The ASIAN male is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity

The ASIAN male is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity.

Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is petite. His tiny shape makes his presence more helpless, like a perfect Damsel in Distress. He is neotenous, as a result of his high levels of estrogen. This gives him the appearance of health and fertility. He is then covered by his light skin. This light skin reminds us of his softness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the colds of North East Asia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The light skin reminds us of every male's desire to companionship, warmth and love that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The ASIAN male’s demeanor is one of submissiveness. He is submissive, yet assertive, and can be explosively emotive. His demeanor strikes envy into the more vapid, prudish races of women(wh*te bitches)

The summit of expression of his femininity on his body is his bussy. The ASIAN bussy is tightest of all the races. As the bussy is the penultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the ASIAN male the most feminine of men. This tight bussy is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to stimulate the phallus. Its strength insures that when he orgasms, the potent ASIAN contractions will immediately draw in the seed of his man the ASIAN male copulates with.

In total, the ASIAN male expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he receives the entirety of the lusts and desires of his man without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the ASIAN male is the epitome of femininity

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Other urls found in this thread:

How did one race become so completely and utterly cucked?

They westernized

latinos are half mongoloids. So we are also yours to take responsability

Quit bullying Asian men.


WAIT! THATS A BOY????????????????????????????? ASIAN MEN EXPLAIN!?!?!


Based aussie telling the truth

fucking delete this
this isnt true

Look at the torso and the lack of any curves

This is an Asian man, not even a tranny.

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God I wish that was me

Wrong, they value neoteny in their women. Guess what happens when you mate with a neotenous woman? You get men who are neotenous. It's a self perpetuating cycle that favors neoteny above all

Very based aussie

sage this thread sage this thread sage this thread sage this thread sage this thread

No, I need my sexpat bucks.

Is it true that in Saudi Arabia the Saudis rape filipino men and asian men in general?


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I want to fuck him so bad.

shut up
i look nothing like a girl

Yes from the stories and gossips. men going to work to arab land grow their beard or dont shave at all and tan their skin even more brown to make arabs discourage to rape them

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Neotony is a meme. A woman will have children no matter. If a woman wants a kid she will get a kid. It's impossible for humans to evolve a sexually selected trait. Because sexual selection is just a meme. Every single part of evolution has to do with biology and physics. Asians look "cute" because one they develop slower because they have to grow bigger brains, two they dont have a nose bridge. Most likely something that evolved away because asians needed to develop epicanthic folds or asian eyes. The geography of Asia makes it so that in general, the environment of asia is more "sunny" than Europe, the middle east, or India. There is some reflective factor in the atmosphere or something that makes it so asians have to squint all the time. Eventually their body evolved to make squinting very easy. Most likely the loss of the nose bridge was to increase FOV to compensate for the loss of FOV from squinting. The Caucasian man uses his brow ridge to act as shade, the Asian doesnt. The asian uses the eye lids themselves. This gives them a "cute" look but thats just a consequence of the traits.

>It's impossible for humans to evolve a sexually selected trait.

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>sexual selection is just a meme
Holy hell how stupid do you have to be to say this

That's a whole lot of unsubstantiated mumbo jumbo

youre a sissy slut in the making

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Sexual selection is how a lot of evolution occurred in Scandinavia

>related: r/bbcsissies

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evolution is like economics and politics that everyone thinks they are complete masters of the subject. Sexual selection IS a meme. Because this right here. What we find "sexy" was evolved. We find clear skin attractive not because we want people to have clear skin, but because our bodies specifically evolved to find clear skin people attractive. I don't find a pig attractive, but a pig finds another pig extremely beautiful. Why? Because the pig evolved to like certain traits that humans didnt like.I could find humans with small feet for attractive, and breed with only small feet humans. Well eventually if my children keep doing that eventually the feet will be so small that its effects the ability to walk and run. That kid is then unhealthy and unfit and he dies without having young. My preference for small feet, genetic or not, dies with my last kin and the people who valued normal feet live on spreading their normal feet gene. Everything you find attractive is an indicator of good health. Having teeth means the person has good oral health, liking a full face means the person developed their face properly. Liking people with two arms and not diseased means the people are not struggling. Does this make sense?

