Imagine the smell...
Imagine the smell
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you don't have to imagine, half of them probably lives in uk
It probably smells like a paradise on earth, you wish you had a giant cube culturelet bong.
What's inside that cube?
real anime girls
I pray to God I get to walk behind some hot Arab milf with giant ass and titties. Every step I take I will utter "Astaghfirullah" as I gaze upon her buttocks and savor the view
zombie Mohammed
>Praying to an empty stone box
Was at makka just a month ago, and i can assure you their was no bad smell their
yur mum heheheh
I did a umrah when I was 9 and mecca was a giant shithole. Medina's a lot nicer
why don't people burn it down, would be funny
They'd just rebuild it. Its been destroyed plenty of times
What did Allah mean by this?
yeah but it would still be funny
3,000,000 Businessmen and women
dear Lord...
A for Allah, A for American
Muslims wouldnt even cry if it happened. All that would happen would be a few schizos decide to proclaim the end of times is here and that they're imam al-mahdi or some shit.
Honestly doing the Hajj just sounds hellish, disgusting, and dangerous
You vastly underestimate the power of God's will.
A direct tunnel to the nike factory in Thailand. The people are waiting for another batch of shoes to be sent
Seriously, what did Allah mean by this???
>Saudi maintenance
Not even once.
Probably, I value you the will of man and nature. I don't believe God is watching me. What do you believe to be Gods will?
I wonder if they were even aware they died, what was their last though. Etc.
I dont know if thats a horrible death or a good one desu
>storm knocks over BinLaden group crane on Sept. 11, 2015, killing 111 people and injuring many more