If everyone was brown, there would be no such thing as race tensions...

If everyone was brown, there would be no such thing as race tensions. Give me one reason why we shouldn't have only one race on this planet.

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Look at Brazilian favelas to see your theory in action

Just coexist lol.

>If everyone was brown, there would be no such thing as race tensions
I am brown, and I wanna kill mudslimes. What now?

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if everyone was retarded, we wouldn't have any race, class or gender tension. give me one reason why we shouldn't have babies chemically damage in the womb


There would just be colourism instead which you see in the black community.

The problem in brazil is poverty, not the fact that they're brown

if everyone was brown then nobody is brown. and people will draw lines in a new trait.

because you are a fucking retard if you think race is the only source of conflicts
in fact its a very recent and minor one

Brazilian favelas

So maybe everyone should be rich instead of brown moron

Shia vs Sunni
Huttus vs Tutsis
South Korea vs Best Korea

its almost like race is a neglectable factor that got blown up over the last years and the tensions are manyfold

It's more about nationalities nowadays than it is about race anyway.

what about both brown and prosperous?

You're retarded. If everyone was one race people would find something else to get mad over.

It would be aesthetically tedious and mankind would doesn't reach its full potential by the synergy of multiple ethnicity group which each member has some advantages and drawbacks based at his DNA.

Not in modern progressive society. Race is the final barrier

we are already people of color

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Didn't your government ban you niggers from posting here.

why should everyone be brown instead of, you know, white?

so you better start impregnating latinas and africans, so we can have cute babies

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coz white gene is recessive.

>start discriminating over minor traits like eye shape and hair texture instead
>eventually become exactly the same
>different ideologies would still exist

it's pointless

Brown people already discriminate over skin tone and how dark you are, so they'll just move to that or some other dumb trait like teeth or skull size

we would be like a bunch of gray masses like in that Fairy Oddparents episode, it would be boring af to only see girls of the same race everyday

Yes there would. Black people already discriminate against each other based on how dark they are. Indians too, South Koreans, Japanese, etc

>If everyone was brown, there would be no such thing as race tensions
>What is latin america

same race, but different ethnics still genocide each other all the time, you imbecile

Everyone should mix except those of noble blood, like the medditerranean race

Let's all genetically engineer ourselves to be aboriginals.


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