Imagine the smell

Imagine the smell...

Attached: Mecca.original.8505.jpg (2592x1944, 2.21M)

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you don't have to imagine, half of them probably lives in uk

It probably smells like a paradise on earth, you wish you had a giant cube culturelet bong.

What's inside that cube?

real anime girls

I pray to God I get to walk behind some hot Arab milf with giant ass and titties. Every step I take I will utter "Astaghfirullah" as I gaze upon her buttocks and savor the view

zombie Mohammed

>Praying to an empty stone box

Attached: 1522586189112.jpg (900x900, 83K)

Was at makka just a month ago, and i can assure you their was no bad smell their

yur mum heheheh

I did a umrah when I was 9 and mecca was a giant shithole. Medina's a lot nicer

why don't people burn it down, would be funny

They'd just rebuild it. Its been destroyed plenty of times

What did Allah mean by this?

Attached: Sept 11 Mecca.jpg (598x1078, 175K)

yeah but it would still be funny

3,000,000 Businessmen and women

Attached: 1550188014003.jpg (780x781, 160K)

dear Lord...
A for Allah, A for American

Attached: 1555157001341.png (273x337, 75K)

Muslims wouldnt even cry if it happened. All that would happen would be a few schizos decide to proclaim the end of times is here and that they're imam al-mahdi or some shit.

Honestly doing the Hajj just sounds hellish, disgusting, and dangerous

You vastly underestimate the power of God's will.

Attached: 1448423240486.jpg (720x404, 44K)

A direct tunnel to the nike factory in Thailand. The people are waiting for another batch of shoes to be sent

Seriously, what did Allah mean by this???

Attached: crane mecca.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

>Saudi maintenance
Not even once.

Attached: ugly nigger.jpg (564x423, 32K)

Probably, I value you the will of man and nature. I don't believe God is watching me. What do you believe to be Gods will?

I wonder if they were even aware they died, what was their last though. Etc.
I dont know if thats a horrible death or a good one desu

Attached: hmm.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

>storm knocks over BinLaden group crane on Sept. 11, 2015, killing 111 people and injuring many more

Attached: 1504232885073.jpg (657x527, 170K)