Is it easy to get a hapa gf in you are cunt?
Greece. No
Is it easy to get a hapa gf in you are cunt?
Greece. No
Probably, easier to get a normal chink though
Not that I would know
>gets millions of female tourists from all over europe
>masturbates to cherry picked 2/10 slants
mental illness
>mental illness
this is your typical example of stupid white boys going after ugly Asian woman and being none the wiser. Girls with that body type grow up to be the type of girl in the picture I am posting
well they just look better man
I think you have mental illness
Are you on Jow Forums 20 hours a day? Get a life freak
yeah... can't wait for this "asian women are superior" meme to die out. Why can't white guys go for QT black women or MED women? They are superior in EVERY WAY possible.
>why arent you attracted to eur*pean women? what about our europa?
this, if your white and in china. just go for literally the hottest girl in the room.
Dude fat Asians are literally the worse type of phenotype out there. They don't age nicely like skinny Asians and your kids will inherit fat genes
I always knew Germans were smart. Too bad the soys out there are in their echo chambers crying over a pygmy idol of an "asian" "woman".
haha you are the soyboy here.....
just shut up
She is a hapa you idiot not Asian. She was THICC but now she is into fitness and looks even better
I have never seen a hapa in real life
Her fat genes are typical "fat Asian" and did not come from her white side. Trust me you don't want to invest alot of time in a poor quality low tier Asian. You will be disappointed long time
I'm Algerian
> Seething
Sorry, when you get past the age of 16, you'll understand the world doesn't actually worship Asian women and that it is all a weeb meme.
I have never seen a hapa in Greece saw a few in London and Paris they are rare outside certain hotspots (US West Coast, Australia etc)
Nothing more embarrassing than a loser white guy and his ugly Asian gf
Says the asian incel that chimped out over a 3/10 jewess with an asian husband
Well Im past the age of 16 and I still worship them and thats all that counts, you loser fag
Why would I care? Clearly they are both genius level scholars who would have a hard time finding partners that could relate on a high intellectual level
the west coast has always been a place for degeneracy. dating all the way back to the gold rush and the prostitution camps of chinese worker women who whored themselves out to white miners why their Qing husbands were away working on the railroad.
ever since then the west coast has been fucked. Las Vegas, then the movie industry moving there. The West coast is like the US except addicted to drugs and sex.
>Why would I care?
But you did you spammed the picture on the left across several boards many times. If you keep spamming my threads with your asian incel autism I will do the same to your threads. Get a life freak
>is it easy to get literal GODDESS?
I wish, but I'm not white ;_;
That's her husband
You don't understand how anonymous image boards work, do you?
not super difficult if you're on the west coast, in a big city, or near a university.
very easy if you are in hawaii.
>loser on gear gets with Asian woman with bad genetics
And people wonder why WMAF ends badly
Dude just stop. This is a small board everyone here knows about the asian reddit incels and r/hapas. Are you autistic?
Ok, because one guy did something bad means that all of them are bad?
makes sense
>worshiping a low quality Asian woman
Plenty of better ones out there and they aren't hard to find
explain hawaii
It's a pattern. Go to reddit to see the millions of seething sons of WMAF couples who grew up with fathers who saw their own children as subhuman
She is half Japanese. How is she low quality? Because she used to be chubby? For an incel you have unrealistic standards
Near everyone is mixed in Hawaii
This probably comes as somewhat of a culture shock for you but being born with fat genetics like that girl is not looked highly upon in Asian cultures where women are expected to be thin. She is the literal definition of a leftover woman
Cherry-picked examples
I still love asian girls, you cant change my mind
no, unless you are wealthy or a hapa aswell it is pretty much impossible
Nothing wrong with liking Asian girls, but intentionally going after the ugly ones with low self esteem is kinda sad
coleman chung look like filfthy frank so much, cant unsee
What no, even among asian she would not be considered fat. Shes a slightly chubby at most and I would date that girl from op. t Asian
Yeah OK dude nice cope get your incel reddit friends to do some research maybe she in not even Japanese but actually Filipino or something
look at her pictures , sure she might work out now but being a fatty is her ultimate form
lots of old assimilated asian mix families that are okay with mixing more
You come across as very bitter and pathetic just wanted to tell you that
>research on some random no name chick
You seem like the type of simp who would but an instawhore stuff on her amazon wishlist
Why does saying asian girls are beautiful cause so much butthurt?
