How does it feel to live in some irrelevant European country with no real power?

How does it feel to live in some irrelevant European country with no real power?

Reminder that the rest of the world only exists by the grace of America, if we wanted to we would have the power to enslave every country besides China and Russia (we could team up with them to rule the world)

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I want Abraham Lincoln to tuck me into bed and whisper his Gettysburg speech to me.

all the power and money in the world will never make up for the absolute ignorance and stupidity of the American and his culture.

Doesn’t matter if we’re wrong

We have the power to make people say we’re right

Who cares? Switzerland will live in peace as always, and there's nothing you can do about it. :)

I'd be fine with the US protecting our allies but all of you hate us so I want the military to leave and force you to fend for yourselves

America has never fought against a developed country. Afghanistan is weaker than Belgium.

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Japan. Also fighting against insurrectionists in occupied territories is infinitely harder than fighting an organized nation state with a military. Iraq had one and it got absolutely BTFO in a few weeks during the Gulf War

>Russia, which has an economy smaller than Canada, manages to have a modern and capable military that is one of the best in the world for 4.1% of the GDP
>Canada has a military flying used planes from the 1980's and helicopters from the 1960's for 1.2% of GDP and is a completely obsolete military except for some elite units
This is what being a burger proxy and having a completely colonial mindset does to you tbqh

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That's a huge difference Canadabro. I wish that we didn't have to spend so much on ours and instead focus on problems back home.

We basically invented fighting suicide terrorists.

Had to deal with terrorists for 70 years lol.

Americans and Europeans are friends. We make fun of each other like all friends do

the US military 'abandoning' Europe would straight up be the best possible timeline

typical american retard logic

It would be abandonment, we don't even ask for anything in return

>Facing a technologically superior foe, the Acehnese resorted to guerrilla warfare, particularly traps and ambushes. Dutch troops retaliated by wiping out entire villages and murdering both prisoners and civilians
>In Hurgronje's analysis of Acehnese society, he minimised the role of the Sultan and argued that attention should be paid to the hereditary chiefs and nobles, the Ulee Balang, who he felt could be trusted as local administrators. However, he argued, Aceh's religious leaders, the ulema, could not be trusted or persuaded to co-operate, and must be destroyed.

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Conventional military power is outdated and irrelevant. Soft power is what matters. Getting what you want without killing someone. You know what I mean?

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you cant even find us on the map burger so youll never conquer us or anyone else for that matter lol

>france, uk soft power higher than USA

>Soft power is what matters. Getting what you want without killing someone. You know what I mean?

I don't get it. Israel isn't on the top of that list.

we are not

nobody like americans, they deal with them by force.

and unlike mutts you wont that war.

we're not sadly

seriously? they severly underestimate the importance of the eu in that calculation.
with britts leaving that tanks their soft power immensly.

>soft power
>measured in arbitrary units
>on an arbitrary scale

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36% of their gdp in military?! Use the guns for something and make a fucking revolution ffs

Can't you read? It's based on global factors. GLOBL FACTORS. Got it?

36% of global military spending. We spend 3% gdp on the military

Why Brazil needs a military?
Will we fight against who? Bolivia?


3% is still insanely high for a country with such a high GDP. The US military is literally an artificial job provider for the dumb and uneducated. That's unironically something communist countries would do but somehow you accept it as normal.

>How does it feel
stopped reading there

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You're right I just saw 36% percent and commented straight away.

I'll take that sacrifice over having to rely on other countries for protection.

Who cares. How does """you""" having that huge ass army make your personal life any better? Still the same shitty problems: healthcare, obesity, college, high crime rate, etc.

What soft power do you have when half the world won't talk to ya and the other half gives you the evil eye? Yes we can get the U.S.A to pump some money into us and defend us from U.N resolutions but that's not nearly enough reach.

> soft power


We are not your allies. Fend against who? The USA?

Against the Soviets but that is no longer a threat

We were allies of the Soviets.
Last two times Hungary was at war with Russia, the USA allied with them.

America is the root of evil. It's a threat today for Russia and its people.

Fascists deserve equal treatment to communists
get fucked

Die, trash.

Drugs & niggers

You first poor AIDS infested krokodil man

Come here and I choke you with my bare hands, swine.

>How does it feel to live in some irrelevant European country with no real power?
Eh, we have enough power right now. It's not cost-efficient for anyone to invade us and that's all that we need.
>Reminder that the rest of the world only exists by the grace of America, if we wanted to we would have the power to enslave every country besides China and Russia (we could team up with them to rule the world)
Pretty sure we could wreck you too if we teamed up with China and Russia

Don't make me laugh.
Once we tried to make friends with America and we still remember how it ended.

>would have the power

All that spending and America still has to negotiate peace with the taliban.