If your parents got a divorce whose side would you take?

If your parents got a divorce whose side would you take?

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Not a matter of gender, matter of perspective.

my dad died when i was young so i'm pretty well stuck with mum

why would I have to pick a side

neither but I'd live with my mother so my dad could bring home dates. I don't think my mother would bother with anyone else if they were to split up.

Neither, my parents divorced when I was 14 and I couldn't care less. They weren't happy together so they split instead of fighting etc.
Stayed with my mom for 2 weeks, then 2 weeks at dad. Until I moved out when I was 18.

No reason to choose a side, uess they got a divorce because one of them did something really fucked yp and terrible. Idk im an adult so it wouldnt affect me that much

Haha jokes on you. I've been a divorcee child my whole life! Haha! Don't you look like the fool!

I wouldn't pick a side
I am an adult, if they have a problem with eachother they can sort it out without involving me

Neither because I don't live with my parents and don't care what they do.

They wouldn't divorce because they sren't degenerates

They divorced when I was 18 and I moved out to my own flat. Haven't seen any of them in 5 years now. But I occasionally send them money.

My parents aren't married, but I don't see why I would pick a side. Unless they divorced for a specific reason, like cheating or whatever.

Divorce is not allowed in Christianity

My mom literally ran away with me and my sisters in the middle of the night and got us on a plane to her home country.

A good thing too as my father has some serious issues.

Based and Redpilled

Neither, they're both shit

>All this baggage/drama from parents in this thread

Well I'd actually go with my mother, no questions asked if it came down to it. But I'd probably try and get my own place anyway if this happened.

my dad

What cunt did he Come from?

That's kidnapping?

thats pretty fucked up mane, i;m sorry you went through that

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When i was a kid i used to wish they would split so fucking bad. They both changed a ton and it would make me sad now, but i wouldnt pick a side.

He is a Persian immigrant in the US

I guess kind of? but it had to happen, dude was losing his shit.

Kids are weird, I don't remember it being traumatic at all, just "ooh we're going on a plane? yay!"

I used to fear this thing. I thought after my mom left, she would come back to get me.
she never came back.
Meanwhile my father found a woman.
I asked him not to stay with her because I don't want a stepmother.
He picked the woman and I had to leave the house and live with my aunt ever since.
I was seven when this happened.
still salty desu.
If I could be given a choice, I'd stay with my mom, but she was the one who left.
So, if I stayed with her, I wouldn't be that important to her either.

A sad story, Rodriguez.

They already did.

I would side with my mother, my father is a capable man and he can handle himself

My mom’s. My dad had me circumcised, so fuck him.

didn't pick a side, moved every week to stay with one of them for 10 years

Joke's on you, both are dead lol

thats sad user

was your aunt at least nice?

>He is a Persian immigrant in the US
So you're a sandnigger?
Do the world a favor and end yourself.

Sounds like the start of some movie

That is pretty messed up, I'm sorry

Wtf user ?? Why don't you talk to them ?
Also, how did you support yourself without your parents ? Afaik Wages in Egypt are shit no offense tho.

She's overprotective.
She's not married and expects me to be the same.
I think the fact I'm a hermit now says a lot.

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Kek my parents aren't married. They are full blown hippies. I have never seen them fight, not once. Or yelled at me for that matter.
Too busy being high, painting and playing like 15 different instruments all day.

If I had to choose one of them it would probably be mom though, she always gets me the best weed

Invite me over Swedebro, sounds comfy

>having parents

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You better be used to nudity because my parents take the "clothing optional" idea very seriously.

>Why don't you talk to them ?
Well tbqh I hate them both for various reasons that I'd rather not talk about but I can't help but feel guilty sometimes because they're old and welfare here is shit and they wouldn't be able to afford their medicine etc..
If it wasn't for that fact I wouldn't send them anything.
>how did you support yourself without your parents ?
I worked multiple jobs when I was in uni to pay uni expenses and when I graduated I got a decent job and everything turned out fine.

i come here to have fun, not to feel
sorry bro, thats fuck up. I hope best thing will come to you in the future.
keep strong and dont stop shitpost on Jow Forums. We will meet again

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I want to smoke and chill naked with swedes. I've wasted so much time.

Most moms are overprotective, be a man lad

Come on over, they will probably adopt you if you ask nicely.

>pay uni expenses
Uni isn't free in Egypt?
Oh hold on you mean housing?

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I was a kid and went with me mother

Public unis are free but I went to a private one.

They did but i was 18 by the time it happened so I didn't have to. I didn't take a side but they did end up kind of conflicting even though neither wanted it because my mum went on the assumption nobody would screw each other over so tried to skip over a bunch of shit in the settlement and i think my dads autisitc.

>We will meet again
let's fight China together.

read the swede's story
pretty chill :)
there's still some love left in the world

Mine never married to begin with


My biomom died so my dad because i hate my stepmom anyway

depends on the reason. also I dont really have to choose a side as I moved out years ago.

Is AUC considered private?

depends. are you parents physically fit? or atleast not fat?


My father.

idk my father is in jail ;(

I don't know my dad

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Depends if you’re father beats your mom senseless than go with mummy but if you’re mom is a cheating whore go with father. It really is that simple

The side with the most money obviously

¨They are average shape, neither unfit nor fit. Just normal.

impossible, there is no side for me to pick in the matter, the nature of their relationship is not for me to interfere in.