dancing edition
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it's a "wake up in a poor mood that doesn't go away" episode. i'm seeing a bottle in my near future.
Me and my crew, me and my crew we be chillin and
Front on this and get dissed, motherfucker
Me and my crew, me and my crew we be chillin and
Front on this and get dissed
shut up nigger or wigger faggot
one of my favorite past times is derailing /brit/
gf currently seething
you better cheer her up before I come over and fuck her senseless
Back up off me, give me room to breathe
And you takin up my spot? Nigga please
I'm as bad as they come, there ain't nuttin good
Used to be a gentleman but you can call me hood
for me, it's the fat girls threads on /soc/
Why are you on this site, posting this?
Fuck off wigger faggot
We’re talking on the phone and I’m trying to calm her down
She’s mad at one of her friends
tell her I said hi
Poof I make you move when I move I bet I make you
Buck I make you bugged as I kick the mega flavor
So I'm the kid just slippin the slang
What's my name, what's my motherfuckin name?
Well, he's almost certainly doing it now because you outed your excessively bothered self.
ask her what's for dinn
tell her you'll be starving when you get there
Is all of this true?
dog shows are weird
We live together and I’m gonna be home first
The meme is that a good amount of it is true and it’s interspersed with jokes that only esotericfags will understand
ask her what's she planning on making
Has anyone noticed an increase of niggers on this site? They post a lot in /tv/ and Jow Forums calling people incels and alt right or whatever.
LOTS of nigs on r9k for some reason, I don't go to tv tho
i've always been impressed with that one
though the image selection toward the bottom could use a little work maybe
>a good amount of it is true
maybe like 1 or 2 things, you schizophrenic
Girlfriend wants to have this Thanksgiving at our house so she can cook the dinner (Except the turkey because cooking the turkey is the man’s job)
Those aren't always bad, just blackcels. A lot of them are self hating. I am talking about the ones who say whiteoid and talk about poverty causing crime
She’s gonna make spaghetti and meatballs (I’m teach her how to make fresh pasta)
>And some people whose hearts have stopped before restarting accurately recalled what happened around them.
>“They’ll describe watching doctors and nurses working; they’ll describe having awareness of full conversations, of visual things that were going on, that would otherwise not be known to them,” he explained. Those recollections were verified by nursing and medical staff who were there when the person died.
>being rich enough to own a house
fuck off boomer
Who is behind the "lmao ok incel" and sweetieposting? I'm thinking trannies, they're too stereotypically feminine (something trannies do on purpose) to be redditors.
sounds delish
I’m 26
Also my parents are co-signers and paid my mortgage for the first year since I wasn’t making enough
how come girls don't take off their bra during sex
They do though
fuck off trustfund babby
i always assumed it was and never considered another possibility. now that i have considered other possibilities, i stand by my initial assumption.
only insecure chicks leave their bra on
Anyone have that image where the normie with a backwards hat is looking for a place to post X and looks at several sites saying "No." before he sees Jow Forums and saying "Perfect."?
You're supposed to take it off for them dummy.
I don't know I imagined it as a soyboy redditor but then I realized that was probably done on purpose by them.
yeah but i dont feel like posting it
zoomers and trannies probably.
zoomers love the "lmao ok retard" or "ok incel lmao" type of shit. Same thing with soyjack poster who just quoteposts.
it's the zoomer version of trollface
Give me your social securrity number
I didn’t choose to be born into a rich family
618 07 1452
>he can't take a girls bra off with one hand
lmao NERD
Ah right I asked the other day and someone said this and it made sense. I'm extremely out of touch with people of my own age. I don't know why Gen Z is so femenine
sorry little man but i'm stealing your gf. it's nothing personal
whats your problem
pretty sure this is just a weird meme/gag that somehow caught on super hard. like slipping on a banana peel.
yeah whatever buddy why don't you go down to the whole foods in your mclaren and buy an organic turkey hoser
it's just my theory, it could be wrong. Maybe it's just a particular meme that zoomers love, although often it's a way to weasel out of having to defend something they've sad.
Ashley is behind 100% of all “lmao ok Incel” posts by American flags
I can look at chinese kids getting run over by cars and grown men getting their assholes fisted to the point of prolapse all day but looking at this thing legitimately makes me want to vomit
zoomers don't care about gender categories and stereotypes in the way boomers do
I do eat mostly organic food
don’t own or want a mcclaren
A g wagon would be cool
lmao ok incel
t. Ashley
it was a big thing in 80's movies for some reason, like you're not a real man if you can't take her bra off w/ one hand
me ashley
you ashley
we all ashey
lmao ok incel
We're actually the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.
no, right, but, it's not actually hard. like kids who get bent out of shape about practicing kissing.
think one of my hard drives is dying :/
i hope the next episode is better, the first one was very disappointing
very rude post
yeah i'm sure you could just drive up to the nearest mercedes dealership and outright pay for a 2019 g wagon then you'd probably drive over to the organic 100% authentic italian gelato shop that only rich fuckers go to you make me sick
>People think Gen Z is more conservative
How dumb do you have to be to believe this? "Pewdz is redpilling gen zyklon!!!"
ready for spring to be over so my lizard brain will stop making me girl crazy
tomorrow couldn't come any faster aaaaahhhhh
i want my weekend already
eating rn
i get girl craziest during the summer
remember to subscribe to pewdiepie
She's not that bad past the hideous skin condition.
That's because brain death hasn't occurred yet. You cannot be brought back from full brain death
and the anorexia
t. weak 21st century human
I would fuck her
Any body shots?
once had a thing with a girl who was bulimic, she was skinny but she was tall for a girl and it was hard to notice
I live in San Jose
Everybody here is rich
shit, typically me too - this almost certainly isn't the worst of it. maybe i should get on some libido killers before then.
Shit poo fuck nigger lol
Looks horrible
Nice one Seamus real creative you fucking idiot
English people are faggots
>San Jose
not positive this city actually exists
I think having a net worth of at least 500k makes you reasonably well off
Need at least 1m to be rich, even if you are house rich cash poor, you could still sell the house and live off the remainder for 10 (low end) or 20 years without working and maintaining a pretty high standard of living
yeah i'm sure you live in a house worth 10m no need to rub it in buddy
>Girl crazy!!!
Would you?
She’s cute, right?
I wouldn't hesitate to ejaculate in her vagina
Good luck fag