What did these men have that nobody else had? Were they possessed by god(s)? Or were they simply freaks of nature?
What did these men have that nobody else had? Were they possessed by god(s)? Or were they simply freaks of nature?
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Did your /his/ thread get deleted or what?
Also that pic of Alexander is shite
basically they were all manlets and compensated
Well, Hitler was just a an art school reject...
they were incels, like you.
2 of them were power hungry autistic Incel manlets that took advantage of brailet broken populations
1 of them was born around strength, masculine virtue,war, got thought by Aristotle and was the son of a King so there was no way he wouldn't be great
The final one was a man of absolute peak integrity, loyalty and an extremely high intellectual ability and a sense of dedication to metaphysical concepts
>The final one was a man of absolute peak integrity, loyalty and an extremely high intellectual ability and a sense of dedication to metaphysical concepts
ah yes, hitler.
Wasn't Hitler pretty much the military commander equivalent of the loser in the shortbus, and all his generals did the actual work?
when was that not the case for rulers?
They were meds(all of them)
3 of the 4 people in this drawing.
you believe this?
>system baby, dad made the army
>system baby with backstabbing skills
>system baby with good speech
>system baby
>alexander and napoleon
>not great generals
caesar was average and hitler was shit
What does system baby mean?
can you not put h*tler next to others?
they were all of MED origin
Nords could never into history in the same way besides writing a few computer programs
I mean that as in, Alexander, Ceasar and Napoleon actually led men into battle and had direct input into the wars they fought, whereas Hitler mainly sat in his comfy office writing speeches and making silly city plans and shit, while other people did all the heavy lifting.
he totally fits into the great man theory, although someone like genghis khan would've been more fitting if less eurocentric
They were just chads of their time
>"the reason they're not abject failures like me is because they were the son of the right man!!!"
I mean that is the case though, alexander inherited the greatest army in the world
he just wanted to paint pretty pictures and they wouldn't let him
You could say that about Alexander and maybe napoleon (I dunno about Julius Ceasar) but Hitler wasn't born in a prestigious family I think
All of these """men""" save for Alexander are pathetic incels compared to pic related
he meant Bonaparte obviously
napoleon was a low noble who earned his rank through cunning and merit though
forgot to include pic
Caesar was from a wealthy patrician family
Meant for
Let's ignore every other officer in the French army... Napoleon was the Messi of warfare.
Napoléon was small corsican nobility
even got bullied for his accent
probably sent his bullies to die later lol
>and all his generals did the actual work
brainlet wheraboo meme, disproven by historians countless times. Hitler was actually time and time again better at conceptualizing strategiesm the Generalstaff made lots of mistakes too and in the end were less suited to the ww2 warfare even than Hitler himself, who though a layman, had good ideas.
The German military wasn't all that instoppable force of noble and only politically misled supermen wehraboos like to paint them, it's a bad meme all around. It was a decent army, but they made huge mistakes and Germany never had a real chance.
Alexander had a great education and a powerful army he inherited
Hitler had an angry population with high technological capability
Napoléon had an army based on meritocracy rather thsn thd aristocracy of his rivals, also he was a military genius, greatest general ever by far
Caesar was magic, I have no idea how he did what he did, I'm 99% sure he could see into the future (except on the idea of March apparently).
I'm not sure if that makes it better or not. On one hand, it means that he had to climb to the top but on the other hand, he did it by cheating.
Do you even know the history of Caesar's career? He was a ruthless conniving general that operated in often completely unknown surroundings and managed to predict his enemies' reactions from scraps of info he gathered during the campaigns. Especially his landing in Britain was something that required balls of steel to not crumble under stress on one hand and picking apart the structure of his enemies' organization while learning about it from captives.
Alexander while born a prince was educated by finest minds of his era, strategists included and did in fact lead his armies.
Napoleon shouldn't even be a question, only reason he rose to significance was his military ability.
I doubt you know anything contrary to what I just wrote.
>Caesar was average
Yeah, thats why he won vs similar forces time after time. Just dumb luck. lul
also all four of them are overhyped, lucky people. Most of them were decent strategists, but people pay way too much attention to political figures instead of scientists and inventors, who actually pushed civilization further.
Fair enough, but it's still a far cry from heading up an army and leading from the front lines.
Based manlets making the world pay for maligning us
>>>/ka/ őrjöngő ájékás buzi
>>Caesar was average
>Yeah, thats why he won vs similar forces time after time. Just dumb luck. lul
He was good but for some reason avoided moving into Germania for any distance due to forests.
>making the world pay
they moved it forward user
>anywhere CLOSE to being on par with the likes of Alex, Julius, and Nappy
fuck off Wehraboo retard
he campaigned in Germania and won, but subjugating tribal cultures especially germans is different from the conquests of Alexander
Alexander was great but his career was too short to know how great he really was
Hitler was shit
Napoléon was the greatest General ever
Caesar was the 2nd greatest General ever and way better than Napoléon at setting up a system that would last
>Caesar was the 2nd greatest General ever
what a fucking joke
They obtained political, social and economical power.
