34 gorillion websites edition
Voting on Egypt's constitutional amendment takes place on April 20 for diaspora.
Current website of باطل:
34 gorillion websites edition
Voting on Egypt's constitutional amendment takes place on April 20 for diaspora.
Current website of باطل:
Other urls found in this thread:
will vote yes
What's going on in Egypt? What constitutional amendment?
What do they wanna change?
did i dodge a bullet by telling my mena friend NO when she asked if i wanted to hook up with her cousin?
won't vote
Please stop saying نافری. It's a very insulting word.
t. نافری
Reminder: if voting made a difference they wouldn't let us vote.
Also most Egyptians are subhuman so they shouldn't be allowed to vote anyways, democracy doesn't work in 3rd world shitholes where the majority of people are uneducated and retarded.
this but unironically
going to vote yes
Your vote is literally worthless. Look at the bigger picture and don't waste your time voting.
Make sisi president for 12 more years , reinstate bicameralism, give the president more direct control over the judiciary and legislature, and give the military higher stature.
You don't lose anything by voting, mate.
>Make sisi president for 12 more years
based will vote yes now
ah yes if mena lacks anything it's republican dictatorship
Always vote your conscience, friendo :^)
This is the type of cynicism that puts reasonable people under military dictatorships and Islamic governments. More often than not, it's those very same subhumans who flock to the polls by the millions, and their stupidity usually gets exploited by the shittiest candidates. You're gonna let them dictate for you how the country's run?
>Make sisi president for 12 more years
Damn. He's pretty upfront about it too.
Here's the thing, dictators overstay their welcome after the first decade and even though he's BTFOing the brotherhood now, you have no idea what shenanigans he might get Egypt into, long term.
Egyptian women are craving the SYRIAN BVLL ??!!
>mfw كب يوم يعدي و تطلع النتايج تسع و تسعين في المية أه و واحد في المية لأ
نتايج شو بالضبط ؟
Also, don't ignore
انا نازل اقول لا عشان احسن صوره الدوله
بايزاواي كسمك السيسي قاعدي
>بايزاواي كسمك السيسي قاعدي
>إديني في طيزي يا عسكر مممممممممم
كسم كدا متى يجي رئيس مدني مش إسلامي إبن متناكة؟
>>إديني في طيزي يا عسكر مممممممممم
t. Jow Forumsegypt
I could be doing some important homeworks and assignments right now, things that decide my future, but no, I have to go to Costco right now with my aunt because her stupid lazy son wrote what we didn’t have but not what we were running low on as well.
and of course he’d have a convenient excuse, the fucking manchild.
تخيل جيش بيصنع تلاجات و حلويات
تخيل تقريباً سبعين في المية من المحافظين و ناس بتحكم مدنيين يكونوا ناس خبرات حياتهم في المجال العسكري
تخيل جيش عنده كاونسل بتاعه بيدير مصانع بيشغلوا بتوع التجنيد الإجباري فيه
كسم كدا
انتباااااه يا شباب
بنات الاردن عم يتزوجو من المسلمين الألمان لإنو بطل في قرادنة رجال
Just the argument being associated with r*ddit doesn't make it wrong
لان المصريين صبهيومانس ملهمش فايده لا تنفع معهام الديوقراطيه ولا حكم مدني
كساله و اغبيه لا بينتجو ولا بيشتغلو
الجيش احسن حاجه حالياَ لان حقيقي كسم المصريين
Better you dating her cousin then she dating him
Thats basically every Arab country
Democracy doesn't work unless you only let people with an IQ of +90 vote
That means 5 or 6 people will decide our fate
as long as its German and not larping paki I'm completely fine
We Jordanians will save the white race
If you need help with voting I can help you. I won't vote myself, I don't even vote for dutch parties. I don't think a subhuman like me is allowed to vote. I vote whatever you think is best dear.
fuck off our general discord trannies and kys
ده على افتراض ان الجيش مؤسسة وطنية يا أنون، بس هو زيه زي أي شركة أو مافيا بتلعب بالسياسة عشان تكسب
و حالياً بيجهز عشان ينيكنا كلنا و انت قاعد بتزق طيزك فيه و تقول harder.
