Didn’t know Canadians are so based

Didn’t know Canadians are so based

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Wow that's horrible. And here I thought Canadians were ok.

I work at a school and we have a few Syrian refugees, they are treated with respect and just play around with the other kids with no problems.

wtf I love Calgary now

nah it's still shit.

The black kids told me the same thing, and look at me now. She was just a pussy.

fake tweet
how would the writer of the tweet know what some random kids say to this other random kid?

retarded shits

very heartless thing to say

lol i used to bully people just like that but no one killed themselves

i saw the news about a 9 yo refugee suiciding somewhere else too

>9 yo
wife material for the prophet Mohammad

Careful, you might anger the Justine Trudeau cucks!

Based Canada bringing the banter

back to Jow Forums brainlet

>I suffer in Canada

>back to Jow Forums brainlet

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99% chance she got bullied by other ethnics

why are you mad? its just a very anti islam joke (which is factualy true btw he married her at 9 and waited til she turned 12 to consumate the marriage).

good i hate brown skinned people. i don't know how they can live with themselves. parasitic drains who do nothing for society who hug the coattails of white people and follow then everywhere they go. whos skin is actually the same color as feces and they have disgusting black girl hair. who's people fuck their cousins for generations, who commit acts of terrorism in the name of their god. who cry racism whenever white people want to be left alone from them, and are incapable of running a successful society. who breed like rabbits let loose in a cabbage patch and speak such disgusting languages not even the devil himself could come up with such sounds. who claim there the "same" on the inside despite such obvious and divergent outside natural appearances. yeah im glad they're killing themselves. i wish i could do it for them.

wasnt muhmmad nice you guys?? he waited till she turned 12 hahaha.

your post is factually not true

We got a Syrian family in my town and I do know that the boy, who is about that age, has had some problems with minor bullying at school, but this post or tweet or whatever it is kind of sounds like bullshit.


Her parents seem like the very strict kind. Why else would she be wearing the Hijab when she's 9 FUCKING YEARS OLD.
Must've made life hellish. That along with the fact that she was living in a strange country... oh well.

Ok unironically based

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Those aren't Canadians, those are "Canadians".

Subscribe to Piediepie

what a retard

>yes so my anecdotal evidence which has nothing at all to do with the case at hand certainly makes me an expert on this subject so let me tell you what is true and what isn't bucko
dumb leaf
you guys were supposed to be the smart version of yanks

>it's real

I have said it for years, Albertans are not Canadian. I fucking hate Albertans so much

>calls people retarded
>follows a ridiculous desert cult

wait i was wrong. There are many sources that claim different things but they all pretty much agree she was in her early teen. haha this is from one of the source “Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.”

Is it even legal to be this based?

Only if Trump stays president

Muslims are disgusting it's well known. probably the most hated people on Earth. Chinese hate them, Indians hate them, Europeans hate them, Spics hate them, Niggers hate them.

It was the specificity with which the quote was posted that made it seem unlikely as well as the fact that such an outrage would be national news and this is the first I am hearing if it , so I looked it up and it is real and apparently I just missed it in the news feed. I'm a bit ashamed of Canada right nowm even if Alberta is Canada in name only and would work much better as a US state than a Canadian province.

I'm not a muslim retard. Go back to Jow Forums

What is your source for her being 9 when he married her and 12 when he consummated?
Yes, the hadith clearly states that she was 6 when they married and 9 when he consummated. (Shahih Muslim 8:3308-3309)
I'm an ex-Jow Forumstard so I know these things.
You're a retard and you're going through a phase.
Fuck off from this board, you're welcome to return once you get through your retard phase.

Based chinamen.

this post is poetry

You're brain dead.

Sahih Bukhari

Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234

It is absolutely based if true.
Go back to your homeland. If there is a war then you should fight not because of politician but because there is your home. If she is a woman she must support the soldiers in any way she can. That what allowed Allies to win WW2.
None of this it's bad I flee and get free gibes mentality.

Go back to Jow Forums retard and stay there retard

Maybe if she took that cuck rag of her head she'd make more friends. This isn't University.

Go back to Somalia.

lol, how about you fuck off. Butthurt over a joke you clearly dont belong on this board. I m not even a poltard btw maybe visited a couple of times out of curiosity.

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But she's a kid

Canada rapidly making that #2 spot of most loathsome country in the Americas. Whenever someone asks me "isn't canada almost as good as europe?" from now on I'll just show them this.

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that only makes it worse lmao
do you realize that

you are the retard for calling other retards for having a laugh. you dont even make sense.

