Why are IQ test so racist?

Why are IQ test so racist?

Attached: panama IQ.png (4000x3044, 2.6M)

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whoa... tall buildings??? I guess spics are geniuses after all!

>zoom in

Attached: 6754471755_d49490ab4d_b.jpg (1024x779, 438K)

>world ranking 23
what? is the human race really that dumb?

Wow wakanda

>Panama City is located on the isthmus connecting North and South America. It had a murder rate 53.1 in 2012.

Attached: panama.jpg (1000x646, 317K)

Boca la Caja is not even that large...

As far as I know, IQ tests are only used by the cool kids on Jow Forums to prove they're "better" than anonymous people. Crazy, isn't it?

it's pretty well known at this point that those stats were rigged and faked as shit, don't worry about it

My IQ is 135 stay mad wh*tes


>murder rate 53.1 in 2012.
Bull shit it has never exceeded the 20s. It is below 10 right now anyway.

Attached: latam murder rate 2018.jpg (2829x2014, 294K)

Are these average IQ statistics even in any way trustworthy? Who did all the testing? Where do these values come from?

No, it's not crazy that your average Mexican would only know as far as that.

IQ doesn't represent critical or habitual thinking so yes low IQ people can have nice countries they just rip them apart more often

Is that Panama? Sorry not good with flags

t. IQlets

Combine this with height statistics. Being a Mexican is suffering.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-17 03:30:31.png (666x239, 21K)

>attempts to disprove city statistics with country wide statistics
Is this the power of 84 IQ?


some are based off of rigorous syntheses of multiple tests administered to representative samples, some are based off of like one test administered in the 60s to retarded kids

Right. I didn't read the "city" after the "Panama" and assumed you were talking about the country since your pick in not from Panamá city.

there are like 5 or 6 countries on a single spot because the numbers are the same

sure my friend, sure...

It’s really a hard to swallow pill for me that there are less than two dozen countries in this world with an average iq higher than 84

>avert your eyes and look at the glass dildoes

Attached: Panama-City.jpg (760x515, 72K)

as long as they're all way above 100 cause that still makes the 6th country come in 6th place
23rd being so low is still baffling

Another pic of Boca la Caja. Truly the real face of the country...

Attached: Look at size of that slum. wow..png (1325x823, 326K)

I don't see how its racist but its clearly biased. People who does maths will be better. Or simply people that trains to do IQ tests.

>Or simply people that trains to do IQ tests.
There is still a certain upper limit due to genetics. Eventually you get diminishing returns with training.

>b-but the glass dildoes are representative of the country

You sound like someone who knows his IQ. What is it, huh?

Yeah but saying stuff like "Africa has a low iq" cause of genetics its stupid. It's obvious they score worse than us, I mean half of them probably don't even go to school. They have worse problems than IQ score lmao

I actually don't. Maybe I'm actually retarded. Does a tall man need to start height threads?

Attached: download (11).gif (425x481, 1.51M)

I mean.. Glass dildos certainly are an icon for in every city they are built on.

>Yeah but saying stuff like "Africa has a low iq" cause of genetics its stupid. It's obvious they score worse than us, I mean half of them probably don't even go to school. They have worse problems than IQ score lmao
If Africans are well fed and have 25% european admixture, they have around 85 IQ apparently. Source: African-Americans.

IQ is highly heritable, but just like height it's affected by malnutrition, disease, etc.
>The heritability of IQ for adults is between 57% and 73%[6] with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[7] and 86%.[8] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults.
From above, it's bullshit to include IQ results for children in those country wide stats.

I will have to take a legitimate IQ test soon desu

Say I would be doing no math at all vs. doing it, how much would the IQ change?

how many people that have been murdered do you know?
isnt central america like hell on earth

None. I've known people who have been mugged, though.
>isnt central america like hell on earth
From Guatemala to Nicaragua, yes.

Before the revolts, Nicaragua was extremely safe

That's true. But they were still a dictatorship, so.

Strange. I see no difference between black and whites here. Usually immigrants and poors are the dumbest. Like half of slavs ended up in the "special class"(class for retards) during balkans wars. Genetics probably has some influence but I think a lot comes from your parents and the situation you grow up in. I doubt people like Obama has a 85 iq

>. I doubt people like Obama has a 85 iq
OK, He's half-white and 85 is the average. Obviously not everybody in a sample have the same average.
>Like half of slavs ended up in the "special class"(class for retards) during balkans wars.
Do you mean Albanians? I know there is a large Albanian diaspora in Switzerland.

Attached: pisa-mathematics.jpg (650x607, 187K)

>have the same average.
*has the same result as the average.

Attached: stats.jpg (1300x816, 149K)