Describe your country in one map

Describe your country in one map
pic related

Attached: spaproductive.jpg (1307x928, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/gameskinnyc/f/o/r/fortnite3-94200.jpg

How much would a farm cost in empty spain?

never searched for it, try here
theres a 4500 meters one for 35.000€ dunno if thats a good price

Also how hard would it be to live in empty spain?


he doesn't know about

It would be extremo duro

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Attached: best-states.png (1170x878, 137K)

I just want some land with trees, river access, and soil to plant seeds, trees, build houses, roads, ships etc..

>not living in the Northeast

Attached: HDI_map_for_the_USA.png (2000x1237, 207K)

Exactly how much do you like farming and despise human contact?

What exactly makes South Carolina bad?

Northwest is better

what is this exactly based on? "Best state" doesnt mean much, could be just a guy's opinion
>river access
pic related
theres smaller rivers all over north spain btw

Attached: mapa-de-espana-fisico-rios_9.jpg (703x577, 116K)

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Ill develop human contact after Ive achieved my goals and can make some money off wood works, and farm produce ill get wives and population to my land.

>Developing region
>All the young people are leaving and only the old slowly dying ones are left
I predict complete depopulation by 2060 but fuck yeah, this is true development

Northwest is beautiful but everyone from there I've met was a soyboy

healthcare, education, economy, opportunity, quality of life, infrastructure, public safety, and fiscal stability of the state, it says right there and gives sources in the picture

try doing it in Nevada, it's basically the same thing. Living off the land in the desert is not fun

>Spainish Regions


Attached: Population density Spian.jpg (2225x1349, 531K)

>live in Commiefornia
>Moving to FL
I mean I guess it's an improvement.
Ah fuck.

Seattle is one city in a region, and the travel types are like that anyways.

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Of course, I'm not going to let a few people ruin my view of the Northwest, but I don't know much about what it's like living there. I assumed it was like Commiefornia, how accurate would this assumption be?

what is light yellow?

theres the same amount of people living in the orange part than the blue part
Murcia truly are subhumans
the pain...

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light yellow are populated areas that arent that important economically, but that arent part of "empty spain"

What you're referring to in California is only SF and LA, the rest of the state is pretty normal. Same goes for Washington and Oregon outside of Portland and Seattle. Small town folk are no different to the kind that you can find in upperstate NY or Maine. Also east Washington is hick land with massive bro trucks and confederate flags everywhere. People are nice though.

>Also east Washington is hick land with massive bro trucks and confederate flags everywhere
this is the worst kind of countryside

no it's not fuck you stupid coast faggot
he's exaggerating. People here drive pickups and sometimes you see lifted ones but I never see confederate flags.

t. spokane

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As a person from Commiefornia. I can confirm.
I live in LA, place blows but outside of this hell it's not so bad. Unfortunately the state doesn't listen to the actual people of the state.
Too many immigrants, dumb idiots that vote blue because "La raza" or some shit, and LA/SF. It's a beautiful state, but fuck this place there really is little saving it.

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i have a similar map

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No no no no. We would never let that happen. Not when there are billions of niggers ready to settle in Europe.

If you could move anywhere in the US, where would you move?

I would choose the north east that has the most cultural development.


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La leyenda del mapa es bazofia.
Que es lo claro en andalucia y alrededor de lo vacio?


Un poco meme, en Andalucia hay mucho turismo y ciudades como malaga estan creciendo bastante.

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Gdp Top 14 Countries in one map

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Wish we could split the country :(

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this was such a genuinely interesting and welcomed contribution

holy fucking cringe

what do the white parts mean

The cone was cut because of the coastline. So there is a white part.

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If you check lists of the worlds oldest people in records it is usually a constant flip flop between Americans and Japanese.

america is a big country, by sheer chance there must be some really old people
individual cases dont matter tho, its the average that counts

You're looking at this the wrong way,
So then by "sheer chance" there should be some Chinese on that list, that somehow avoided the commie purges and starving and flooding and getting crushed in an elevator built by the lowest bidder. There should also be some Indians, Russians, or Brazilians.

