This is the Norwegian Notre Dame

This is the Norwegian Notre Dame

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what is the name


This is the italian Notre Dame

Attached: duomo-milano.jpg (1280x720, 298K)

And this

Attached: duomo-di-firenze.jpg (1688x1125, 1007K)

Looks better than Notre Dame desu. It looks really aesthetic and comfy.

Wow, I didn't know people could build such things

belgian knock off version of ND

Attached: Saint-Michel-et-Gudule.jpg (800x942, 558K)

Ti piacerebbe

Also this

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this is Finnish Notre Dame

Attached: petäjäveden kirkko.jpg (1200x800, 463K)

looks shit

This one also

Attached: duomo-di-siena.jpg (550x413, 59K)

no need to be rude you subhuman pigfucker


It all looks the same

This is the scanian notre dame

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Is it still there?

Attached: 75D2A078-9E13-4814-A36E-1F5A1814F633.jpg (300x400, 43K)

And dis

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my favourite cathedral in the world desu, the interior is fantastic and refreshing during summer

this is the west German nortre Dame

Attached: images (1).jpg (310x162, 7K)

This is the notre dame of vpsal

Attached: 256px-Uppsala_Cathedral_in_February.jpg (256x182, 14K)

this is the canuck notre dame

Attached: ottawanotredame.jpg (336x420, 21K)

this is the east German nortre dame

Attached: frauenkirche.jpg (900x645, 151K)

This is the notre dame of gotland

Attached: 166.jpg (480x556, 59K)

we fuck pigs like you pekka

Attached: pavimento-duomo-siena.jpg (1167x783, 390K)

This is English notre Dame but bigger and better

Attached: lincoln-cathedral-4-web_480_320_c1_c_c_0_0_1.jpg (480x320, 132K)

Denmark: based and redpilled
Finland: cringe and bluepilled (and non white)

kan jeg få et svar

The Dutch equivalent

Attached: Delft new church.jpg (3648x5472, 1.77M)

Danes are orange people

brings me back, plus siena had the best gelato I've ever had, I shall revisit it next year

Well it sure is better than Notre Dame because at least it's not another gay gothic cathedral

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This is the Norwegian Notre Dame

Built when Norway was the most important Scandinavian country, and when Trondheim was our capital and the biggest city in Scandinavia (Nidaros)

wow, I will bookmark this thread now

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The Dom is better

>Built when Norway was the most important Scandinavian country

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When you make an average church...

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...but the painter is called Giotto

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That's cool as fug actually
Straight out of a fantasy movie

The Dom is probably a better choice, I was thinking New Church because that's where William of Orange is buried and all.

Might just be that I live near Delft though

shitalians aren't people

>tfw Portugal has a better church then Norway

Attached: Screenshot_20190417-070254_Gallery.jpg (720x1280, 622K)

The people that built that weren't shitailains they were Lombtards

It was the largest structure on earth until a tower collapsed and then the Germans started building bigger ones

This is the Hawaiian Notre dame

Attached: Laie-Hawaii-Temple-Front.jpg (4000x2666, 1.04M)

Actually, this is

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Notway has never been the most important nordic nation. That was always denmark


Lol motherfucking Minecraft looking-ass church

Someone should repair the dome

This comes close to Georgian Notre Dame, I think?
Please don't bully

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what a shame if...

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Wtf, why is Sweden so far beyond Norway and Finland?

norway was the most important country during the viking age.

why do you make threads like this?
pic related is the actual norwegian notre dame.

Attached: Nidarosdomen.jpg (647x709, 140K)

I suppose this is ours. Built in 1500.

Attached: Vilniaus Šv. Onos bažnyčia.jpg (2048x1367, 495K)

In the 13th century, not the viking age. It didn't last long though and after the kalmar union we've been irrelevant

Sure, but don't hire yellow vests

Although I like the interrior of St. Paul and Peters church better.

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i like it

This is the Turkish Notre Dame


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This is the polish notre dame.

Attached: Zdzis+éaw Beksin¦üski - 1985 (10).jpg (1700x1712, 740K)

Contrary to what precious Sabaton has told you, Norway was actually relevant in the 13th century, specifically.


