Gave in and ordered a 10$ subway sandwhich. I hate myself
Its over bros
Pic related is my shame
you could get cheaper food. What a waste of money
Does it really cost that much there? The most expensive ones cost 5$ here
>not toasted
Do people do this in 3rd world countries?
yeah would cost extra to heat
That's actually worth 6.99 American dollars and given that it's delivered, it's a pretty decent deal
Where I live it's like $14 just for a foot-long with basic as fuck ingredients (I only get chicken, lettuce and mayo). Then again pretty much everything in Australia is over-priced as fuck.
>6,2€ for a footlong italian bmt delivered to your door
that's cheap
>5 different sauces
>italian bmt
that's delicious af im hungry now fuck
that's fucking based though
except pizza right? how much is a pizza
About $11 for a large one at my local place.
subway is shit here now man, went to one a few months back and they'd change everything. Absolute garbage
Yep, the chicken is basically like artificial rubber bits, and they put barely any in and just stuff it full to overflowing with lettuce. Plus they're all Indian and I can't understand a goddamn word they say.
Sauce on that pic?
granted local take away is much cheaper but dominoes, pizza hut, papa johns and the sort are overpriced to shit here
Dominoes is cheaper than most local places here, but they are also complete fucking garbage in terms of quality. Absolutely revolting, like eating cold rubber. I would pay $50 for a pizza before ever eating from Dominoes again.
FACT: Meatball Mariana is easily the best sub. Furthermore patricians ask for extra pickles.
You have subway in Pakistan?
Forgot to add: Once I found pubes in my Pizza, still ate it though. I have a pube eating fetish.
the pizza sub with old english cheese was the best
What's subway in singapore like, lah?
Subway in Singapore is halal.
It's kuruminha, Brazilian meme
I know, I'm talking about this specific pic