احسن من اي كسمين مصري
I don't take orders and never did
و يعني شايف إن اللي بيحصل دلوقتي أحسن؟ مشكلة مصر إن الدستور عبارة عن كتاب متناك و مفيش أي إبن متناكة بيديه وش(يعني يمكن حتى لو قلنا لأ متفرقش).
اللي ينفع في مصر هو حل كل المؤسسات العسكرية اللي شغلها أي حاجة غير الدفاع عن الحدود. و يكون في حكم شبه-ديموقراطي يكون في قوانين تمنع بعض الفئات من التصويت في بعض الحاجات و يمنع أي حزب للدين بس(حالياً الدستور بيمنع أي أحزاب متعلقة بمناطق جغرافية أو أعراق أو ديانات)
و كسم الدستور إبن المتناكة ده من المفروض يولع في غاز وسخ و يتكتب تاني من الأول. احا إزاي دولة دستورها يكون أول أو تاني مادة فيه بيقول "دولة إسلامية" كسم الأرف و الرجوعية
>كسم الأرف و الرجوعية
Thanks for the (you)s, subhuman
Do non-diasporics also eat chocolate bunnies for easter?
I think so, I sent my friend a chocolate bunny and some more easter snacks uwu.
we eat it during sham-ennissim
which is literally easter but celebrated by all Egyptians
Devilish numbers. Kafr. God hopefully I won't find smoked herring in the fridge it's what I hate about easter the most.
>not eating Fesikh
pussy give back your genes
Is that coptic easter?
check it yourself
one hour and thirty minutes
that’s was a waste of time
Thanks for reminding me, this year I'll eat renga with my friends to celebrate.
3andak renga?
You even paint eggs? I thought that was some germanic jahiliyya tradition that the euro christcucks just integrated into their """"religion""""
>You even paint eggs?
> I thought that was some germanic jahiliyya tradition that the euro christcucks just integrated into their """"religion""""
lol no and sham-ennessim is the oldest easter celebration ever recorded
Aywa, esmaha hena Räim
و مكتوب هنا ان رنجة البلطيق كسب لقب سمكة الشعب في إستونيا
>lol no and sham-ennessim is the oldest easter celebration ever recorded
damn TIL thx salah
Why is algeria gay fellow nafris ?
I thought they stopped making Naruto
Prove you're Mauritanian
northern nafroids on suicide watch
>northern north africans
egyptian intellect huh................................
>Your cunt
>what do you think about palestine ?
2-pic related
What the fuck are you doing. Get off that flag Samir.
Also nice Shleka nerd. Did your mom pick that for you in a Friperie?
>Egyptian feet
you should hang yourself with that flag
t.seething tunisian
I bet you look like a subhuman
You didn't answer my question poorfag.
I hate this meme
I'm too depressed to seethe about anything
The one on the left looks feminine enough for it to not be 100% gay
t. Zionist on vacation in Algeria
what question? if my mom picked that up for me? no i bought it.
non ana algérien, déja chkon li yji hna ydir vacance lol?
What's wrong sweaty?
You coulda just said Algerian, honestly.
wanna fucc
>non ana algérien, déja chkon li yji hna ydir vacance lol?
and succ?
Wait, since you're here
Are you one of the autistic Algerians who constantly post on Jow Forums? Huh?
be succ
Look guys , i'm a special snowflake.
What did he mean by this?
dups will decide what i'll do with the flag
uhhh i don't think so, i rarely post there
Hang it and preserve it1
So do you love palestine or what you hve the flag yet someone calls you zionist I don't get it
Why would I love palestine
28 Germans just got killed in Portugal
I was writing from his prespective , we are the ''guys'' ,he's the gay.
then why the fuck are you rarely here, huh?
do you have, may Allah forgive me for saying this word, a life?
You ship to me and pay shipping cost and give me a steam game gift card lole pls give dubs
You will put it on your wall and never take it down again
He's standing on it, in arab culture standing on something is an insult.
are /our guys/ behind this devious scheme?
what does /mena/ jerk off to?
only real answers please,I'm looking for some inspiration
Oh man, how will the Algerian ever recover.
NO he loves palestine he paid at least 10 seashells for it
I don't know how speak Portuguese
The other day a swede user described how he has an accident and broke most of the major bones in his body.
I just got two orgasms from that description alone.
lol gotem
>hurrr duurr muh sacred piece of cloth
its pretty cheap i don't regret buying it