Where does it say there that they fucked? Marriage with young girls was a common thing at that time. Chinese and Roman emperors did it too.

Adult enough for prophet Mohammad.

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>abloo bloo someone got bullied
happens every single day everywhere

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whats so incredible about specifics? that's the reporters job, to go there and get some juicy details to satisfy his readers voyeurism.

>I'm a bit ashamed of Canada right

this kind of thing isn't limited to any country, it happens everywhere, I don't know how helpful it is to respond to this kind of identity politics with even more identity politics. Still, it's an honourable sentiment, I suppose.

watched videos of some muslim leaders debating.

>innocent 9yo's

You get bullied every single day? Is it because you're retarded?


How old are you? 17? Go back to Jow Forums and stay there. I am a 100% Finnish, Christian ex-Jow Forumstard. I know what you're like because I used to be like you. And you are a retard. Keep your shit in your own board.

What is the joke?
My butthurt comes from you having a Jow Forums-mindset, being on my board and being factually incorrect in your retarded drivel.

That's not the point retard

You are a retard
Hey here's a joke: New Zealand prime minister is 75 years old! LOL!
Its not very funny is it? Why not? Because it is factually incorrect and retarded.

It is nonsense.
All you need to know the answer is that there is no age of consent in several muslim countries. That is enough to know that the Hadith verses are generally considered valid.

And I'm an ex-Muslim, you triggered Zoomalian. Post your hand with a timestamp.


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Why does this make you hate albertans?

Why was that such a bad thing though?

I corrected it and i wasnt completely wrong there are many people with disputing it. It was making fun of Islam and it was funny to me. Why?? because Islam is a barbaric religion.

We Finns are image rangebanned and we've been image rangebanned for several months now.
Leave this board. You can come back once you get through your retarded Jow Forums phase.

Zoomalian IQ tier post.

Remember me when you realize how retarded you've been.
Don't worry, I was like you, so I forgive you for your stupidity.

lmaoo is this real? any reason given? was it the gayposting?

You dont hv to be a poltard to not like Islam. If you strawman every "islamaphobe" as poltard you are the retard.

Fuck it is real

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Well the Islamic scholar there is making a case it was not a bad thing.

you realise you sound very stupid right now. Literally getting butthurt over people having a joke.

Can confirm.

Fuck jannies, especially the r*Ssian one.

amal you were supposed to pull the string inside the church

No it's not real. The guy is a literal Zoomalian. There aren't that many people on Jow Forums.

Why do Asians hate muslims?

this post is how I feel about non-whites. Based.

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You can post if you have a Jow Forums pass
Go there and ask them if they are rangebanned. Retard.

Not sure what it is. I'm also image rangebanned on Jow Forums and /a/ but not on /qa/ or NSFW boards

Your posts belong on Jow Forums, retard

You will realize one day that you are being retarded and I was right

Are you banned on other boards? I spoke to another Finn who wasn't rangebanned on Jow Forums but I am.


>Please don't offend muslims, go back to Jow Forums you bully.

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Tanned Canadians

But not to fight a war

Look at this triggered Zooomalian and his walls of text.

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The problem is that a lot of Muslims in the west are overly peaceful. If someone was bullying my kid I'd beat the shit out of him/her in front of the entire school. That's how you make other kids think twice before bullying your kid.

based janny confronting the gayposting menace

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wow you're post convinced me to kys nao, thank you based white UwU

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So? Those 72 virgins for every man must come from somewhere

t. bullied incel with power fantasies

dislike Jow Forumslacks, me
quite unsavory lot

nope, Pol was very preachy about retarded shit and very identitarian. Also int is just pretty much people talking shit about each others nation.

En ole muuten postaanut yhtäkään kuvaa tänään. Meneeköhän tää läpi.

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I was never bullied in school mr.pizza
I once picked a fight with the strongest guy in school (he was older than other students by 2 years).
We don't have much bullying problems btw because parents here teach their kids to fight back.

Yes niggers, chinks, poos and arabs are ugly.

Lol fuck Canadian despite never meet one

>Bullies said she is not pretty she ugly

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Wow you're pessimistic.

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Gayspammer had his rangeban lifted at least twice during the time I've been rangebanned

Mulla ei menny.
Voi vittu. Onnea sulle kuitenkin

>and look at me now
A retarded incel that celebrates the suicide of a 9 years old. Congratulations user, you really showed them wrong

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>she got told to kill herself and she did it? so sad, soulless canadians :(

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No one claims that Chinese and Roman emperors should be considered moral leaders and emulated today. But they do say that about Mohammed, which is why this gets brought up.