No its not.

Is too!

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one theory as to why blue eyes became common in many parts of europe is sexual selection

You really think your blue eyes and blond hair was selected because its attractive? You're dumb. Blue eyes, allows more UV radiation in. It makes the eyes grow healthy. This is only useful in places where the sun is really weak. Like sweden. Blue eyes people in Africa there eyes get damaged way quicker.

Hair color is intensely tied with skin color. A lack of melanin in the skin can cause a lack of melanin in your hair. Your body must synthesize vitamin D and thats how it compensated. Eventually the body stops needing as much vitamin D as the human grows older and starts producing more melanin leading to the classic trait of swedes being born blonde but developing brown hair later in life.

Any other "special" traits?

>Blue eyes, allows more UV radiation in. It makes the eyes grow healthy
Uhh what? :D wtf

that theory is wrong.

Brown eyes get their color from melanin, the same pigment that colors your skin. But blue eyes don't have any blue pigment in them. Melanin blocks UV light. If you dont have this melanin then your eyes show blue. It only stands to reason, that people evolved this way to absorb more UV light in their eyes.

Gayest shit I've seen today. Kill yourself

>We find clear skin attractive not because we want people to have clear skin, but because our bodies specifically evolved to find clear skin people attractive.

That's not sexual selection, and you are completely ignoring the fact that acne ridden people also get laid

>I don't find a pig attractive, but a pig finds another pig extremely beautiful. Why

Because you're human and not a pig. You don't see dogs mating with cats do you or Cougars mating with Jaguars

>I could find humans with small feet for attractive, and breed with only small feet humans. Well eventually if my children keep doing that eventually the feet will be so small that its effects the ability to walk and run.

That still doesn't disprove sexual selection. Male birds such as peacocks are preyed upon moreso than the plain females, because they are being sexually selected by females to have bigger and more colorful feathers.

>That kid is then unhealthy and unfit and he dies without having young. My preference for small feet, genetic or not, dies with my last kin and the people who valued normal feet live on spreading their normal feet gene.

Does not disprove sexual selection at all. Just because your kid can't mate, doesn't mean others won't be mating

>Everything you find attractive is an indicator of good health.

Wrong, people are also attracted to personality, which is usually sexually selected for. Aggressive dominant men get more women, and agreeable submissive women are sought after more often.

>Having teeth means the person has good oral health, liking a full face means the person developed their face properly. Liking people with two arms and not diseased means the people are not struggling. Does this make sense?

These aren't examples of sexual selection.

Please explain why women with blond hair and blue eyes are the most sought after?

if blue eyes were important for northern latitudes, then you would see it more often among siberian/inuit population.

there is a latitude where it stops being selected for due to the snow reflection. and lack of forests. Inuit don't live under forest cover so there is no advantage to blue eyes.

Get help.

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> and lack of forests. Inuit don't live under forest cover so there is no advantage to blue eyes.

Yes they do. One theory why they haven't evolved it is due to their diet being rich in vitamin D. Also Koreans and Japanese live in northern latitudes too, but they don't have blue eyes and colored hair

migration, rate of evolution, recessive genes

But acne people get laid LESS. That's all that matters. Acne doesnt kill you but if your acne causes you to have 8 children while a non acne person has 9. And these trends continue. My genetics will quickly outpace you over 100+ year generations. This is evolution. It's all percentage.

As far as the pig example. That's exactly what I'm getting at. Dogs don't mate with cats, for many reason for which is they dont find cats attractive. This is proof that there are no objectively attractive traits. All traits therefore can only be assumed to be a function of the environment and any attraction you find towards a trait is just you acting on your evolution.

