Be American

>be American
>build gun because it is my god given right
>gun explodes and gives you eye-shrapnel
>no money for hospital, would rather go blind than to get into debt

Attached: file.png (750x1294, 623K)

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Reminder that the gun nuts only live in irrelevant flyover states

alpha af

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Lol I live in Miami

Stay mad retard


>the arsehurt Jow Forumstards in that thread
top kek

>going to the hospital makes you a parasite

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So there's no need to genocide them because natural selection is taking care of it? It's a win-win in my books.

>He'd rather lose his vision than his pride
This dude is cucked beyond repair
>that ad
My fucking sides.

Attached: ebin irony.png (1304x1001, 676K)

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Apparently not even paying medical bills doesn't hurt your credit score and all you get are annoying phone calls.

>>gun explodes and gives you eye-shrapnel
how does that even happen?

By trying to DIY a gun

I have a bunch of medical "debt" I'll never pay. But yeah i have a good credit score (750) and those missed payments never show on my report.
I just cant go to certain hospitals, but thats okay.

>build gun


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guns are mechanical devices, just like you can build an engine from different parts you can do the same, but even easier, with guns

>iT jUsT aInT rIgHt
maybe you retards should rise up then for fucks sake

how the hell do you think guns are made?

Chamber probably wasn’t perfectly aligned with the barrel so a round exploded right in his face as he was looking down the sight and fired

Needless to say he’s never firing a gun again lol

Hes retarded if he has no real income a lot if states would automatically sign him up for Medicaid, if not he should have signed himself up and all of those aside do you know how many hospital bills arent paid?

She was clearly as parasite, desu.

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Basically true, the reason we have tylenol billed at $40 is to cover all the people who dont pay their bill.

>be French

Shut up you fucking nigger mongrel

Do Americans really do this?

Get the fuck out out Vietnam you fucking disgusting yank.

>Reminder that the gun nuts only live in irrelevant flyover states

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Don't you have a molehill to burrow into?