This scares and confuses the American

This scares and confuses the American.

Attached: netzplan_vbz1.gif (2154x2949, 612K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying I want to use public transport in a country that's only 56% white

i can't read color coded maps so it's not fair



Nigga, have you SEEN the subway map for DC?

a .gif that isn't animated is confusing and a bit worrying

Yes I did and I was not impressed.

Attached: metromap_021605.gif (760x720, 90K)

How does Zürich compare to other Swiss cities? German cities?

It's public transport network is excellent. Trains, light rail, streetcars, buses, ships and even rack railways and funiculars. Still you have cars clogging up the city day and night.

Attached: zhplan.png (926x1310, 780K)

All that light blue is just busses. its wank.

this is just trains and tubes:

Attached: B654F44E-869F-4543-A76C-A941B33016DF.png (5805x3690, 1.68M)

i thought the light blue was commuter rail
this map is shit, how the fuck is that helpful at all when trying to navigate a city by bus

>DC "metro"
>trains come every 20 minutes
it's almost as if municipal planners in the bay area and nova/maryland in the 70's didn't understand the difference between rapid transit and commuter rail

This is a map of Detroit's urban rail lines. There is a light rail/streetcar line ('the QLine') with 12 stations and 5.3 km of track, and there is an elevated train loop ('the People Mover') with 13 stations and 4.7km of track. This is for a metro area of over 5 million people. Say something nice about it, Jow Forums.

Attached: 1555498363169[1].png (878x1311, 15K)


Attached: [email protected] (2560x3100, 854K)

That’s a really old map. Probably from the 80s.

im impressed by how far the amtrak station is to downtown
was there a shuttle service or something before the qline?

maybe he's colorblind

Washington DC

Attached: 9F59ED2C-9B73-45E1-9FFA-CEC94E8E081A.jpg (1536x1682, 1.06M)

What is the biggest station?

>build your major cities on swampland
>metros have to be a mile underground

This is the main reason why we don't have trains everywhere, you have to use a car once you get off of the train and travel 40 mins to the other side of town to some suburb.

There were buses. In Detroit. Taking the bus in Detroit is always an adventure. Sometimes, you even live.

Pittsburgh. The nice thing is the metro stops in downtown are free

Attached: C96D4BBE-5DE6-4A44-84AE-B7C2FA7789DA.jpg (525x1187, 242K)

Am I supposed to be impressed?

How can other countries even compete?

Attached: Komsomolskaya-Metro-Station-Moscow-Russia-2015-HR.jpg (1400x1050, 446K)

this scares and confuses the euro

Attached: fifth wheel.jpg (840x280, 89K)

Overly complicated metros are cringe

Attached: SubwayFutureMap_lg.jpg (1700x824, 206K)

Yeah. You may have a million more stops. But our stations and metro cars are much nicer

Attached: 2993CB08-4D61-4691-9936-1982843AE120.jpg (640x435, 58K)

In California we have trolleys. Not shopping carts, britcucks, trolleys.

Attached: 160316153821-moscow-metro-stations-david-burdeny-arbatskaya-super-tease.jpg (1100x619, 206K)

Las Vegas monorail!

Attached: E3C76863-D006-4B32-96F9-4018E0AB4E64.jpg (2884x1325, 723K)

Americans literally refuse cool shit like this because they are afraid that niggers might use them too.

You mean like by area? Vorobievy Gory is the longest one (almost 300m long). I've never been there tho, googled it.

It's a shame, I guess, but I've never been to the southern or western parts of Moscow, despite being born and raised in this city.

>noooooooooo fucking americans, stop making things simple, accessible and easy to use for everyone, stop iiiiiiiiiit

Attached: e4026354eb2e0263a876e48932f3f46d926e885868b3a4a673b8c5f663a98f70.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

test test test

Attached: GbRROsx.jpg (999x1002, 702K)

>every 20 min

There's no doubt that it would have already happened if the country was homogeneous. Suburbs wouldn't even be a thing if white flight wasn't a thing

the other thing that is deceiving about this network is that it is geographically huge and the reason there are doubling or tripling of services downtown is because it's the only way to get the headways to something that is acceptable for rapid transit
very poorly designed, only came into existence because the government decided to build a metro instead of a second beltway (they felt it was shameful the national capital only had buses full of poor niggers)
those tin cans are pieces of shit btw pic related are the most recent cars we got, your current ones look worse than our original cars from 67 that were refurbished in the 90s

Attached: MPM-10 (Azur).jpg (1198x1242, 373K)


Attached: amtrak montana.jpg (1600x1000, 531K)

Lol, kraut, my post implied that our underground system is simple
And it really is
There are two circles and radial lines

What are you talking about?

