/flag/ + /extraflags/

Based Canadian Regionals edition

Previous edition:

Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, and Jow Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums/tree/master/maps

>Making Flags?

Attached: flags.jpg (763x494, 75K)

First and last posts for frogs of both sides of the Atlantic. Good night.

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now that i look at it closer bc is basically 2 flags put together

bonne nuit

good night lad
what flags

I assume he meant there is a clear divide in the middle of the flag, an union jack above and another gay ass shit pseudouruguay flag under

but which flag is he talking about? British Columbia's?

Gn again



it's like uk on top of Kiribati

gonna sleep
without undies >:^)

Gn cheeky wanker

See ya later fags


Netherlands completed :DD xDDD

Attached: 1.png (681x720, 37K)

forgot to add the flag >:^|

Attached: 1.png (668x662, 36K)



Black Metal is Surf Rock with distortion.


>Grandma gave me 20 euros.
I'm rich now.

Attached: sunglasses.jpg (222x216, 9K)

Invest wisely

Is chocolate good investment?

I would say so.

wew for a second i thought Ott*wa was back


Mine gives me 10 every week for some reason. You should invest in property, more considering malta is such a crowded place with many tourists, imagine the profits.

Attached: 1493495890327.gif (480x360, 1.9M)

>Implying I wouldn't need to sell my soul to Satan on Easter Sunday for extra effect to be able to afford any propriety here.

Would you be interested in a loan?

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I'd rather invest in a gun and shoot meaty fireworks off my brain.

worst leaf

sad, you are missing a good business opportunity here



surprised they let sonoma post from his cell

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Nice, did you get Saint-Martin from me?

>Indianapolis, he is now posting under New Orleans
There are so many Americans with extraflags
Which cartoon?

Seems like Wayside

Poste des images r34 de Mauricette, s'il te plaƮt !



Hmmm Yes i guess


Or maybe figolli, since it's Easter soon.

forgot pic

Attached: file.png (1200x630, 1.85M)

Fug, now I'm hungry

They're very yummy.

Indeed :3

You've had them?

No Just read the recipe ;__;


Attached: apuhug.png (746x512, 99K)

Fugg :(

Attached: please.jpg (1080x1587, 284K)

Actually, L4D2 is somewhat getting one. Back 4 Blood is the name.



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Henlo Sonora

>all these (you)

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hello flag

Attached: conflict.gif (240x160, 3.84M)

How many people are still left in this general from 2015?
I used to frequent this back then

who you?
ive been here for some time


I used to have a namefag. It was this.
I helped make most of the Australian regional flags. Back then I remember there was a French user from Nice, a Singaporean user, Belgian and a bunch of Americans. I have a bad memory.

gn /flag/

just ate at a $10 tacos and hotdogs stand
now i have diarrhea

im guessing you're not the guy from new delhi

i barely remember you. I'm from around that time, probably 2016 or so

and im the only one left from that time really


fucking couple was laughing at me in the peripheral of my vision today at school. it's 80 degrees here so the women are dressed like sluts too. God i wish islam would take over or something; these fuckers need to be stopped

Are you sure they were laughing at you?

yep, the guy even mocked how i was sitting. I probably could have choked the shit out of him given I am taller but i have to focus on my studies. The only way for me to get away from the female is through work and getting enough money to purchase land in the far north. That's why i haven't shot up a sorority... yet.

Ah, that sucks. Best I can say is to try to ignore them because they're not worth getting in trouble.

good to not be you

Attached: ~.jpg (1780x2373, 2.11M)

I know, that's what i do. I fucking hate this world.

>given I am taller
you go to college at a dwarf academy or something

Attached: skeptical.png (999x489, 284K)

i fucking hate you people. At least malta understands my struggle

but to answer your question, he was like 5'9".

Attached: tibet-china-execution-2.jpg (642x348, 67K)

its just bants m8, chill
now, tell us how you sit, you silly 5'10" giant


Attached: Why dont you have Extraflags Anon.png (420x420, 61K)

I was once called hot lul.

like any other person. Sit up straight. It was more like they were mocking my mere person, probably because I'm ugly.
wow i really am alone here

>wow i really am alone here
Sonoma you're hot



Your story reminded me of that for some reason. It happened on the bus. As we were leaving the bus, the girl sitting next to me was told by her friend how the hot ones always sit next to her.
In the end it doesn't matter when your brain is fucking hopeless.