Why is lifting in japan considered gay?
Why is lifting in japan considered gay?
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Because it is
Incel culture
>suicide is masculine
>having bad teeth is cute
>women are forced to be cute dolls
Japan is fucked
same in your cunt
masculinity in generell seems to be seen as gay in japan.
Idk I'm pretty ripped and jap girls are all over me
obessing over the male body is pretty gay if you ask me
it's the same everywhere, only bimbos, gold diggers and faggots care about your hulk muscles
>not wanting to achieve maximum performance
Mishima was based
have you been on Jow Forums, massive gay vibes from there
Also gay.
huge levels of cope itt
He was fashion gay and never been a real gay
there's nothing gayer than buff macho men.
japs are cucks
Going to gym is Americanised cuck behaviour
Japan needs to be colonized
except your dad
which makes him even more based
DAAAAMN authors look like THAT??
literally nothing more straight though
women are gay bruv
imagine kissing someone who likes cock
seething dyel
What kind of Japanese people can you find on Jow Forums do you think ?
Are they as autistic as us ?
If body improvement is gay consider me a faggot
doing exercise is fine
building your muscle excessively just to show off your body is so gay
you're one of those guys too embarrased to be naked around other men and is really scared of male genitalia
What if my main objective is to lift heavy objects to be able to lift even heavier objects and a more aesthetic body is just an unavoidable side effect of that?
Yesterday I went to a fitness class - the gayest and womanliest exercise there is. Today my muscles hurt. I am ashamed of myself and my body.
You are the faggots here, I don't even lift (still do a lot of sports) and becoming strong is what being a man is about, it's not the only thing of course but still.
You wouldn't call Arnold gay now would you?
Arnold isn't gay?
Zhang, I played judo over 6years, so no problem
>lift even heavier objects
>more aesthetic body
as gay as plastic surgery
Kek wtf is wrong with japs
But youre not japanese. If a jap male did ehat you did. he would be called homo
those two presents you gave them might have something to do with it
Kek wtf is wrong with burgers
Peak Japanese masculinity.
>this is the average japanese male
they are not burgers. they are creatures of judea
Zhang, how was your baby soup to enhance your sexual drive?
not always, but realistically it kinda is
they tend to be a super narcissist
That implies dedicating a massive chunk of your life to physical fitness. Everything in moderation to a normal person.
Why they even do that? Human saliva is full of bacteria.
I don't like to lift, but I need to be strong enough to do martial arts.
Men still seem to like the lifting physic, but the women are all going for twinks
People (especially women) are notoriously shit at introspection and do not know what they want
All other things being equal a muscular guy vs a skinny guy is going to be more successful
Those aerobic workouts can make you sore easily since they put a lot of prolonged strain on your muscle fibers.
muscles and motorcycles are the gayest hobbies there is. you can argue both are better than women though.
Is this consider masculine in Japanese?
wtf ive seen nip women say they like 'macho' as they say. ive seen them say multiple times that foreign men are big and macho while nip men are not, if they don't even allow them to be macho what the hell are they on about?
It's considered edgy but everything is forgiven because he's dead
mishima did body building not because he's gay
but he thought when doing seppuku it's bad looking for fat to flow out
wtf i love japan now
Because it is
All these gay porn (not that I have watched) have strong and big men in it
gymrats are cringe though and no where near 'maximum performance' due to the nature of the exercises. none could ever get close to even half the forearm and grip strength of a rockclimber, for example. Or the core strength and body control of a freerunner.
>he doesn't do parkour, get buff, and achieve physical excellence without even noticing because the enjoyment of it is why you are doing it
Gay men work out more than straight men, that's a fact
why dont women appreciate masculinity?
Because women don't like huge muscles. Or even medium sized muscles. It's about height and face.
Everyone in this goddamn thread is a homosexual. And here's why:
1. Overly fixating on building your body won't save you from a knife to the throat so it's pointless.
"Lifting" heavier objects is a meme and weightlifters can only perform in candid situations.
2 healthy average males can and will beat the shit out of you, EVERYTIME.
Body building is narcissism, and loving yourself is gay, no exceptions.
In the real world the only things you need to groom are control and endurance, which is more mind over body than anything else.
are you female by any chance?
>japs can't into bodybuildi-
There are no girls on Jow Forums(nel).
Are you the same Nigerian user that used to do those vocaroo recordings a while back?
I do weight training and am more fit and buff than average (not saying much I know). And my Japanese gf tells me frequently that she likes my muscles. She likes to feel my flexed biceps.
are you one of those guys not embarrased to be naked around other men and is really enamored with male genitalia?
What if I'm fat and I don't want to look fat
Eat only meat.
Wasn't Socrates the OG BL though?