>nooo how can war torn middle eastern countries have happier people + more birth rates + better food than my scandinavian paradises
meanwhile some snowniqqer killed himself as you read this roFL fuck wh*Tes
>nooo how can war torn middle eastern countries have happier people + more birth rates + better food than my scandinavian paradises
meanwhile some snowniqqer killed himself as you read this roFL fuck wh*Tes
you right
Then why are they all flooding into here?
Because their shitholes suck and only larpers on the internet claim its good
inshallah we will take over and create a new country of happier people + more birth rates + better food+ scandinavian women
I doubt that they’re happier
They're coming over to fill the vacuum.
I don't think a Muslim would immigrate to your irrelevant shithole with ooga booga tier language.
Doesn’t Ghana have one of the highest suicide rates?
Is that why they all migrate to scandinavia?
>that pic
>yellow skin
Nice cope, Abdullah.
Guyana. Because pajeets there realise their lives are dead end or something.
why do natives kill themselves so much
I should've made it brown + yellow. Sorry for not representing you correctly slavshit.
They fucking would you shitskin and you know it
>no connection to the modern country
>culture totally assravaged and non-existent
>no prospects of advance
Why the fuck would anyone leave a war-torn country, to go to a shittier country, that looks war-torn in peace lmao
>tfw shitskin mudslim says you are not white
I like Turk posters