Everyone welcome edition because V4 is asleep
V4 + Everyone
Ahoy please have fun in this thread and give everyone warm and welcoming good morning when they wake up because they have hard day of work waiting for them
No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.
we need to exterminate all weeb posters here
Where do I go to meet qts?
in dreams
Post logs
Good night son.
MMORPGs are for brainlets
post goddammit
I see the thread is evolving into polish general tier. Hope it doesn't come out too faggy.
Czechs and Slovaks can obviously understand each other, right? What about Poles and Czechoslovakians? How close are your languages?
There is nothing good about this place anymore
Tell me one (1) good poster that contributes well here
What does it say? Did Hungary get it's first high score?
When did you realize you're subhuman trash?
Me when I was around 19, so 11 years ago.
What were you doing these 11 years?
what makes you a subhuman?
Early childhood.
>contributing to a general without proper subject
U wot, m8. Generals are good only on thematic boards and there is a reason to be so.
Why didn't they just let that guy die?
All I want in life is a house in the moutains, cute girlfriend and a nice dog
Uni, then work
sucked my gf's titties yesterday
Living the dream.
god I wish that were me
Nice, very fucking nice
I realised it when I was 15
>morons fuck up when they are young
>live the next 50 years thinking they are worthless because of it
You really are a bunch of brainlets
Same but with plains and alone
Written polish is easier to understand than spoken because polaks speak funny.
I would say around 40-65 % of what is said is understood
>he hasn't been ruined for life
>fucking kid in McDonalds is chewing with his mouth open and I can hear him from the other side of the room
Why can't fucking retards understand that they're supposed to close their fucking mouth when they chew? What's so hard to understand? Fucking mongoloids.
ruined by what?
I'd understand if it was because of something very traumatic, but giving up on life because "I never speak to people so i'm bad at it :(((((" or "someone told me i'm dumb once and I took it too seriously :(((("
man the fuck up you little bitches, you have all your limbs and faculties in check, so stop crying
because it's a fucking kid you absolute retard
Yeah it was something very traumatic that had ruined me
So? He's not retarded, and besides, his parents could tell him not to chew his mouth open.
Don't eat at mcdonalds you fatass
Then call the parents retarded for not behaving the kid, don't call the kid a retard
and stop eating at maccas you fat bitch, you're supposed to be losing weight
Comfy easter
Fuck off, idiots.
comfy indeed
Not an argument
start running fat boy
blessing this thread
Damn soooo thikk bro. Not fat at all ;3333 :3
ikr :3
Blessing this thread for real
I love Horo!
am awake
Be thankful it's not Touhou.
ToeHoe is gateway drug to homosexuality and crossdressing
I unironically transitioned from trap porn to crossdressing porn
I'm scared of what comes next
Don't confuse result with cause. You were a sissy way before becoming a weeb.
But I am 100% straight
Do you like touhou?
I have thousands of pictures of touhou characters
Recommend a good recent title then. No mecha pls.
The raccoon anime of course!
t. haven' watched anything because too busy playing FFXIV
I like doujinshi over anime and manga
you want more? I got plenty
What is your favourite doujinshi?
please do post more
its a secret
when I get home
what are your preferred tags?
>its a secret
schoolgirl,small breasts,and non homogay stuff
reroll i dont want to be a faggot
>no arms
>enter bread
>at least 10 posts are hidden
>no arms
I call it mandatory disarmament peace program.
Someday I'll build an AI that detects pics of anime and obese women and automatically filters all posts that contain those pics.
I believe anime recognition thingies are already a thing
that was just like me 7 days ago
>enter thread
>nothing is filtered because Im not easily triggered snowflake
shut your fucking mouth tramnigger
i said i dont want to be a fag damnit reroll
Guess some people are destinated for that kind of life.