Why are most Chicano posters on Jow Forums incels?
Why are most Chicano posters on Jow Forums incels?
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Because when you become a mutterican your testosterone falls 70%
They refuse to be American
They aren’t. In my experience, Mexicans are most often the world posters in this hemisphere, full of self-hating delusional retards who never shut the fuck up.
Chicano women are made for the BWC
Why is every Mexican post about
1. white people
2. america
3. chicanos
4. spain
Because they’re the type that listens to the smiths and wear vans instead of listening Latin trap and wearing snake skin shoes
>self-hating delusional retards
That's very accurate, but so sad.
Um, because we live next to you?
>and wearing snake skin shoes
That sounds cringe
Mexifaggots are run away in terror when they come in the presence of the superior castizo CHI. Gargle my nuts, Paco. I'm gonna shoot any one of you dirty wetbacks if I catch you trying to hop my border.
You think you even have the fucking right to reply to me?
I'm a fucking American. I'm not on the same subhuman mongrel level as you shitskinned latin americans
I'm superior.
Fucking disgusting to see a fucking Colombian flag dare to reply to me. Probably a tranny nigger. Disgusting. Fucking. Disgusting.
El Amerimutto seetheante......
>I'm a fucking American. I'm not on the same subhuman mongrel level as you shitskinned latin americans
>I'm superior.
>Mexifaggots are run away in terror when they come in the presence of the superior castizo CHI. Gargle my nuts, Paco. I'm gonna shoot any one of you dirty wetbacks if I catch you trying to hop my border.
Chicanas are cuter than Mexicacas
Holy shif
it's hard to compete with all the bbcs and bwcs in this country . i would have had no problem getting girls had i been born in mexico.
Look at the both of you disgusting prietos. All you have to reply with is a shitty over used meme, the both of you. Fucking disgusting. It really goes to show how low IQ you and you're repugnant race of people are.
Just get tit implants and chop the both of your cocks off already. You're all disgusting and I can't believe I'm even gracing you both with my superior American (You)'s
You're welcome. I'm glad I could do you the favor but you'll never be like me, I'm better than you. I'm American. When will you filthy sudacas learn.
Nothing worse than a chi wetback in denial.
What is it about the US that makes CHIs so mentally ill?
Whiter than you, Paco.
>are run way
How's that ESL course coming along Paco?
Mexican boipusi belongs to Chicano cock
>Chicano cock
Look at the shitskinned faggots crawling out of the wood work to be able to experience the presence of the superior American. You mongrels make me laugh. You really are just gross animals, funny ones at that. Always grovelling at me the great American. Sorry but you can't be like me. Never. I am better than you. I'm in an entirely dfferent league. Superior
The entirety of South America should be fucking glassed over.
Suck my American cock you indio cock sleaves. Now get out of my sight subhumans and don't reply to me again.
stop this fighting
you're family
you're both overweight goblins
embrace it
Their filled with soy, poster is probably from socal, every day he is filled with sjw propaganda and gets tired of being called non mexican because of his skin. Probably why he hates mexis because he has been outcasted from his own people. Thrown out into the world alone and angry, now he grabs on to the delusion of him being wh*te and american because it's the only thing he has left. Yet he won't say this in public, since he still lives in So cal, so he lashes out on here. I feel bad for him, but not really dumb wetback should go back.
> Costa Rica
> Mexico
> South America
But you are not a real American
go to the nearest armory
buy a glock
put it in your mouth
pull the trigger
>that one annoying "British" poster that's obsessed with Mexicans and chis
I live in AZ you retarded faggot. I'm not some nigger from commiefornia. Gargle my superior cock. You don't know shit about me. Fucking tamale nigger.
Everything south of the US border in Sub America. Because their all subhumans
Fucking nigger faggots I said don't reply to me. Fucking gross niggerskinned mongols desperate for my American (You)'s. Here you go faggots. Now fucking do the world a favor and kill yourselves
P-pleas-BWAHAHHAHAAHAHA-please stop! I am running out of globinos to post, have mercy!
>Chicano cock
Stop, those mutt memes are genuinely offensive to him, he's gonna kys himself
>I live in AZ
el goblino del desiertos.... you're mother probably a crackhead lol. is that why you're mad because you're parents were too dumb to say no to drugs. being so midbroken that you think you're wh*te pathetic dumb wetback.
shame her career died when it turned out she hates niggers
Because all the "chad" chicanos are busy socializing, failing out of school, slap fighting, knocking up their 15 year old girlfriend and setting themselves up for the same shitty jobs their uneducated immigrant parents did. The ones here that are incels are probably going to amount to more than the non incels.
t.Live around chicanos and their immigrant parents
It's not dead
Are you white?
