study your enemy
Study your enemy
it has been thousands years from the hyper war
they are not our enemies anymore
Why do swedes hate the finns? they look harmless
don't judge a book by its cover. If you just knew the malice scheming going on inside the brain of a finn you would want him safe behind bars or even worse, dead.
>Don't judge a book by its cover
>Literally judges a book by its cover
I like Finnish people, (Especially the girls) but I've noticed that Finns are rather very aggressive compared to other Scandinavians. Memeing aside, they behave like wild Mongols on their horse with arrows. No regards for law or manners. They are an aggressive people who don't shy away from behaving violent in public
Meanwhile swedish people keep doing grenade attacks and burn down random cars on a daily basis.
There was a kid I went to school with that looked almost exactly like the tard in the blue shirt minus the broken nose. He was fat and would constantly WE WUZ about Finland
But those are my bros
I like finns, but you are still our enemy. I wish you weren’t really
give gf, top row 2nd from right
Finns need to go back to Korea
>WE WUZ about Finland
we wuz khans and sheet
the noble finngolian deprived of his horse and the open plains he yearns for is a miserable being
saami mutts
You were always enemies of Russia. No doubt, you are the aggressive pieces of shit.
Slavs raped by mongol empire
There were no rapes or something, stupid jap shit.
gib lakupiippu
i too can cherry pick
easy for you to say... pyramid user
What about him??
looks like average finnish grandpa except your guy doesnt wear a hat
that is a fenno-swede
Why are Asian genes so strong?
God they look butt ugly
>ut I've noticed that Finns are rather very aggressive compared to other Scandinavians.
In the news a few months ago, there was a headline about a gene or two being found in some Finns that makes them more aggressive
We are aggressive because we have the genes. We always BTFO the vikangz and russoshits. While you let Jamal fuck your wife and you accomodate him.
>other scandinavians
We arent scandinavian
the bottom row is all from norrland. Swedes don't live there. Finnmutts do.
And are you really gonna go that low and use female football players?
I guess women aren't Swedes then.
this is the picture swedes don't want others to see
>female football players look like normal people
ayy lmao lakkupippu
I know my enemies very well, do you?
We have been neighbours for decades.
> pale northern finnoids
yuck. how about real swedish orangoids.
why do they look russian?
Finns are harmless simpletons as long as you don't give them alcohol
Finns are absolutely wonderful. Please do not bother them in a rude way
Swedes are orange not white