yesterday i have speaken with an american girl (black) and she said ‘whomst’ seeming unironically. is this a normal vocabulary that americans use? if so, what does it mean? i only learned ‘who’ and ‘whom’
English question
>american girl (black)
>is this a normal vocabulary ?
this should be self explanatory.
No it's not normal
say more this girl was studying abroad in spain and studied before at Harvard University so i thought it could be more prestigious form
It's just ebonics, what black people say. they also say: "yous" , "Can I """AKS""" you a question", """""finna"""""(whatever the fuck this means)
Shakespeare spoke in an American accent.
she say “whomst spoke to you of Julius Evola? For a great and mighty African-American was he, devoted to his people, and always steadfast in his defense of the English language as the brightest of mankind!”
what she mean by this?
you retard, why would a harvard foreign student use ebonics in Spain? Youre a seething brainlet
Shes pretty well spoken but she shouldnt speak like that to normal people
why should i trust a polish in english? makes no sense u ca not even speak ur own language (russian) let alone another
He's probably got family living here.
I grew up and went to a good university in England.
Was she reciting a passage or something? If she wasn't reading it off something ,she must've gone full autismo
she say to me in bed
Sounds like you broke her then, mr. biggus dickus
>have speaken
are you retarded?
"yesterday i was talking with a black girl and..." "yesterday i spoke with a black exchange student and..." You lack harmony in your writing. Anyways,
whomst is a joke which got revived from a meme last year where people tried to make as many contractions as possible- "whomst'd've" or "Whomst would have". People used whomst in the past, but eventually whomst lost its usefulness in whatever context it used to be used. Whomst in its modern form is identical in function to who, except its longer. 'Who' replaced both whomst and whom. The language has reordered itself to no longer need whom, or whomst.
It's function comes the same was as the function for he/him.
"He gave it to him." Is still a useful way to convey information. "He gave it to he," is not how a native english person thinks. He gave it to me, and I gave it to him. Now watch. Who gave it to whom? Who gave it to me? and I gave it to whom? That's the usefulness of whom, and that's how it was used in the past. But modern english speakers won't phrase a question like that. Who gave it to him/her. Is much more preferable than a vague gender neutral word like whom. But because them has began to take the place of a gender neutral word we now can say Who gave it to them? If you said that in the past people would think you were talking about a group of people 'them' but if you say that today people will assume your talking about a person you don't know the gender of or for whatever reason, don't want to reveal the gender. For example maybe a woman was acting like a bitch and you don't want to give her a feminine pronoun, or maybe you think your better than her and not want to give her the proper respect by indentifying her gender you will say. Who gave it to them? It's very subtle but these sort of subtlies really make someone seem like such a more emotionally complex person. Because it requires such a vast knowledge on American culture to be able to grasp this.
*It's function works the same as he/him functions.
Don't forget the classic "seen" replacing saw.
"I seen them earlier this morning."
stfu spanish is my language at least i can speak multiple languages (i speak 4) i doubt you can even speak more than ur shitty american english and u probably also speak it wrong!
No, it's a made up interwebs word.
Can you really say you speak English if you butcher the grammer that bad?
>you retard, why would a harvard foreign student use ebonics in Spain? Youre a seething brainlet
It's the way the talk. I doubt she rights that way academically.
lmao americans criticize my english they can’t even speak their own language it’s ‘write’ not ‘right’ morons let’s see you write out a full paragraph in perfect spanish
i don't want to talk to mexicans or their degenerate forefathers.
>yesterday i have speaken with an american girl (black) and she said ‘whomst’ seeming unironically
holy based