Ugh... what could have been!
Ugh... what could have been!
>Falangist Poland
Oh you mean the Minecraft Party?
why are there little compasses all over the north sea?
>Ugh... what could have been!
What really happened:
... ... BANG!
That was taken after the war.
>haha this a pretty cool map what's going on in iberi-
>independent denmark
A perfect world. Imagine! What could have been! If Poland would've just embraced fascism.
I think next I'll play fascist ireland.
cringe weeb af
You're just jealous that you're not in the game and that you're part of japan.
The end of moscovy.
Never got why the Philippines is considered a "puppet" in HOI4 when they were a full fledged territory by that point
You do realise you controlled a shit ton of the Philippines in 1941, right?
>British reading comprehension
>Vanilla goy4
You disgust me
What mod and what ideology?
>Falangist Poland
fucking lol
The mod is Kaiserreich (what is Germany won ww1) and the ideology is "National Populism" which is basically this mod's version of Fascism, I was playing NatPop Russia lead by pic related.
You should try it out.
Are you making fun of the polish masterrace, spaniard?
Ah, yea was already thinking about trying it out. Also there is a anime mod for that too.
You haven't heard of Kaiserreich? It's the biggest mod on the workshop.
Heard about it but never really played it. Sounds kinda boring to be honest. If germany already won WW1 why would there be a WW2 in the first place. Also it seems to me like everybody is busy doing their own crap rather than fight each other.
Yes i am, alemán
KR is one of the best mods for HOI4 but if you wanna go further deep on the autism level you have Fuhrerreich, a mod that was recently updated and is based on the Kaiserreich universe. The premise of this mod is what the german people think the entente would have done to them if they had lost the war.
Instead of the nazis in power of Germany you have the "Valkists" which is nazism lite with LARPagan imagery. This is the mod I'm currently playing.
Sounds mysterious, I'd stick for Kaiserreich for now. Gotta say I'm really impressed with the focus trees in the mod.
Yea the kaiserreich devs put a lot of effort into it, they are currently working on a major update for China.
It's basically an improved version of the base game. They have history set up in such a way that every corner of the world in the timeframe of the game is guaranteed to have some major ideological conflict, mostly because in the mod France and Britain fell to gommunism after losing WWI.
holy fuck that Germanic autism surprises me every time
also, how do i into Hearts of Iron IV? i always start playing with nationalist Spain and i don’t know if it’s because i’m retarded but I get absolutely steamrolled by the communists even if i set the difficulty low
I think I haven't played base HoI4 once since I installed Kaiserreich, there's just objectively no reason to with the mod, its better in every way.
First thing you should do is steamroll your cute neighbor portugal for that delicious tungsten. Then stick to whatever germany or italy is doing.
What I find that works really well against soviets is playing very defensive. They literally just clash into your lines and lose million and million of men.
Based, doing a Totalist Greece campaign right now
uhg..... what could have been...
Ughhhh! Played you like a violin, I knew somebody is going to post this. Also that one with that guy that lacks a chin.
>playing mobile games
When I play Greece I always end up getting cucked by Serbia because they never form the belgrade pact so you have to fight Bulgaria who is far stronger than you. Something similar happened the few times I played NatPop Italy, Austria never goes to war with Hungary and there's no way you defeat the entire Austro-Hungarian empire all by yourself.
The RNG in this game hates me.
aight but how do i win the civil war tho?
Should be fairly easy normally. You should get volunteers from germany, italy and sometimes even japan.
>P*risian gets butthurt his country is steamrolled every game of HoI4.
>not playing with HIP
my first expansion.
my vassal inherited france
So it never happened? Wow, this must be the power of anglo (un)intelligence.
my 2nd expansion
How is Hungary doing?
redpill me on why this is a good mod and not just another passing /gsg/ meme
3rd expansion
I think ck2 is much more a game of intrigues than battles to be honest.
Was taken over by germany during the war.
post map
Its in the OP. Its part of the german reich.
side track war to dominate the south
>tuva doesnt control eurasia
Bro wtf r u even doing????
Does "Carpathia" still fuck up Europe in this game?
I always used to start as Oto the Handsome and work my way up to inheriting the crown of Hungary and eventually the HRE, but inevitably some faggot would found the fake eastern european empire and break everything
Then last time I tried to play this game with a new expansion my strongest vassal turned into a family of bears and I think I've come to accept that Paradox are actually retarded
Oh, I didn't see. Take back the Southern parts too.
nice, big, more realistic map (that somehow doesn't make performance that much worse), less memey events, more flavor, stuff like that. better than vanilla imo.
tfw playing as axis, manage to defeat britain and puppet malaya early on, and your fascist friend Japan declares war on you via NF
How high is your threat?
forgot to add, it's also modular, so you can choose not to install some of the components if you dislike them.
100% but i took over england and can carpet siege any target