You wake up in rural Romania

You wake up in rural Romania

Attached: 1555344943080.webm (360x240, 2.86M)

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Fucking lol

me in the middle

How do you say "sopa de macaco, uma delicia" in romanian?

supă de gălățean, un deliciu

Looks like Vaslui county or some nearby shithole

What the fuck. I though you were Romance brothers

Macaco in Romanian is Maimuta
He's a cuck from Transylvania and was making fun of the city of Galati

Just another day in the rural area

Erdély is the only part of Romania that isn't a complete shitshow

Bucharest, Iasi, Constanta and Northern Wallachia are alright

>let me tell you about your country part 16983: electric boogaloo

Which part of Romania isn't rural

>lots of gypsies
>no work
>only entartinement are bars
>average wage is 300€ a month

so whats the difference with rural france ?

60% of it

rip Dama Noastra


Attached: 3434232.jpg (1128x634, 319K)

If you mean which parts are minimally developed outside of the major cities, Oltenia, the Danube and Harghita are ok.

is Rulment still spinning for 50 coins

yes and it still has the disable hawking knick-knacks or peasant hawking watermelons on it.

I go home. Easy thread, easy win.

is easy get a job in romania?

we lack alot of labour force in the western side and on the seaside. so, yeah

Extremely good and cheap internet to ease the suffering with shitposting

Attached: awet4.png (831x206, 25K)

Mein ancestors :)

Extremely, only retards and old people are still left over there. Massive skill shortages in practically any advanced industry or service you can name.

That’s more than enough for any self respecting individual.

>so whats the difference with rural france ?
Better wages and (probably) less stabing

>tfw net minimum wage in Greece is 480 euros
Will we soon aspire to become Romania? When does this ride end?

Not quite that bad.
It'll take us 5-10 years to overtake you.

Attached: q235q325m.png (1000x808, 85K)

rural eastern europe is literally like the middle ages

What in the fuck? I'm still capped at 1MB/s download, 4GB cap.

This. I legitimately cannot comprehend how there are Bulgarians, but not only Bulgarians but Bulgarian women in their early 20s who are also neither ugly nor fat, who actually enjoy waking up to this shit

If I had to wake up to pic related every day I would unironically kys on the first year

Attached: 1551730305414.jpg (1280x851, 428K)

Is this seriously a thing in the West?
Unlimited gigabyte internet is like 5-10 euros per month here

Attached: 1516841416476.png (396x468, 293K)

Attached: space-ghost-stare.jpg (182x210, 21K)

this guy come up to you and starts a conversation

wat do?

É o fim.

Tell him I don't have any money to give

he's slovakian or slovenian from what I picked in some other vids of him


Anatolian Celts btfo


Never heard of wifi cap desu