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All shit

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>Norway was actually relevant in the 13th century, specifically
Norway was stronger and much richer in the 8th-9th centuries.

This is the Notre Dame of Kiruna (population when constructed: ~7000)

Attached: Kiruna_kyrka_main_view.jpg (3163x2379, 2.84M)

Wait a people here post churches not dedicated to virgin Mary and call it "their version Notre Dame"?

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I don't want to bust out the
>let me tell you about your country
meme, so please don't make me.
Norway, under Håkon IV in the middle of the 13th century, reached its medieval peak. We had just annexed Iceland and he was planning more incursions into Sweden.
The vikings didn't leave anything permanent of note, and they certainly weren't as militarily powerful as Håkon IV's Norway.

>Under Haakon's rule, medieval Norway is considered to have reached its zenith or golden age. His reputation and formidable naval fleet allowed him to maintain friendships with both the pope and the Holy Roman Emperor, despite their conflict. He was at different points offered the imperial crown by the pope, the Irish high kingship by a delegation of Irish kings, and the command of the French crusader fleet by the French king. He amplified the influence of European culture in Norway by importing and translating contemporary European literature into Old Norse, and by constructing monumental European-style stone buildings. In conjunction with this he employed an active and aggressive foreign policy, and at the end of his rule added Iceland and the Norse Greenland community to his kingdom, leaving Norway at its territorial height.


comfy and humblepilled

I like this one too

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okay so basically peak norway was annexing a worthless shit island, and PLANNING to do other things?
wow that is truly peak performance right there, incredible norwegian kingdom, or dare I say empire?

I think it would look better without the gold statues


Attached: norway kingdom.png (1008x567, 144K)

It's a shame that some people learn their history by listening to sabaton instead of paying attention in class.
I've given you the correct knowledge, it's up to you how you want to react to it.
Have a good day!

this is what I'm talking about

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Not true Evropa. Pic related is trve Evropa

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ok LARPagan

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Pic related is trve Evropa

According to Norse Sagas, in 865 the legendary Viking chief Ragnar Lodbrok fell into the hands of King Ælla of Northumbria. Ælla allegedly had Ragnar thrown into a snake pit. It is said that Ragnar's enraged sons, taking advantage of political instability in England, recruited the Great Heathen Army, which landed in the Kingdom of East Anglia that year. There is no proof that this legend has any basis in history, however, it is known that several of the Viking leaders grouped their bands together to form one great army that landed in the kingdom of East Anglia to start their attempted conquest of England in 866.[11][12]

By the late 9th century, the Vikings had overrun most of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that constituted England at the time.

In 869, the Vikings returned to East Anglia. This time King Edmund fought; possibly at Hellesdon near Norwich, or Hoxne – I believe the map below shows Hoxne. The East Anglians fought, and lost:

In that year St Edmund the king fought against them and the Danes took the victory, killed the king and overcame all the land. They destroyed all the churches they came to; the same time they came to Peterborough, they burned and broke, killed the Abbot and monks and all they found here. They made which was very great such that it became nothing. (Anglo Saxon Chronicle)

Here England found itself a patron saint. King Edmund was apparently given the choice of death, or abandoning his religion. He Chose death. The vikings tied him to an Oak tree – and filled him full of arrows. They cut off his head and the the head into the bushes. When the Anglo Saxons crept from their hiding places they came looking for the head – and the head cried out ‘here, here’ – and so it was found. A miracle!

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>Waaaah, Anglos executed our ravaging retard of a father, waaaah. How dated they!
Ragnar deserved what he got.

This is the American Notre Dame it has a Darth Vader head.

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absolute cringe
Εὐρώπη was a Phoenician princess, and thus has much more to do with Christ than g*Rm-anic """paganism""

This is the Faroese notre dame, well, actually older, so maybe notre dame was inspired by this beauty. Too bad they have taken the grass roof off.

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Yeah and blacks built the pyramids

Ç'est notre Dame :(

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how do you call this style? cyber-gothic?

Can't wait till black metal band members to burn it down.

what about this one

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3 elevated things, gg no re