You forgot la creature or the one Mexico that blames America for anything wrong anywhere.
you don't recover from that especially when most of her audience were black women
Shit the fuck up you stupid fucking niggers. We all know you wish you were me. SMFH HAHAHAHHA. Fucking pathetic. If you even dare trying to cross the border up north to here I swear to god I will personally search you out and rid you from the face of the earth. Fucking mindboggling to me that you disgusting indios think you have the rihgt to even try to insult me. Gross
>slap fighting
Kek, do Chicanos really do this?
Shes technically not chicana.
Spain has nothing to do with us.
I think we broke the deluded wetback guys...
>dare trying to cross the border up north to here
Why would I? I would never think about stepping into the same country as you, I am afraid I will end up catching some kind of Chicano superbug that is as of yet unknown to modern medicine.
Camila Cabello was also accused of hating Blacks but she's doing fine
Her tweets weren't even that damning desu
what happened to the guy who made /chi/ threads?
did he finally commit suicide?
>Shes technically not chicana.
She's honorary Chicana
>Spain has nothing to do with us.
Spain's not included in that pic?
Fuck you nigger. I'm whitter than you and thus better. Fucking mow my lawn faggot maybe I'll throw in a tecate light with the five bucks i'll pay you if im feeling generous. You faggots wish your mind was as strong as mine. You all probably fucking crybaby pussys. I havent shed a single tear since I was eight years old. I'm a hard motherfucker and I will kill you with such precision the likes of which the world has never seen
You'll catch a fucking bullet in the head you colombian tyrone nigger
Huh. I hadn't noticed that he wasn't around anymore
> An American talking about getting shot
Look at this dude.
Based girls
why are you so mad of being brown? Is it because when people say you're name they think of you being an illegal immigrant
seems like miami latina girls really don't like the blacks
Fucking send me another goblino meme again I fucking dare you. I will track your IP and fucking wipe you off of the face of gods beautiful green earth. 14/88 faggot
>This CHI really thinks his longposts make him seem like a le epic troll instead of the deluded faggot he is
The game is on, my brown friend.
Just having a bit of fun ;))
>traditional Chicana waifu
My most elite snipers are headed your way now via chopper. get ready for hell fire mother fucker
Yeah there are even competitions. I'm trying to find you a video. In the meantime enjoy a Chicano fighting a white guy.
This is a CHI in his natural habitat, where no one likes him where he lives and always gets suspected of being a border jumper wetback when they read his name. He is a broken animal not even human. I give him a few months before he kills himself.
Why do you hate yourself so much?
>The last thing I see before I die
Tbh I was just trolling around le epic style because its my bday and I'm all alone and wanted to have fun. Pls be my frens guise
me voy a pagar la luz por siempre holmes
Well you did a shitty job trolling because everyone can see you really mean it
>Spain's not included in that pic?
I'm responding to
>Um, because we live next to you?
Yeah I live in a half gentrified BK neighborhood so I am surrounded by Pueblans, PRs, Dominicans, Ecuadorians, Guatemalens, Hondurans, El Salvadorans, etc.
it was just jokes i promise. be my fren
as I said a few months, only solution is faith in god.
I hope a latinx stabs you gentry scum
Have faith in DEEZ NUUUUUTZ
She looks just like a girl I know
Chicanos are taller than mexicans on average so its safe to assume our dicks are bigger as well
Were better. Face it
Are you the tallest guy in the hood
W-wat do?
Butthurt central american basura
ah yes CHI's
She's Cuban/Puerto Rican
This is her, looks kinda different now that I look at her
Chicanos are weird. In exclusively chicano cities like in South Texas you find chicanos doing white collar jobs and the paisas doing the low skilled work. But in majority white cities, chicanos are usually doing low skill service economy jobs.
Stop this fighting; it’s modelo time, foos
I'm not gentry. Literally if you work in a Manhattan job 45 minutes away pay check to paycheck you have to live like this. The Latinos either bought houses that are 900k now but were 40k 15 years ago or live6 adults in a two bedroom.
I'm drastically taller and when I stand next to some of the central American women I feel like a giant but some other whites are taller than me.
Im not him but i agree with him. Chicano pride ese
That's the last thing you CHIs have
t. pic related
CHIs are the damned spawn of malnourished double digit IQ injuns