Is it a meme or real that chinks have no culture? I watched some videos and I would rather spend my money to buy a lot of chinese food instead of visiting this shithole.
Is it a meme or real that chinks have no culture...
your name is going on ze list
retarded thread made by retarded germ man
>German education
they have ipman and wing chung. thats about it.
>I would rather spend my money to buy a lot of chinese food instead of visiting this shithole.
I would visit the natural wonders there and get out as soon as possible. China as a natural area is beautiful like many places in that region. But they like to scam and get foreigners in trouble and since the police don't care about non-chinese theres little you can do.
The commies tried their best to destroy it.
Nice extraisland you got on your oppic
They only have ancient culture. The modern Chinese have no culture and are incapable of creating new culture.
>kicking badminton
>eternal match lighter
>mao zedong quotes book
>trump card with stolen Japanese porn actress images
This is culture of culture and you can do nothing on it
Chinese culture is the oldest which still alive today.
are you okay, ahmet?
>German culture
If you enjoy temples manned by actors and panhandlers then go right ahead and bask in Chinese "culture". They did a great job destroying the real kind, and now they're just tourist areas.
listen to anons itt, just don't go, you are better off eating take out
That Kebab is better than everything found in your country
Nobody is gonna believe me but I know this fat boomer who has a hot MILF-esque Chinese wife. I'm invited to have sex her now and then (they know several youngers guys for this purpose) and she fucks like a maniacal succubus.
Not better than poutine you kangaroo fucker
read about the chines culture revolution you will understand alot more and this is a shit hole no matter what
Ive been in China, chinks got more culture than krautland,for sure.
Also thank you for my 10w anti-kraut self defense laser beam. Zhang.
You guys are starting to make some really scary shit!
its a legitimate question though. the cultural revolution did a lot of damage. china is only just beginning to revive their culture.
This. Only taiwan has preserved Chinese culture.
Mainland insects are legit savages that cook dog meat in gutter oil
Chinese cigarettes are awesome.