White worshiping asian incels get butthurt
>defending random girl on the internet
I'm pretty sure she would recoil in disgust if she met you irl
I dont know but it happens everytime
for some odd reason
They look different enough from everyone else to be controversial I guess. Also a lot of men will seek them out purely to spite women of other races. I find them very pretty though.
No because we only have Asians that come to work and are kind of old (30 minimum and usually older) or their daughters after they married a lonely guy/old man whose wife died and Jews mixed with Asians especially SEA that come to work here don't look too great usually.
Pretending she is "low quality" or ugly while r/asianmasculinity is full of incels and tinder help threads is very pathetic and a major cope and everyone ITT knows it.
probably they have all been rejected by asian girls and now they hate them
Because guys who do that always end up having the worse taste in Asian women.
lol, as if other women dont get fat after getting married. its about a person's discipline and their view on life. If anything id say the white women are the fat race because they are disproportionately a lot fatter than asian women.
Coming from an Asian, that chick is low quality. You can easily find a better Asian chick without too much effort on your part. Worshiping some random girl whose pictures you stole for the purposes of trolling angry hapas is just pathetic.
I like them and can confirm that I'm guilty of this.
Γαμώ την Ασία kαι τους gooks
I am not worshiping her you cuck I randomly found out about her a week ago
well, american white at least. dont know much about the europeans.
>grew up in Thailand
>moved to the U.S as a kid
>went back to visit old school 15 years later
>all the female teachers were still thin, in shape and looked like they hard hardly aged more than a few years
Being a fat Asian female is considered shameful. Women who have fat genetics have a hard time finding mates in a part of the world where being thin is the norm. Westerners are not used to this concept due to the high rates of obesity in western countries and the fact that white women tend to hit the wall hard at 25
lol, the girl from op pic is not fkn fat. Also theres no fat genetic, just lazy fucks. I assume you are just an insecure asian man whos scared of competition. I grew up in Burma and Malaysia I saw a lot of women who has the same weight as her and there was no shaming them.
redpill me on "fat asian" genes? provide picture examples please
their diets are better and they are more inclined to walk to public transit
>no fat genetics
>live in NZ
Medical science disagrees with you and the sheer amount of fat Maori women is proof of it
Keep forgetting how many roasties are on this board.
thats why i said just lazy people.
Really? did not know that
No, it has already been proven that certain populations are more inclined to be fat due to having evolved in enviorments where going through periods of starvation was common so fat storage being a thing
Fun fact; Rice has a hilariously high amount of calories compared to wheat (11.5 mil per acre vs 4.5 mil) so Asian people tended to have more food (less protein due to not having to make up for the lack of calories as much)
maybe but it doesnt mean they cant choose not to be fat. I have many islanders friends arent obese anymore. Also asian women fa..
>its not me! its one of the other loser Chinese incels!!
get a life loser. no one will ever take you seriously unless you're willing to fight, and we both know you're too much of a bitch
Hapa girls are sociopaths my last girlfriend was a notorious liar and would falsify entire stories about everything.
The wall defeats them all, It is better who get a woman who is naturally think vs one who is naturally fat and will revert to that form once she stops giving a shit
ive been with with Asian and other types who were just like that, I wouldn't assume that of the whole group just because of one though
Most hapa guys ive met have been mentally ill though.
Hapa girls often lie and pretend not to be Asian (knew one who pretended to be Israeli and one who pretended to be Hawaiian) because they thought being Asian was shameful and lowered their status
i have a hapa friend, hes intelligent, handsome and cool but he isnt very social. hes like scot/flip.
nah, its hard to assess if someone is "fat gene" or has just really shit lifestyle. I will go with that someone take care of themselves instead of worrying about does she have "fat gene".
Imagine being attracted to a 5 at most slut like this
I posted her as a realistic gf goal someone that is on Jow Forums could possibly have. Do you want me to post supermodels? Jeez why is everyone ITT so autistic and weird?
geez, how short are her legs..
what the fuck is a hapa
lol, shes way above average i will tell you as someone whos around asian a lot.
If only you knew how bad things really were
A Finn
a finn
I forget this is NZ and most of the Asians there are rat faced Hong Kongers
Didn't say she is average she is above average but a realistic relatable goal gf for some people here.
Here is another qt af hapa (chinese anglo) with her boyfriend and honestly I think I am better looking than him so there is hope
>collecting WMAF pictures
>accuses other people of having an agenda
>pro-suicide aussie has yerrow fever
Makes all sense now
gl man.
nope. more like this
>implying you don't have thousands of STPeach pictures saved and don't give her 25% of your neetbux every month
Good one