If you do not obtain any of these you will never be important.
He did make punitive strikes on Germans behind the rhine in the context of his conquest of Gaul. I wager you're some germaboo who's interpreting Ceasar not just rolling over one huge territory after another w/o consolidation period as an admission of him fearing the Germans. Do I need to explain how thats retarded? Most of the campaigns vs Celts were waged in forested areas.
>when you get bob the truck driving fat ass and make him a ruler
and they killed millions of lankoids while doing it
to save billions
*blocks your path*
They were just randos that happened to seize power by chance. Incels and normies only glorify them because they’ve never accomplished anything in their own lives.
yet people know their name after millenia, they were greater men than you will ever be
>1 of them was born around strength, masculine virtue,war, got thought by Aristotle and was the son of a King so there was no way he wouldn't be great
Yet he wasn’t all that great. Alexander’s empire started to decay when he was still alive with distant provinces not bothering to pay taxes or even openly breaking away and he was most likely assasinated by his generals after he revealed his plans to force mixing between greeks and persians via mass relocation of people. His "empire" didn’t outlive him. He’s a cautionary tale, not an example to follow.
He was not technically, avg height back then was 5'5.
He was a manlet because of three reasons:
>his wife was much taller than him
>The rest of the court was around 5'9, and his guards dwarfed him at around 6'0 avg height
>And the greatest factor, he was self aware and insecure about his manlet status.
If he just didn't make it known, he would have been known as a manlet throughout history
Hitler gained political and social power by leading a political party basically a tribe of like 40 million people to obtain political victory and rule over 80 million people.
It's a statistical fact, we can calculate his W.A.R. using sabremetrics. More important than that though was his ability to see talent in other men, throughout his life he handpicked his allies and knew exactly when to drop them. When everyone else thought of Antony as a drunken thug he saw a great general, he knew that Augustus and Agrippa would be great men before anyone else, he perfectly matched Pompey's rise and fall, same with Crassus, he even held Vercingetorix in prison for years until the exact right moment, he was a genius and a Midas. His only mistake judging men was in Brutus, hence his last words.
Nothing in common.
Hitler became leader of the national socialist party in 1921
the worth of hitlers political power during his political rise during September 1930 6,409,600 million people that's sway over lets say average income is 50k a year 320,000,000,000 so in 1930 he had the economical capital of 320 billion dollar income.
May 1924 1,918,300 people so 3 years after his leadership he had 95,915,000,000 economical capital under his control.
People know fucking Fortnite, that doesn’t make it great.
Italic blood (at least the 2 on the right)
he was a blip in history he last at most 15 years, only incels would praise him.
In comparison, ottomans lasted 600 years
why do people praise hitler like he was this alexander-tier conqueror?
the only major country he defeated was france, maybe the UK if you count the bef, then he invaded russia and lost like a retard
They didn't think things through.
>no mention of Khalid Ibn Walid
You're making us look bad
Subotai being ignored is worse tbqh
He was, at the very least, on par with Nappy
France at that time was considered one of the best European armies,they managed to defeat them easily which was pretty impressive,they also steamrolled through a lot of Europe and got pretty far into Russia. But this was because of his generals desu
Hitler was a man that obtained political, economical, and social power by being elected and convincing millions of people from a party with no establishment, he was much more great than Alexander who inherited a kingdom.
Hitler was just about dumb luck and skills of his generals. He's only known for genocide like Pol Pot.
incels dont know history and are eurocentric
have sex
The population of France was 39 million people. The population of Germany was 80 million people. France was destabilized from within by commies and defeatists.
People remember him because he was the first conqueror of his kind. And he dabbed on the Persians pretty hard, the Greek's arch nemesis, even though looking back, the Persian empire was already decaying. But the fact that he managed to conquer much of the known world in his 20's and spread Hellenic culture to the East is what made his legend live on. The rest of the men in OP's pic, probably drew inspiration from said legend in one way or another. The fact that he had a borderline neurotic personality, and that he was a megalomaniac wasn't an issue to the people of his time, as much as it is to modern historians who like to demolish the "great man" myth at every turn (I'm looking at you John Green you fucking cunt).
I mostly agree with you that he is far overrated by autists but Germany took on most of the civilised world and it wasn't until Stalingrad that most people were entirely sure he wouldn't win.
Nazi Germany ruled over Frances 40 million population, polands 20 million population, and a good chunk of the ussr, if his ussr campaign succeeded he would undoubtedly be the world power today.
Not true. They were unprepared for war and it was not a fair fight. France, like the rest of Europe was a hollow shell of it's former self due to economic trouble from the global depression. If you want to give Germany credit, give them credit for being able to rebound their economy so they could afford war, not for defeating a neutered, incomplete and unprepared France.
>2 out of 4 were italian
Really made me think
That's all fair and true,but regardless they managed to bring that war to an end extremely quickly and efficiently. Shitler was still terrible tho,
Would they identify with terroni?
why didn't Karl der Große come out?
i had had
karl inherited a stable kingdom.