached: 1555435152153.jpg (748x981, 297K)

Me in United States

I believe it's the countries that people describe their ancestors as being from.

I applauded both


wew lads

Attached: Muslims react to terror.png (689x623, 574K)

Video unavailable on mobile by my network :(

absolutely based muzzies

Just look at this, but imagine its about Notre Dame

Attached: Muslims react to terror.png (458x491, 85K)

Oh I believe. I remember other incident responses. Strange how frequently these uncommon and isolated incidents occur where the religion of peace is involved. Probably right wing propaganda makes the issue over sized.

Based and redpilled. It's always people I don't like even when it isn't.

>muh women

Hang yourself

t. cuck

You can leave it all caps, angles were germanic aswell. Mutts dont understand that germanic is a broad cultural and linguistic group.

>tfw the founding stock was wiped out generations ago
so why does it matter if mestizos flood the country again?

Why are you so mad over facebook likes?
This website memes and jokes when Christchurch incident happened are much worse in comparison

I hate these faggot redditfrogs.

France rapes Algeria and destroys Muslim sites and gets butthurt when the mudshits laugh at them

Europeans are the biggest hypocrites on the planet

It's just activists trying to push an agenda.

>Christchurch incident happened are much worse in comparison
Shouldnt you be voting Ahmad?

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Attached: crying wojak.png (785x731, 201K)

French are atheists with a 6% Catholic population. They are at the forefront of destroying churches in the world. France is literally Saudi Arabia of Europe.

They're just crying over a tourist site you dolt.

Attached: 1555426165909.webm (1024x576, 2.46M)

This is 4chinz we just shitpost Ahmeds, relax

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T. Incel.

Do you realize how cringy a crusade against women is? Its half the population. Crazy feminists are the minority. You arent helping your case either, any legitimate concerns about minorities are invalidated in the public eye by cringy shit like anti women sentiment. Nobody would even want to be associated with retards like that.

Anyway the cathedral still looks the same

fuck wood and fuck roofs

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Fuck off dumb fat whore lmao

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>larping as a meme


totally missing the point

Kys piss drinking ass licking roast beef.

Attached: tht.jpg (480x601, 27K)

>no counter arguments
wtf I thought men were smarter than women!?

Wow its almost as if the world is not black and white and that different people have differing opinion on x and y

Its not up for debate. If you can't tell right from wrong and wait for the public to tell you what is right and wrong and to validate or discard your opinions/views you're useless.

If you don't challenge your beliefs to refine them then you can never find the truth, if your beliefs can't win a debate then they aren't very valid.
You're basically promoting an echo chamber and confirmation bias.

Do you realize how retarded and stupid you sound?
Thothery is not okay, faggotry is not okay etc etc.
>if your beliefs can't win a debate then they aren't very valid.
I wouldn't even debate anyone about these topics, its final its wrong, period.
>If you don't challenge your beliefs to refine them then you can never find the truth
Since when do you know anything about the truth as to know how to find it when you're making such retarded statements that are simply not true?
Why would anyone engage you to disprove you simply because you claim to be right until someone does?
You're a whore begging for attention in the form of reactive behaviour toward yourself.
>You're basically promoting an echo chamber and confirmation bias.
I don't care to know what either of those is so i don't even care what you mean to say.
Go fuck yourself you dumb cunt.

lmao seethe retard

>It's fine whitoids do it

Attached: okkk.jpg (467x960, 45K)

Lmao gay nigger jew cunt sniffing faggot.

Still butthurt about losing the world cup, are we?

On a serious note the french gov =/= the French.
Only leftists mega cucks and """"french"""" muslims want to get rid of churches. The govt just thinks about money and destroying our heritage so they go along with it.

>I thought men were smarter than women!?
Generally not true, although there is some evidence for men being more on the extremes.

Fuck off serboid, actual french people hate how the government is so greedy when it comes to renovation of churches and such but we have much more important things to worry about. Also
>Losing Notre Dame
We're not losing it, much of it is fine and it's gonna be rebuilt, simple as.

>Muslims invade your country.
>Destroy your culture
>Destroy your religion
>Destroy your children
>Destroy your homes
>Destroy your businesses
Yeah nothing going on there Frenchy.
Good luck.

Kek I am a guy.

>displaying traits of a woman
>Kek I am a guy.
Faggot at best.
