Your country

>your country
>is this type of house common in your country

Attached: tumblr_inline_pet0ihR9gd1sppt0x_1280.png (1280x857, 1.53M)

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I don’t see anything wrong with it

Attached: tumblr_inline_p3qzrsZL521sppt0x_1280.png (1280x926, 1.48M)

aaah american engineering

ah yeah

Attached: spacex landing.gif (600x450, 1.08M)

damn, an African designed THAT?

Attached: Famous-South-African-Elon-Musk.jpg (886x464, 25K)


keep seething, you have to be AMERICAN to work at spacex for security reasons

Attached: starman.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Elon is as American as the bald eagle

Attached: elon musk.png (922x314, 185K)

who cares to work at spacex ?

It does say something that of all the countries in the world that Elon Musk could have immigrated to, he chose the USA.

Attached: usa (2).jpg (1500x1000, 825K)

people who want to innovate the space industry and forever change it

*african-american if anything

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>t. doesn't have anything to brag about

>t. brags

Attached: 1554626968889.gif (399x369, 39K)

so why would they work for tiny spacex ?

you wanna play this game?

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Quiet Bruce before I nuke you

Spain hasn't done anything to progress Humanity since the 1700s

since always you mean

Sadly yes. I don't have a clue why. Our upper middle class used to have great taste in architecture, but in the 80s it just fell through the floor


fuck up cunt

Attached: 1554746452534.jpg (763x757, 59K)

Are these houses actually for the upper middle class, or are they for people who are poorer but have pretensions?

6% of people live in favelas here because of the drugs

They're for stupid people

Same as here, then:
Style is a bit different - not quite as overwrought or flashy, but just as rubbishy.

ever been to the hospital? thank spain for those syringes they use
ever had to mop the house? thank spain for creating the mop
ever lived in the american continent? thank spain for discovering and exploring your entire continent
ever listened to a song that had a guitar? thank spain for creating the guitar
ever saw astronauts? thank spain for creating the first space suit
ever used the american dollar? Thank spain for creating the Spanish Dollar (peso del 8), wich the US dollar was based on

Attached: SPENBALL.png (438x425, 221K)


Ever used the internet?
Ever use a modern computer?

I remember the Maine jackass

exactly, every nation contributed to civilization to some degree, regardless of how little foreigners think of it
>the maine
>implying the spaniards were responsible for that

apologize for the maine

>implying the spaniards were responsible for that
Doesn't matter, you got cucked because of it.

>because of it
USA would've tried a different casus belli if they didnt put the Maine in the docks of Havana, just like with the "weapons of mass destruction" or other casus belli

>you got cucked because of it.
It's not us who got the bad luck to keep p*elto rico

Sadly yes
Half a million dollars of tasteless garbage sitting on every other street

>upper middle class
>house only costs $500,000
Is America a third-world country?

no people here are used to cheap houses

Former agricultural land and is cheap and McMansions are usually assembly built. Obviously if that was in a major city it would cost over a million, but most of them are built on the edge of medium sized cities.

Upper middle class is 80 to 95th income here

Forgot to ad
Vs a properly built home of a similar size
These things are cheap for what you get, that's why they sell.

I mean a house of the kind that's in the OP would surely cost more than a million, but you can still get quite a large (ugly) house for that price if you buy in the exurbs

Who is the person in the bottom post? I've seen his pic a few times here

My standards are probably different because of the geography of Australia. The best suburbs (neighbourhoods) tend to be near the centre of major cities, with older houses, good parks and green spaces, short commutes, etc.. Outer suburbs of major cities are where one would find ostentatious contemporary architecture like that, and those areas are (and therefore that style of house is) associated with bogans.

It's similar in the US. The only thing is that even if you live in a nice neighborhood with old houses, developers are always itching to tear down and put up new monstrosities

That's true here, too. Especially popular are subdivisions and high-density infill (typically tenanted by Chinese and Indians). A lot of dodgy property developers are Greeks and Italians, and they often put up a relative or friend for local council so they can have an insider for planning permission - to the point, anyone standing for council with a wog surname is probably there for that reason.

Remember the Alamo motherfucker?

idk I think he was from reddit or something

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