Short got liquidated

>short got liquidated
>punched my notebook
>pic related

fucking hell

Attached: FUCK.jpg (2340x4160, 762K)

That's an autistic spaceship, not a notebook

timestamp or fuck off


>bear faggot

these are hte people who browse biz. absoluate fucking faggots

i'd literally kms

What do you think cost you more, the laptop or the liquidation?

thanks for the self confidence boost, always realizing there are people so much more fucking retarded than me on this planet

ahahahah your money is gone


You deserve it.

you mad manchild? back to work, enjoy slaving away to get back to where you were



Neck yourself you pathetic excuse of a human being

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You have an HDMI cable and a modern TV. You'll be fine.

>It's bear hunting season

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Why would you short you gay faggot? Also invest in some anger management courses. I hope you don't have children


Don't worry OP windows saved the current session to disk, you can relive that moment once you get that screen fixed!

All these salty poorfags insulting Alienware. Must have hodl’ed shitcoins at peak.
>tfw use Alienware in class
>beta nerd comes over to me, “heh, c-could have saved m-money by building your own”
Seems every incel is a poor Jew coupon cutter.

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We Instagram now, why don't you show us your latte too?

>build your own laptop
How does this even work

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says the absolute child that punched their computer because they're a degenerate gambling retard
yeah OP, just tell everyone to kill themselves, it makes you look like less of a bag of dicks

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yeah that will keep your virginity safe

panties drop when i unpack my i9 macbook pro though

- $300
>can't stop losing

Incel faggots always say this because the get to go”AWTUALLY U CAN, YOU SEE” then they go on some endless diatribe about how it’s technically possible. Literally peak autism.

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Yep never fucking with that shit

lmao incels btfo. mbp is more my thing btw


Is that Vitalik?

MacBook pros are really nice, I use one at my job. The ease of use for work related tasks are way ahead of windows.

No, it’s probably a partial clone though, the United States wants their own vitalik.

OP you forgot to change VPN

nice blog faggot

>on a throttling MBP

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You will un ironically never make it if you don't learn how to control your emotions. If not you are not better than any other roastie..

just another testnet bait.

fuck you biz, it's all lies. worthless board.



this times a thousand.

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hi Jow Forums
bad meme you have there, it handles my workflow better than whatever you're using, I would bet. Now compare it to a non-Apple laptop of similar price and you might have a point, but even so my work doesn't involve anything that would make it "throttle"

>but even so my work doesn't involve anything that would make it "throttle"
>t. i work in HR

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I'm webdev you nigger. You can put that merchant in front of any laptop manufacturer logo by the way

You deserve it you fucking emotional nancy


Model name? Usually it's really easy and pretty cheap to replace the monitor.

>he thinks that webdev is a real job

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>punched your laptop because you were angry
how old are you?

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This image came from reddit, some guy got that laptop like that for free and referbished the screen

fuck off op


Wow feels like I'm back in 2004

lmao op btfo

>shorting the beginning of the next market cycle
>punching laptop
there's no need to season yourself for the whales, you know; bear is appetizing enough as-is.

also, we know you buy high and sell low because you can't control your emotions. trading isn't for people with emotions. especially if you can't control them. you deserve to be poor. please close all of your margin accounts, IRAs, 401k, whatever investments you have and just put your money in a savings account. or under your bed.


literally saw this on imgur in a monitor replacement guide post.

m8 is this entire thread just a fucking giggle to u

Now you have an opportunity to get a new computer that isn't made for man-children.


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>Steve Jobbs wanted to call the MacBook the pantydropper but female PR advisor pushed back
she got her way but she was still fired

puta you punch like a bitch ese

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are you

To celebrate your failure on degenerate gambling you destroy more of your property. Good job user.

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bears BTFO

you deserve it, degenerate gambler

>no timestamp
>is a larping faggot


>getting two teachable moments for the price of two

Attached: justwokeup.jpg (526x567, 44K)

>p-panties drop when i take out my laptop
wish that monitor was your fucking face

Timestamp is required, OP.
Also, you in the related pic.

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Lol and he punched his computer, autism

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