What's legitimately really wrong with EOS. It seems promising

What's legitimately really wrong with EOS. It seems promising.

Attached: butwatdo.png (981x532, 105K)

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doesn’t work

has more haters than any other project

also has the best technology

stop being emotionally invested in coins and just go with whatever the big guy like

EOS in a nutshell:

-By retards
-For retards

Not a scam, but dumb as fuck just like the people who buy it.

the community is 95% speculators, no one uses or care if it succeeds. plus it's centralized and eventually a cartel will form, it's only a matter of time.

There is nothing wrong with it. Its ahead of its time, all crypto that involves dapps is going to end up having to have some form of governance otherwise the dapps will never be able to gain mass adoption levels needed for the coin to raise in value.

HOLO included. Fuck even ETH included.

Solves a problem bitcoin never had.
Bitcoin's problem is:

"well shit if I store every transaction that's going to take lots of hard drive space"
"little guys won't be able to afford that and everything will go through a few central miners"

So EOS comes along "hurr i solved the scaling problem, just give 21 miners big hardware and central power to reverse transactions"
EOS is centralized, completely useless.. Just use an Oracle DB if that's what you need.

Start from like 10 seconds (for context) before 36:00 if you want to know why eos is pretty much dumb and bad
(Not saying it will or won't go up in price tho)

DPOS leads to oligopoly

they can reverse funds

if the block producers where morally good, it would work however,

1. block producer got caught reversing transactions
2. block producers are able to randomly blacklist addresses for arbitrary reasons (or no reasons given at all)
3. block producer caught manipulating token supply for their own personal profits

you simply can't trust EOS

there T&C also states that EOS tokens arent an asset and theres no oligation for them to make them have value

Isn't the RAM price insane, like $3k/mb? The block producers control the RAM supply and can create artificial scarcity.


Attached: newyorkstateofmind.png (684x391, 48K)

Nothing I have done 130 transactions and used 3 dApps and it feels instant and great.

It's not decentralised. It doesn't even belong in crypto discussions. It's a shitty inefficient database with reversible transactions. Don't take my work for it, but listen to Szabo.

>Best tech
>Literally just dpos


and that's exactly what they're doing. they were using a secret telegram channel for it.

Lol wow what brilliant architecture. Real decentralized platform where you have block producers forming RAM cartels which they then auction off as securities. Fucking garbage.

Some random guys can literally just take all your money from you and there's NOTHING you can do about. Yes, literally.

Pumped with no working product.