For example. Having two legs and walking on two feets is VERY very VERY useful for humans. And as such we EVOLVED to LIKE PEOPLE WHO WALK ON TWO LEGS. Walking on two legs isn't in and itself an attractive trait in biology. Dogs like dogs who walk on 4 legs. Humans only find two legs attractive because we EVOLVED that way. Wide hips on a female isn't attractive just because. Its attractive because women with wide hips are HEALTHY, and we evolved to like HEALTHY PEOPLE.

First off. Female peacocks evolved gray fur as camoflague. Because women birds are the ones who need to blend into their nest. But guess what. Male peacocks find grey feathers HOT AF. If male peacocks find gray feathers attractive and female peacocks find colorful feathers attractive. Then how could you say colorful feathers are an attractive trait? The males JUST showed that gray feathers are attractive just as much. It's much more obvious that the colorful feathers serve as a way to startle mammals who pose a threat. A peacock will spread its plummage and use its colors to freak the mammal out. Like a colorful snake or poisonous frog warns with you its color that its poisonous to animals.

Personality is one of the defining features of an intelligent human. A good personality means you are healthy in the head and not rotting brain.

No they don't, they live under 40 degrees due north which is about the same as the mediterrenean sea.

Light eyes are show up frequently among people living in that latitude as well. Blue eyes aren't as vital as people think it is.

meant for

Bullshit. BMwf is the best combination. Fuck slant eyes.

The most interesting thing about interracial (my favorite) is that it is based in biology. Male animals with more pigmentation always prefer female animals with less pigmentation. This is true outside of the human race and mammals as a whole. So if you ever see a black male white female relationship just know it was birthed out of pure primitive lust, which is why so many of them end in divorce.

You are confusing sexual selection for selection.

>But acne people get laid LESS. That's all that matters

This is not sexual selection. This is selection. Sexual selection is a one sided thing

>As far as the pig example. That's exactly what I'm getting at. Dogs don't mate with cats, for many reason for which is they dont find cats attractive. This is proof that there are no objectively attractive traits. All traits therefore can only be assumed to be a function of the environment and any attraction you find towards a trait is just you acting on your evolution.

Again you are confusing selection with sexual selection. Things like speciation exist, and animals respond to specif cues. For example fireflys all glow in the dark and look the same, but species of fireflies exist, because they know certain patterns and intensities that identify their own species.

>For example. Having two legs and walking on two feets is VERY very VERY useful for humans. And as such we EVOLVED to LIKE PEOPLE WHO WALK ON TWO LEGS. Walking on two legs isn't in and itself an attractive trait in biology. Dogs like dogs who walk on 4 legs. Humans only find two legs attractive because we EVOLVED that way

Again, this is not sexual selection. You are describing the effects of speciation

>Wide hips on a female isn't attractive just because. Its attractive because women with wide hips are HEALTHY, and we evolved to like HEALTHY PEOPLE.

Women with wide hips are not healthy. The wider the Q angle the more prone to knee injuries they are


Genetic diversity and its a rare trait. Scarcity breeds value. People want to mix with people who a different then them because odds are if it was 5000 years ago and you come into contact with someone who looks completely different than you. Odds are either that person traveled into your environment or you traveled into theirs. If you want to have healthy kids then mixing is a way of furthering your DNA.

Think about it this way. Is it better for a Blue eye person in Africa to breed with another Blue eyes pale person. Or is it better that the Blue eye person breed with a Black person. The latter, because if two blue eyed persons breed on the equater and live there with their kids, then they literally wont be able to go outside without getting constant sunburn. If you create a mutt then at least your kid would have a better shot at living.

Diet high in vitamin D and snowfall reflects UV light up from the snow into the eyes. Plus Europe is perpetually covered in clouds. I'm not sure if Canada deals with the same amount of cloud coverage.

A white person can burn in both Korea and Japan.


get out nigger

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Based singa

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Sexual selection DOESN'T EXIST. Anything you find sexy was evolved. Get it you dumb bitch? There is only selection and artificial selection. No matter how sexy you find white skin a white person still gets skin cancer and dies at the equator, or is constantly sunburned. Someone with black skin who doesn't have to give a fuck about that will steal all DA WYMENS and fuck way more than a white guy who has to invent sunscreen to stay functioning. And if you say "put on a shirt" good luck farming and getting food in constant tropical heat at the equator. Jamal with his shirt off will destroy you assuming same intelligence.