Attached: BC43748A-079A-4403-B7BA-9FDCC4257E6D.jpg (940x461, 107K)

>Trains run more frequently during rush hours on all lines, with scheduled peak hour headways of 4 minutes on the Red Line and 8 minutes on all other lines. Headways are much longer during midday and evening on weekdays and all weekend. The midday six-minute headways are based on a combination of two Metrorail lines (Orange/Blue and Yellow/Green) as each route can run every 12 minutes; in the case of the Red Line, every other train bound for Glenmont terminates at Silver Spring instead. Night and weekend service varies between 8 and 20 minutes, with trains generally scheduled only every 20 minutes.

weekend and evening trains are every 20 minutes

behold the only metro in the country

Attached: Metrohaarukka.jpg (5610x1429, 2.31M)


Attached: ge.jpg (2048x975, 323K)

Because those are non busy routes at that time

Attached: 1875748E-E0EE-4569-B01D-A241D896BC26.jpg (800x533, 103K)

>not a single personal seat
>nothing to hold unto in the centre
horrible train configuration, looks like a shitty bus


Attached: amtrak 2.jpg (1500x904, 462K)

Retard. Suburbs sprung up long before any white flight

Behold the one and only Omsk metro

Attached: 6678e076e55787845db13a3a6dc2e85e.jpg (862x480, 20K)

kek white people don't live in cities anymore

Get on my level pleb

Attached: Omsk_metro.jpg (553x288, 27K)

Гeнии мыcлят oдинaкoвo

>it's a shame
so what exactly is preventing you to go there?

Your train literally looks like a bus

Attached: 96E4F970-93A5-45AB-AE52-CDB2C27E49FB.jpg (876x657, 187K)

They do actually.

>4 minutes
>8 minutes
oh nonono

Are you posting from the 90s or something? City living is in vogue among American "whites" now. That's what the whole gentrification mess is about.

Because there's nothing to do there for me
I live in the northeast and my uni is also there
I'm quite a no lifer

I live in the South, they do not.

No, they don’t want want to live IN cities. They want nice suburbs. Video related. This is a commercial I saw on TV the other night. I’ve been there before and it’s all wealthy white people

you could go explore the when you're bored

Maybe don't live in Atlanta

Yeah, I know, there are lots of interesting places to go
Sometimes I take a walk in the centre of Moscow but apart from that I don't even know how the rest of Moscow looks like

Somehow the French solution to ban the poor brown people into ghetto suburbs and keeping the nice inner city for themselves makes more sense.

This happens here too

Have you guys been to California? Seattle and San Francisco are white/asian cities for rich yuppies. You have to travel far to actually see poor people.

Also the Bay Area metro is congested and slow. Literally 50 years old

Attached: bart.png (506x499, 64K)

One of them is a southfag so it makes sense. They are generally around 40 years behind the rest of the country.

>monorail not within walking distance of airport

Attached: what in the goddamn.jpg (412x400, 115K)

>cant even walk freely in the train
yikes imagine being a stop sign cuck

I've never used public transit. I have a car and drive myself where I want to go, when I want to.

In the US the government will pay the poor to move into well off areas

I'm pretty sure I took the monorail from McCarran to the strip before.

Must have been a bus because it doesn’t connect to the airport

It was around 2010 so I might be wrong. I was in the area because I was supposed to deliver some platinum chip


i like this excuse

>no silver line
It's like you don't even want to come out to Dulles to visit me :(

>have to travel far to see poor people
both of those cities are infested with drugged-out bums

how would you know?

I feel so much envy right now of all those wonderful metro systems. Living in third world is suffering.

i lived in sf for 5 years and ive visited seattle. plus it’s common, objective knowledge at this point

Attached: metro de madriz.jpg (2048x2205, 488K)

>taking public transportation in general

this or at least give us monies

>putting all everything public transport altogether
Dafuq how would this be readable for anyone?
looks like tokyo metro rail map but even that is neater than this

Just completed a 100% run of Fallout 3 where I basically explored every possible location. This image is forever seared into my retina.
Don’t know why they put more effort into the fucking subway system than Raven Rock.

Interesting, how does it compare in general?

t. Heroin smuggler like every slav on the fucking west coast.

>tfw no Delhi Metro gf

Attached: dm.png (3000x3000, 525K)

Public transport is only viable in countries with almost exclusively European and/or East Asian inhabitants. Any Arabs and blacks, and you shouldn't even bother.

What about France?

i was there for college
the only slav i met was a former Ukrainian engineer who ended up fleecing tons of g*mers on kickstarter
Sf and Seattle really need to deal with their homeless problems

France can go fuck itself for letting this happen.

I'm impressed I recognized that a Zurich, though the flag helped I guess

Those cities literally pay bums to live there

y tho
what is their endgame

Obviously to blame white men for America's problems one day it seems convenient.

they went full retard and decriminalized everything without redirecting the funds that used to go to arresting people doing the formerly illegal things into outreach programs and rehab. they're basically havens where people who want to use drugs and don't mind living on the street can gather with no real fear of arrest.

That big circle is ruled by Hansa, right?