>tfw born indian
why o cruel gods what have i ever done to deserve this fate
>tfw born indian
why o cruel gods what have i ever done to deserve this fate
The problem is Indian ego, these dudes are probably buying the biggest condoms because they don't want to be shamed if they are found with a small one
true I buy medium and they're too big, i dont want to be seen with a small sized condom
They deserved to be Indian for thinking your dick is the only reason you're suffering
buy online, it's cheaper too
And on top of that they look like that. Yuck
me on the 2nd left
You ain't much fairer than us gaaaaaaaaaaaaaayreek
Pic related it's me
>implying the average gayreek looks like this
okay Turkish Christian
Yeah , i can cherry pick too buddy
Besides post the entire pic next time
Not cherry picked images of Tamils
I imagine myself in Taxila, leading my Mauryan platoon. Our aim is to kill wh*Te g*yreek dogs and take back the BLACK territories of Sind, Qandahar and Hindu Kush. We mow them down with our elephants. We shoot them but they keep coming. I run out of arrows so I drop down from my elephants and take out my sword and start slaying them because wh*Tes are inferior to me. I get shot but I keep fighting. I kill them by the dozens. I lie down in my pool of blood, facing the sky to see the BLACK GOD (Krishna) smiling at me, I smile back. Then I woke up in the HIMALAYAS my homeland, welcomed by my INDIAN brethren, I made it, I finally made it...
>that pic
Thessalonika, Thrace, Peloponese and Crete
Stfu northie street shitters.
Pic related is me
based and BVLLpilled, I wish I were black as well
>wanting to be a disgusting wh*Toid
hare krishna hare krishna hare krishna
i can say 1 sentence in tamil too
That's Sanskrit.
Shut up abo
looks Greek.
i know the vedic prayers are sanskrit but i can say one sentence in tamil
means where are you going
btw do you guys still learn sanskrit? i'd imagine reading the gita in sanskrit is an orgasmic experience
S*nskrit is just a brainlet version of TAMIL adapted to Ind*-European tards
Not sure why they're using condom length to determine average dick size elsewhere lol average isn't 7 inches
But indians still have tiny dicks though
Sucks to be you. If you do good deeds in this life you will be born White in your next life.
>Say that to my face 5'2 bimaru fag
t.Lungi nigger
Looks gaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
This is your brain on hindi.
Indian men are way better than Western boyz.
Even if that article, from 2006, is based on "facts", there are forgetting the MOST important thing.
Maybe Indians are smaller than/on average, but they don't get afflicted with micro-penis that most Western (w**te men) have.
Small is probably bad, but Micro is a death sentence, and all W**te men have that more proportionally than any other men.
>fluffy slippers like a 13-year-old girl
>half the women aren't white
>half of what's left look like they have foetal alcohol syndrome
>thousand cock stares abound
>take that huwitey
All these pathetic R-necks are so obsessed with penis size - must be a weird reverse-coping mechanism for their faggotry.
If you notice when you go to the gym, it's only the W**te boys that stare at every other dude's junk/body.
Eat shit Brit-fag.
Oh wait, your eating Muslim/Arab cock instead.
Be a good boy, and your Muslim overlord might give you sloppy thirds!
post proof you're not brown and have a penis bigger than 3 inches copejeet
>I use condom
Wow, are you propositioning me?
Hello imranpaki. You're getting deported soon. /tulsi2020/
(of a person) be filled with intense but unexpressed anger.
"inwardly he was seething at the slight to his authority"
>If you notice when you go to the gym, it's only the W**te boys that stare at every other dude's junk/body.
Nothing gay about mirin the homies gains
doubt you ever have seen a gym from the inside.
Probably because of the Onge ancestry?
Nah man, R-necks are just plain gay and retarded.
Deal with it.
Mirin is the stupidest thing you can do to cope that you are a total fag.
Only a cuck uses condoms
I've seen the inside of your mom, that's plenty of exercise.
Typical Germans flapping their gums, must be practicing for all that Muslim cock sucking. So, that's now French cocks, Russian cocks and now Muslims/Arabs that own your shit-hole of a nation.
I already have a 7.5 inch dick so I don't care buddy.
Isn't Finland's average penis size at 5.3 inches or something? That is a little bit bigger than my flaccid dick.
second one looks alright
no pajeet
they're staring at your jeans and flip-flops
Nice try but we all know youre way to small to see the inside of any women.
Not that it matters since you wouldnt be able to overpower one anyways.
How many millenia was india ruled by muslims again? 1 or 2?
Hows the Kashmir thing going btw, still getting btfo by pakis?
yes but aren't you a NIGGER or a SANDNIGGER?
Neither, I am a steppelord.
You understand these women are fucking ttash and - lol - their boyfriends know that. Know that no single girl want to downgrade, they know there is something wrong with them.
It is small, but it is not like they can't wear condoms
Lol tiny peepee.
>tfw korean and have a 7.5 inch dick but still a virgin
>t. dicklet
I too have a 7.5 inch dick brother.
Me too
can you show it to me, senpai?
i already got banned once for posting it
post it somewhere else and leave here a link
Are you the Korean who opened a thread something like "suck my big dick"?
knew a gal who boasted bout his KR bf with dig bik
It's a chance game, there's a literal 50% chance that a human will be born mongloid or indian in this world . And 10% chance to be born european race
Measuring from the anus?
unless you have a huge dick, girls will always think it's small
Feels good
Are these refugees or identarians?
Wyf I have a 17 cm and the large are small I never find extra large
The damage control in this tread Jesus.
You don't need large condoms for 17cm unless you're 15+cm in circumference.
>I finally made it...
Made it home only to disappoint your wife in bed
> browned.com
Me on the right