Whats his ethnicity

Whats his ethnicity

Attached: 39686_14_2014812112123295.jpg (500x588, 175K)

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I don't give a fuck.

That's your average Frenchman, Hans.

But since the based fire he is homeless



f u

The average northern frenchman looks like that actually




That's the closest thing to brits
You could tell by the teeth


I always imagine French with big noses, is that accurate?

Attached: DEPARDIEU-2[1].jpg (630x350, 50K)

You appear to be seething. Are you seething, user? Tell me you're not seething.

ugly face, big balls = good guy therefore French or Polish

Attached: 1552730209790.png (600x381, 284K)

It's accurate unfortunately

Attached: Degaulle.jpg (313x421, 16K)


Where am I wrong my fellow britbong ?

The ironic thing about people posting Oswald Moseley and John Oliver as evidence of Britons' swarthy, subhuman nature, is that both look very much like the French stereotype

>like the French stereotype
...in Britain and America

Nah it's just because lots of brits look french, swarthy or not

Attached: Depardieunorf.jpg (533x800, 55K)

What would a Frenchman say the average Frenchman looked like?
What would a continental European say the average Frenchman looked like?

I read he converted to islam, can anyone confirm?

Attached: the weeping Frenchman 1940.jpg (1500x1211, 240K)

Big Roman nose, thin face, balding, brown hair

Attached: Louis-de-Funes[1].jpg (1280x800, 226K)

Pic related

Attached: 1550682522108.png (200x356, 130K)

italian immigrant
spanish immigrant

thanks for your attempt

This guy then

>Ribéry's wife, Wahiba, is a French national of Algerian descent and the couple have two daughters named Hiziya and Shahinez and two sons named Seif el Islam and Mohammed.[2][234][235][236] Ribéry is a convert to Islam,[237] following which, he adopted the name Bilal Yusuf Mohammed.[238][239]

Forgot pic

Attached: Bourvil.jpg (960x540, 57K)

Why does he look Sardinian?

Attached: Sardinian Girl.jpg (4635x3036, 1.93M)

is he Macrons father?

Ah so this is why French sounds so trill and nasally.

because he's literally an italian immigrant; jerome barzetti, look it up

sardinians are not italian, what's your point?

We all have big noses that's not our fault

Attached: Apusad.jpg (657x527, 53K)

members of our political class are also good examples of pure french people; bruno le maire, françois de rugy, marine le pen, nathalie loiseau
well he's just italian then: forebears.io/surnames/barzetti

An Italian and a Spic...
I love Louis de Funès (like everybody else) but come on that's not how you pick a "stereotipycally looking frenchman"

Truth be told I can't think of a stereotypical frenchman, it heavily varies according to the region you're in.

Arr french rook the same

T H I C C.

Absolute UNIT

low caste white

why did france treat the pied noire worse than than actual ethnic algerians that hate you?

Attached: D1384AFD-B6A9-4953-AC88-D8EB9E124DF8.jpg (1483x1920, 517K)

Jean de Florette is probably my favourite french film

Unironically Macron looks french as fuck.

Attached: macrontrump.jpg (640x360, 35K)

that's wrong

He gets his good looks from his English great grandfather

looks anglo

>pied noire
shunned by france as exiles

welcomed en masse

Not white.
Latino subhuman like all of his countrymen

>Latino subhuman
Erm, sweetie...

There isn't any similarity between that old man and the girl you have posted except for the facial expression. So if you see an african bushmen smiling and a japanese smiling too, will you claim they look the same?

you're saying shit nigger, a lot of pied noirs had political functions, not native algerians

>welcomed en masse
French people were so nice they gave them free swimming lessons in the seine.

>members of our political class are also good examples of pure french people
>well he's just italian

He looks like french, he resembles the ex french president Hollande, who is not italian at all,.

Attached: 220px-François_Hollande_-_2017_(27869823159)_(cropped_2).jpg (220x293, 15K)

We think alike I was about to say that, must be the Brazilian blood

He is ugly so he is the most native french. He looks like one of those people you see in medieval movies.

his resembling hollande doesn't make him any less italian, luigi

sacre bleu...

In fairness to him, he did get run over by a car.

This is what Ribéry would like without scars. All in all, a pretty handsome man.

Attached: Video-A-quoi-ressemblerait-Franck-Ribery-s-il-n-avait-pas-eu-son-accident.jpg (674x500, 50K)

Yeah i just read it, sad.

>His hair and beard would be a different colour

It's not a different color, he just trimmed it on the second pic...

>It's not a different color,
Yes it is.

Attached: 54656577657.jpg (500x313, 20K)

why do converts to islam always have to change their names? it just makes them look like they're larping as arabs

Yeah the mustache is still the same length and all that. its colored

They don't have to change their name. Most converts are just wannabe arab fetishists.

>changing your name just to larp as something you aren't
holy mother of cringe