1. Your cunt
2. How are you preparing for the imminent election and presidency of Senator Bernard Sanders, a strong social democrat?
>Me? I’ll be casting a vote for him.
1. Your cunt
Is he actually re-running? This'll be interesting.
>fox does poll of Bernie Vs. trump
people said Bernie because he was the only democrat. If Biden was an option more people would choose him
He’s the frontrunner as of currently.
Biden has been included in pretty much every poll so far. Only just recently did he lose his lead in the polls to Sanders. See
Biden will oust him. Biden hasn't even asked for donations or started campaigning yet.
t. joe biden
I absolutely despise the idea of Biden winning.
A moderate will get absolutely slammed by people wanting actual progress on issues and laughed at by Republicans because "why choose Biden instead of us?"
A Biden nomination will just be a repeat of 2016, playing to the middle will not work.
Don't get me wrong, if he wins the nomination I won't shoot myself in the foot in by not voting but I won't like it.
Give me someone who actually wants to change the country for the better instead of maintaining the status quo. Instead of appeasing those who just want money
Literally the only reason I have Bernie #2 in my list for the primaries is because of his unwillingness to remove the fillabuster.
not an argument, joe
Bernie is a hypocrite and a millionaire though.
Hypocrite how?
You can be rich and know the system is fucked
If he was poor people would say "He's just mad because others have money and that he's poor" but because he's rich people say "he has big money but hates people with big money? Hypocrite"
Don't let your enemies define your candidates, user
How is he a hypocrite? You don't actually believe people saying he's a communist or whatever, do you?
Anyway OP, I'm going to vote for him.
go back to facebook, barbara
Sanders would be seen as a moderate in Canada. I'm sure we will get along just fine.
Sanders seem pretty based in many areas, but I really dislike his stance on gun control.
What do you mean? He’s less pro-gun control than other democrats if that’s what you’re getting at.
Yeah, I know, but he is still wants to regulate guns in a way I feel wont work, and wont reduce crime in any way.
Why does a Swede even care about US domestic politics? I only care about Burgerland so far as it affects Canada. Unfortunately most of what they do affects us in some way.
I really dont care much about it either, but regarding gunlaws our politicans sometimes look at what democrats in the US suggest in order to cuck us further.
Trump, a billionaire New Yorker, ran his entire campaign on "muh elites"
obviously this is not an issue for the American voter