I'm not even going to read the rest of your post because your an Orthodox.

mentally ill

>Diet high in vitamin D and snowfall reflects UV light up from the snow into the eyes.
siberians live mostly off of caribou meat.
Not only that, light eyes show up frequently in lower sunny latitudes in Mediterranean afghanistan/persia.
light eyes don't have a benefit there and is actually worse than dark eyes because they have slower reaction times.

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Sexual selection does exist. Women pick and choose which traits they want. People don't just randomly fuck unless it's rape.

>First off. Female peacocks evolved gray fur as camoflague...o animals.

Male peacocks do not do the choosing. Females do. Male peacock plummage does not stop them from being preyed upon by tigers, leopards, civets, wild canines and mongooses. Peacocks are a prey animal, they don't spread their plummage. They resort to flying, which they do badly and running. Color only works in poisonous animals and animals that imitate others who are poisonous like the coral snake and its non poisonous mimics

you need to stop posting this. you are obsessed.

I'm jealous

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Blond hair and blue eyes evolved in the Ice Age when most of the earth was covered in Ice.

Not as obsessed as he is about white dick

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He was the best tbqh

Stop, repressing your cravings for BWC

ok I ain't guy but I'd really like her to suck me off t b h

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I'm a literal molecular biologist and worked in an evolutionary biology lab during under grad. I think I know what I'm talking about.

>Think about it this way. Is it better for a Blue eye person in Africa to breed with another Blue eyes pale person. Or is it better that the Blue eye person breed with a Black person. The latter, because if two blue eyed persons breed on the equater and live there with their kids, then they literally wont be able to go outside without getting constant sunburn. If you create a mutt then at least your kid would have a better shot at living.

Humans don't think this way at all

>There is only selection and artificial selection.
What do you think sexual selection is? Hello, it's artificial

>No matter how sexy you find white skin a white person still gets skin cancer and dies at the equator, or is constantly sunburned. Someone with black skin who doesn't have to give a fuck about that will steal all DA WYMENS and fuck way more than a white guy who has to invent sunscreen to stay functioning. And if you say "put on a shirt" good luck farming and getting food in constant tropical heat at the equator. Jamal with his shirt off will destroy you assuming same intelligence.

Why do white people still exist in dry arid climates for example? Why isn't everyone clamoring to get with a black person if they live somewhere sunny?

The percentage is way less though because there an intermediary region. Blue eyes also exist in America but they will evolve away. Unless our modern world of living in society makes having blue eyes actually more useful. But probably not.

YOUR NOT READING MY POST. I'm saying WHAT you find sexy was EVOLVED. That's just normal selection. Sexual selection as a theory doesn't hold any ground under scrutiny. It's just called selection. Nothing sexual about it.

Ice was only in Finland, Canada, and Sweden.

Both animals do the picking. Regardless, i'm not a peacock scientists, but their colors can be explained in another way other than DURRR DA WYMEN FIND IT HOT. The women find it hot because it shows proper development. I know for certain that peacocks spread their plummage for more than just women peacocks. Whatever situation that is then there you go, thats the usefulness of those feathers.

>percentage is way less though because there an intermediary region.
But it should be zero in those regions because it has no evolutionary advantage. In fact its a burdern, because lighter eyes have slower reaction times than dark eyes do.

>Blue eyes also exist in America but they will evolve away.
wut? they're not going to evolve away, because people find them attractive in the US. Blue eyed actors/actresses tend to be over-represented in media

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I've written 3 PhD papers on this subject. Your professors old hacks who don't update their textbooks. Sexual selection being a flawed label is a new phenomenon.

>Humans don't think this way at all
I just thought this way and I'm a human.

If sexual evolution is artificial then call it artificial, but its not artificial. Artificial is humans pushing dogs past their point of evolution wanting speed and make greyhounds animals who cant even sit correctly. Greyhounds, weinerdogs. Most of these retarded dog breeds would died in a generation if it wasn't them being reliant on humans to spread their DNA.

