Are there people more repulsive than Arabs?

Are there people more repulsive than Arabs?

>they look like literal swarthy cave manlet creatures with unibrows
>they worship some savage barbarian desert cult
>their language sound like orc speech from mordor
>they are "incelishy" agressive and attack people in packs like niggers, but are afraid to go 1v1
>they are stupid and childish, act immature all the time

Nothing of value would be lost if entire Middle East(men mostly) would get genocided. It should be repopulated by European settlers to bred Arab women. Spare Iran though, they are fine people.

Attached: 1553457512118.jpg (1236x720, 84K)

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Although Indians seem kinda seem innocent in their ways like they just don't know better.

Their women are hella cute though

Attached: abo_woman.jpg (700x500, 109K)

I agree. Indians and Pakis seem to act like little children that don't even understand the world they live in.

>rape a woman
Don't worry bro
>behead someone
Don't worry, bro
>burn woman alive
Don't worry, bro. Everything fine?

>Their women are hella cute though
Arab women look/act like cunts, no wonder Arab men treat them like shit.

You can't say this isn't art lol.

Harmless compared to Arabs

Strong Euro crusader genes.

They might be innocent but your attitude regarding way of life and society make you far from innocent and a sociopathic borderline piece of shit. Get help, bitch.

That's true. They're mostly harmful to themselves.

>ahmed al-sahauron


>western flag
>defends shitskins
How fucking predictable.

Attached: westerners on 4chan.png (1608x1265, 992K)

wtf i hate dell computers now

Those are clearly how he thinks Indians and Pakistanis view the world.

>motherbitch banchod reeee

I think Arabs have the best pajama parties
Lesbian couples in the middle east?

Attached: AP0606080176321402771690-1402-1409.jpg (1484x1080, 77K)

>of course i am an arab, how did you know?

Attached: 32f.jpg (680x794, 33K)

Turks aren't Arab.

He is actually a Tajik ARYAN who lives in Moscow


This is who you were talking to. I'm just calling out a sociopath because he is one.

Attached: north_atlantid.jpg (1125x1669, 289K)