If anything we should have LESS people reach life this long compared to other large nations. It is our quality of healthcare that keeps them alive: I would like all those who shit on our expensive services to remember that.

>we have one rich person so we're all millionaires
>we have one scientist so we are all intelligent
nice logic

Not sure, but as these places grow it gets harder to find the America I fell in love with. The little flag on my shoulder when I served and the one that flies over my LA home was/is the Stars and Stripes.
Goal is to save my money. I'll probably become a family man at some point. When I get my chance to retire, any kids I have are fully grown, and the wife likely dead of ill health or lack of will to live? I'll sell the home, and use to money to live out in one of the NE states.
All I want is a nice patch of land to grow some herbs and vegs. Maybe a cow, a dog and some guns. Fuck knows, but god knows this isn't how we are meant to be living.
I grew up on old tales of this country, WWII propaganda, old war films and books. Watching my parents become citizens and bust their humps so my siblings and I could have a shot here, but the US they came to decades ago is dying faster and faster.
It hurts to watch. America is a beautiful place, it needs help.

tl;dr I'm mad as fuck with no place to go. If God is merciful, I'll live long enough to watch the people snap and turn shit around.

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Greece more like grease

>placenames ending with OwO

You know what a highland cow is? They're funny as fuck. When I first saw one while driving in rural Massachusetts it was like coming across an alien.

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Okay, I don't know what the hell this is but its kinda cute.

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That would be a square 67 meters on each side. Not bad at all. But there are some even cheaper than that over there. The one on Villa Real, Castellon, would be my pic. Not too far from the sea, should take little over an hour to get to it?

You don't become a farmer for the money, user. You get to feed yourself and get subsidies to push through the poor yields or market slumps, but it's not really a path to upwards mobility, just lateral.

based murcia for once

>Madrid's macrocephaly
That's a particularly butthurt way of saying "dominance"

Here you can clearly see France is basically Paris

Catalans and Basques are textbook tsundere

holy shit japan and france get it together

great way to visualise it

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can you translate it?

italian women are fat? im literally crying rn

Probably population density

red = russian clay
white = polish clay

Surrender your coasts

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aged 10-19?
That map is BS, the overweight ones are no more than 10%

id post the violence map but i dont save them

based chile,fl_lossy,q_auto/v1/gameskinnyc/f/o/r/fortnite3-94200.jpg you should understand


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Europe in one map
if you're a refugee, remember to look for the banana

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i thought the "blue banana" was curved the other way, going from benelux to swiss/southeastern france, then ending with northern italy?

did they flip it and stretch it to include london? or is there blue banana open to interpritation, different for different sources?

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you can practically see the old PLC territories in eastern europe even today

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uhh i think theres slightlydifferent interpretations on where it goes, it usually starts at northern italy, through western germany, netherlands, belgium and england

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yes as i google it im realizing i might have remembered wrong

I was thinking it basically followed western roman empire's borders, but south of the alps, not north ( so more france, aka marsaille, and east past venice by a dozen or so miles +vienna, and less germany (no bavaria, no east of frankfurt) )

been playing too much strategy games lately i thinks

Attached: Emerging Mega Regions of the United States.png (3509x2478, 999K)

ah, i love strategy games~ we could play some together
i was just reading about old strategy games today from a 2002 magazine i found

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Fucking all of us are obese. Help

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USA according to most foreigners
Jow Forumsfags and ameriboos know more than this tho

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brazil getting farted on


good one

No wonder they shower like 5 times per day

>east Washington is hick land with massive bro trucks and confederate flags everywhere.
this is here in new jersey too. in inland south jersey, away from the coasts or any of the bigger towns/cities, there are just a fuck ton of rednecks, complete with retarded southern accents. don't know how they even got here.

rural jersey is the worst. Southerners are infecting every state in the North East.

Do Brazilians really?

excuse me

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