Peruvian Ex-president shot himself before arrest.
Unnoficial sources claim that he died a few minutes ago.
Peruvian Ex-president shot himself before arrest.
Unnoficial sources claim that he died a few minutes ago.
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Nothing of value etc.
Fucking based
Wtf I love alan now.
Peru will try their best
Is corruption rare in Peru?
what a wonderful morning
It is as common as sand niggers in your country, you fucking frog
holy shit no
its a complete septic infection all over both private and public systems
Yes. Most, if not all, of our previous presidents that are alive, are being chased down or investigated for corruption.
Things are as chaotic in every institution possible.
>in latinamerica
Even Chile has huge cases of corruption, but since we have a good PR team the world is mostly unaware of it.
These are all the living ex-presidents of Peru:
>Francisco Morales Bermudez: ex-dictator, serving life in prison
>Alan Garcia: just shot himself when police tried to arrest him, may be dead already
>Alberto Fujimori: ex-dictator, in prison
>Alejandro Toledo: wanted for corruption, living in exile in the US, currently fighting extradition
>Ollanta Humala: under arrest
>Pedro Kuczynski: under arrest
The result of the most recent presidential election in Peru
The Jew who won was eventually impeached, apparently.
And his opponent is also under arrest for being involved in the same scandal.
That is a bit strange. You usually have corruption when it is worth it. If the peruvian justice is competent enough to jail them, why does this keep happening?
Four of them got caught up in the same scandal that's hitting all of Latin America.
So it is just an one-hit wonder?
This is 20 years of corruption. They're probably involved in separate schemes that haven't been revealed yet.
He tried his best
20 years? Goes back to the 80's at least, and before that there was a military government.
The fact that most of them are finally un jail (or with a bullet in the head) only happened because when a new one gets elected it persecutes the shit out of the previous one
He dead now
>mfw the last 5 presidents of my country are either in jail, running away from jail or became an hero to not go to jail
truly the best timeline
All that corruption really makes me not want to go back.
Ustedes no le dieron asilo politico
>You usually have corruption when it is worth it.
I don't get this.
>If the peruvian justice is competent enough to jail them, why does this keep happening?
What makes this whole deal interesting is that politicians are throwing shit at each other for vendettas, it's not that our authorities are competent enough to jail them or be aware of what is going on. Also, Vizcarra (our current president) has a thing of putting everyone that has been accused for corruption into jail, funny thing is that he also has some shady stuff in his career, not as incriminating as our other politicians mind you.
Keep in mind that we are only aware of things from long ago, and be barely know of current big corruption cases.
Ah, Fujimori... her dad was the president in the 90's:
>Fujimori ended his presidency by fleeing Peru for Japan amid a major scandal involving corruption and human rights violations.
>mfw apristas are actually calling him "an hero" unironically
He actually did it, he shot himself
fucking based, man
How is life in Peru compared to other South American countries, generally speaking?
Its just crazy, the entire country is a paradox
lots of traffic and low cost of living, some sectors of the city look like first world and the others give away the third world part.
you seem to have many chinks and japanese people, how do they behave?
Depends on where you are, on the mountains or jungle parts it's pretty much Stone age, on the coast is alright i Guess, except for the violence and influx of a million venezuelans running away from their country
They make food
Or they run for president and win
they're rich and educated because they came here to set up their own businesses, mostly restaurants and groceries
when they came we did the same thing we have done to muslims:
we converted them to be cristians. If you go to a Chinese restaurant you'll find a Jesus frame somewhere, and their type of diet and values didn't really differ that much with the locals
Surprisingly well. Both groups integrated well, I met several people of Japanese and Chinese ancestry and almost all of them told me that their parents or grandparents refused to teach them their mother language.
I have seen a big number of recent Chinese immigrants lately, they only talk in Chinese and keep to themselves.
A Peruvian tradition...
the middle easterners who come here are christians lol, theres a reason why they end up coming here.
the only muslims here are this community of pakis living in tacna or somewhere
We have our first leftist one in Nicaragua and they're trying to extradite him, and the other from the good ol' right wing party, in prison. Voting is just so very worth it in LatAm.
>Garcia is under investigation in Peru over allegations of bribery tied to the sweeping Odebrecht corruption scandal.
morreu cedo
Magdalena has a considerable number of muzzies.
wtf i love my country now
PRESIONEN S para escupir en la tumba
To befair we are pretty much draining the swamp, making sentences for corruption more severe and stablishing tributary culture, you make it sound bad but its for the best, 5 years ago all of those politicians were walking freely
The fact that so many Peruvian presidents were prosecuted shows that at least the judicial system is functional and independent.
Better than Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Worst than the rest.
At least our inflation rate is low and stable
Peru is probably better than most of this shithole by now.
Pretty well and integrated.1/10 of Peruvians have Chinese ancestors. Japanese people are a little more racist
It only seems that because there's the local mosque
Posts like this makes me feel a bit more optimistic, thank you.
>better than ecuador
yeah no
The rest of the APRA politicians must be shitting themselves.
Feels good bros.
Or that they are servants to some political power
Yeah but their payment was the chance to steal whatever they could, it didn't include any immunity
Alan was pretty based.
He had the balls to do it, unlike pretty much every other corrupt president in the last 30 years (including the incumbent), ultimately got his way as he can't be charged with anything anymore.
thread theme
(((>shot himself)))
Shaddap commie
What are you >implying
He locked himself up in his room as the police were about to raid the place to arrest him and shot himself in the head.
based and redpilled
cringe and blupilled
Because we are doing great progress, that's why