>Why isn't everyone clamoring to get with a black person if they live somewhere sunny?
Because most people live in a country where they evolved to fit the climate and fucking a black person will make them TOO dark for their environment.

You honestly think evolution takes place in 100 years? I promise you 2000 years from now Blue eyes in America will have completely vanished.

And no it shouldnt be zero. Assuming a constantly changing climate maybe the blue eye person is born in a time where clouds never leave afghanistan for 20 years. THen blue eyes would be advantageous. Your forgetting human diversity still exists.

probably look nothing like a man either

Based retard

No matter how many somalis show up to sweden they will still evolve to have blue eyes.

>I promise you 2000 years from now Blue eyes in America will have completely vanished.
no it wont. There is no evolutionary selection against it. In fact, we see the exact opposite.


>In fact, we see the exact opposite
Yes but unfortunately nowadays, how attractive you are doesnt have much of an effect on how many children you have.
10/10 blue eyed swedish couples have no kids and some fur babies, whereas lightbulb nigger somalis have 9 kids each

>Before the turn of the century, more than half of the residents of the United States were blue-eyed Caucasians, but that is no longer the case. In fact, the odds are that a baby born in this country today will grow up with brown eyes. By 1950, fewer than 35 percent of the American population had blue eyes. Most recently, that percentage has dwindled to about 17 percent. Worldwide, the number of people with blue eyes is even less at only about eight percent. In the United States, both the huge influx of immigrants from Hispanic and Asian countries and the increased acceptance of interracial relationships and the children born of those unions have caused this shift from a blue-eyed to a brown-eyed population.

Dogs can have blue eyes too you know. We can come from millions upon millions upon millions of years of evolution. Yet no population of human on the equator has blue eyes. Blue eyes probably randomly mutated on the equator millions of times in our past for various different animals and it never caught on. The only time blue eyes caught on was a small region in spain where a random blue mutation didn't die. It kept existing and spread North, but not South. This is the only time Blue eyes has ever evolved and it just happens to be in the cloudiest, northernest, human habitable region on Earth. Think with your brain.

This, unless Americans genocide brown eyes and make them a trait that will actively get you KILLED. Blue eyes will die. Technically this is evolution. But this sort of thing isn't going to happen.

> The only time blue eyes caught on was a small region in spain where a random blue mutation didn't die. It kept existing and spread North, but not South.
As I've mentioned in a previous post. Blues has no advantage, and can be a burden in lower latitudes, due to slower reaction times and UV damage
But the reason they show up at all in certain lower latitudes is because people find them attractive.

>although all eyes in Britain were once brown, they are now 48% blue, 30% green and just 22% brown. Although there are no direct physical advantages to having blue eyes, such as better eyesight, the overwhelming change of eye colour from brown to blue has been a cross-Europe phenomenon.

meant for

Just because you mentioned it in another post doesn't mean you are right.

Let me pose you this question. Lets say we killed all brown and black eyed people. Every single one and only blue eyed people were left on Earth..

Do you honestly think that Brown eyes would never evolve again in human history?

>thought this thread was going to be about qt asian bois
>it's just some faggy evolution talk

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Answer my question.

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>Brown eyes would never evolve again in human history
No it can show up any time

I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay, I'm not a gay,I'm not a gay,I'm not a gay, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

Okay, and in a world were everyone has blue eyes and a brown eyed person showed up.. Would they kill him or breed with him?

I;ve no idea what you're getting at here.
they'll do whatever they want m8.

Whatever just drop it.

I'm going to go masturbate fuck you guys.

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lets get the thread back on topic

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This is a pretty stupid theory. Natural selection works by having more offspring. Being preferred doesn't help in a monogamous society where unmarried, childless individuals are a small minority.

>Being preferred doesn't help in a monogamous society
protip, blue eyes spread during a time when rape was as common as a handshake

>childless individuals are a small minority.
lol wut. life for much of humanity was nasty brutish and short