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my english is literal trash

the new vampire masquerade game in development

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your english is great

>no sandra oh edition
Trash it

It's Semana Santa over here... what are you planning to do?

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Stop stealing our culture

i like this song but it makes me sad

holy fuck red wine and hot pockets are good

it's what we do

wish i could just ask this girl how i can escape the friend zone with her but girls dont like talking about that kind of stuff

you ask her out retard
if it fails then your friendship is over

i walked to my church this morning to help set up for the easter egg hunt but my nerves blew out and i turned 360° and walked away from right outside the open door

i don't want to hurt your feelings, but there's a high chance she knows. if she liked you back she'd have made it known by now

or he's a retard and misses signs

what did he steal?

if she REALLY wanted him and he was too dumb to see she'd make the first move

i wanna learn ballet

i wanna die

50% of women are too shy

this obsession is not healthy

i probably would've as a child but my brother said it was for women so i lost interest

I was sleepy a few minutes ago but not anymore

Seems the janny isnt on tonight

Just ignore her a few months

i also wanted to learn ballet as a child but got called a faggot for it

meh, my ex was shy and she managed to do it

see how gender is a social construct

Yeah they didn't delete my thread also no one replied probably too late for the russian janny

but i already knew that

shut the fuck up ale

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with what


always wondered what poltards were trying to prove with this image

context: shes a co-worker

she already made the first move months ago but shes mildly autistic and awkward like i am, shes pretty socially avoidant too. so i didnt see any signs early on because she gave off 0 signs. i tried to make the first move a few weeks into me working with her and i was about to cross paths with her on the street and her eyes got a little wide and she just moved to the other side of the street.

then like a couple of weeks after that i was walking by her at walgreens and she ran up to me and started talking to me and we've been talking ever since. we've been talking for like 3 months now, one time i asked her out and she told me "i dont know if youre making a move or something but i have a boyfriend" and i said "yeah i was, i do like you." and ever since then we talk even more but i haven't asked her out much because i went up to her desk once and nervously asked her if she wanted to go on break and she seemed super uncomfortable with the idea (which lead the conversation about her having a bf, she never told me until that day). but since she seemed so uncomfortable when i asked her im just waiting for her to warm up to me more and when she gives me some signs that she wants to be around me ill ask her out again. i have to play the long game basically.

oh sweetie...

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whatever floats your boat, bud.

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Listening to Disrurbed rn

its an statement i think

im bored and dont know what to do

dont m8

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learn french

i feel like trash and i know what to do

read a book, clean up your room... send a message to your qt?

eat spinach so your poops come out healthy

>send a message to your qt?
already did that but hes not answering and hes online

ollie looks p gud in this vid

he probably doesnt like you

yeah i think i already know that considering hes pretty homophobic and has a wife

wasnt aware contrapoints was so hairy

you are just his semen pouch passive bitch... I wouldn't call you either

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why even try then?

i wish i were at least his semen pouch

My step mom is here now I am locked in the bathroom

I just got horny for no reason...
kys Argie... how you know how much I love single thotty moms?

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Today I received a package with a new charger for the phone with 3.5A. The phone is heating pretty well and works worse because the protection is trying to make it colder and lower the frequency.

>mom tells dad to buy small bottles of coke instead of regular mexicoke
>I drink them
>they have high fructose corn syrup in them
Never trusting anyone ever again.

u have issues

Do you have camera?

Only gorditos posting below this line


Stop posting to trash american board.

what brand? here in Mexico we love Huawei, Samsumg and Xiaomi. They all work pretty great.

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>how did he know
I can see you from here Diego Saul Reyna

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Can you guys go to Jow Forums and reply to mexican posts saying Mexico is first world and we're all white and right in every argument so we can look cool?

I can only say america is rightful mexican clay.

depends on the post

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no. i'm too lazy

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haven't had taco bell in almost 10 years

(im not talking about HIM)
he said that its cringe that i refer to myself as femenine but now hes trying to "cheer me up" wtf

>he said that its cringe that i refer to myself as femenine
it IS very cringe since you're a dude

so many cuteys smile at me in my drawing class

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Qualcomm. My original works well, regardless it charges to 100% for an hour. I wanted to reduce this time. It doesn't work. Overheating and the protection turn the charging off. Sad.

Bitch, please.


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soft shell > hard shell

more like Qual/cum/m haaha

Vampyr is a fun game but it is technically fucky

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Can't imagine spending my time trying to look attractive and take attractive photos, practicing and testing different things to say to girls, doing my best to appear masculine to her at all times JUST to have sex. What a waste of time.

If you're going to attentionwhore at least post things which someone could understand without being you. You didn't even say who you're talking about


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the one for me *doesn't have* to try

best striker in the ufc tbqh.


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how'd you do on No Nut November?!?

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finna do it today maybe

I have never used that brand. Thanks for the info, will watch out for it.
