Ugly flag

ugly flag

Attached: 111.png (570x600, 2K)

ugly people

inb4 a fucking leaf


red white and blue flags physically can't be ugly

The black represents Germans adoption of fascism in the 1940s as Stalin prepared the invasion of Ugandan clay,the red symbolises the great death of Hanz The 3rd of the brief easy of the Rhine holy Roman federation as he did of sífilis, finally the yellow represents the burning of an orphanage in the 70s in Germany that killed many yellow teddy bears common in the region.


they can, though it needed Americans for that

Attached: rojigualda ondeando.jpg (1055x756, 170K)



I agree it should be this one instead

Attached: reichsflagge.png (1280x853, 1K)

The flag of the german empire was the single most kino tricolor flag ever, shame they replaced it with this piece of shit

t. Red, White, Blue faggot

Black, Red and Yellow is honestly a pretty nice flag and I have learned to like it

Flags with black on 'em are rare and it's not super easy to make 'em work. I personally don't mind the german flag, it has very warm colours and looks, dare I say it, comfy.

Fucking Kaisercuck get out of here.

Black, Red and Gold are the colors of the PEOPLE



Attached: kaiser_wilhelm_ii_on_horseback_by_kraljaleksandar-d4ohmbe.jpg (600x600, 83K)


Attached: images (3).png (678x452, 9K)


Attached: Preußen.png (1399x840, 44K)

Because it breaks the rule of tincture.


Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_German_Democratic_Republic.svg.png (1200x720, 105K)


hey i think like both these flags. if the germans switched the red and the yellow around it would look much better. right now it just looks like a weird fade.

its looks like an upside down sunset.