What's wrong with white """people""", why do they obssess over children's media
What's wrong with white """people""", why do they obssess over children's media
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haha his name is butts
can someone give me a rundown? I don't plan on watching him sperg out
i would unironically rather be him than be a chad in ecuador
i saw the webm
he just overreacts like a retard
Niggers obssess over chicken, dick size and white men actually.
The actual question is, why do these two different animals obssess over such triffling things?
he has legit autism, and sleeps on separate beds from his wife
nah that's because she's his fiancee and they are both virgins waiting until marriage
he's in some hardcore protestant denomination
isn't it strange that most people would rather spend their time insulting some ugly guy for liking what he likes, rather than indulging in their own interests?
Like there's so much time in between drinking light beer and watching NCAA games that people have to rag on some random guy instead of just minding their own fucking business.
My interest is to insult people. That's what I do here on Jow Forums.
It's a marketing scheme to younger people, seeing older figure react this way to things they like is replayable a dopamine dose
Making a video of yourself literally shaking and crying a bit because of a movie or something is a bit more than simply "liking what he likes". By putting the video online Butts should expect people who will mock him.
he should also have expected people to mock him over being called butts lmao
>he's in some hardcore protestant denomination
Nah no way, either she's taking chad dick on the side or she's got some serious issues and needs someone to mooch off of
Ok I like this guy even more now, like let him have his fun, sperging over a guy because your life is shit is pretty retarded.
His name is BUTTS
i genuinely feel bad for him
he's happy a movie he likes is coming out and we're all shitting on him
don't feel bad, women have started virtue signalling about him pretending they would date his disgusting self
he looks dumb enough to believe it so is probably pretty happy right now
You shouldn't. He was almost certainly acting for views.
>Why we should celebrate Eric Butts' Star Wars teaser reaction
All the virtue signaling retards conveniently forgot that there's nothing noble about mindlessly consuming pop culture media. In fact, to answer OP, people are so devoid of true meaning and happiness in their lives they will place their entire identity on the self-indulgent garbage they consume. This man is nothing but a pathetic worm, everyone that defends him needs to seriously reevaluate what is truly meaningful.
>It's another "zoomers can't understand how anyone can genuinely enjoy anything" episode
What are you, a hick? Taking in information and new experiences is the most noble pursuit there is. Go fuck your sister for the 600th time.
What's wrong with it?
with enough bullying he might delete his channel like James YouNiverse
Who is this? Did he also show an overreaction to a movie?
>haha le soy and cuckman likes le soy and cucking
Sad attempt. Bottom of the barrel.
Same reason why they'd rather have a puppy or a cat rather than having children
he literally admitted to watching cuck porn almost exclusively, why are you so out of the loop on this
>it's another "zoomers can't enjoy anything without putting up an embarrassing video on the internet" episode
Imagine being such an npc that you delude yourself into believing that watching a movie for entertainment purposes is the most noble pursuit there is. What an unfuckable belief
That only makes it even more of an obvious and easy joke to make.
I rate this original content 2/10 for effort.
I'm almost 30 and have had extreme highs and lows in my life but I've literally never reacted that way to anything, much less some dumbass disney space capeshit. Not even that guy but I didn't even laugh at the vid it was actually strange to process that I share the planet with people like this
>rather than indulging in their own interests
it doesn't take much time to insult someone.
I seriously hope all your family and everyone you love. will die in excruciating pain from cancer.
It took me 10 seconds to time this out while I'm having my breakfast.
why is everyone obsessing over him so much?
he's a walking meme
Yeah but people have been embarassing themselves since the dawn of time. Being unable to enjoy things is purely a zoomer plague.
What a dull existence. Great example here
Based and intelligent post
Because of the Jews.
ok what the fuck
>Why being an emotional wreck over pop culture is based, and that's a GOOD! thing
Correct. This is the only acceptable reaction.
4cucks love obsessing over those weirder than them, look at the following chrischan has
4channel shut ins don't realize every standard hotel room has 2 beds
No they don't. You have a choice of a double or a king.
Honestly who the fuck gets so excited over generic hero movies? I can understand getting excited over Netflix shows, videogame releases or even Anime, but why would anyone be so invested in generic Marvel trash that's only 2-3 hours of explosions anyway?
When was the last time you've been reduced to blubbering and gasping tears over something? I would say I've been literally ecsatic about things before, even stupid shit at times, but I could only imagine a reaction like that if you were on the brink of death and realized you got a chance at life again or something.
He's a grown ass man bahaving like an 11 years old kiddo.
Freaks on the interwebz are acting like he's done something brave for crying over a video
Everyone has different reactions, and he's probably playing it up for subs. Whenever I get excited I go to the gym to work off some energy. Before that I used to just pace around the room a few times.
The reason why this guy is mocked isn't the way he reacted to the trailer but the fact that he cried over seeing a familiar thing from that one franchise that he adores in a trailer from a movie that he is stoked about. Listen, I've been excited for things before and know what it feels like. But I for the love of me cannot imagine a normal, well-adjusted man (yes, this is coming from a Jow Forums user) shedding tears of joy after seeing an ad.
The whole thing is an absurdity, it's like something out of a dystopian novel. A grown dude reacting to what is essentially a well-crafted advertisement the same way american men fifty years ago reacted to their sons, fathers and friends being killed in Vietnam. Star Wars isn't his son, who he raised to be a good man and a patriot only to have the poor boy get killed in a pointless war. It is a billion dollar franchise owned by people who give zero shits about his feelings and view him as a potential sold ticket and a drone whom than can make shell out money for overpriced action figures by evoking nostalgia over a previous product of theirs in him.
I have nothing against men crying over genuinely important events, such as the recent fire in Paris, but weeping tears of joy over a big budget hollywood movies or normalising doing what mr Butts here did will bring about the end of the west much faster than le ebil muslims.
>he's probably playing it up for subs
Most definitely, but those streaming tears and lip quivering were the real deal
If he had just a small fraction of the emotion he displayed he needs to go into acting. Doesn't have the physical appearance to really make it in Hollywood but he could probably be a millionaire if he were willing to go into cuck porn.
is this the famous german autism
Keep it up you made him famous at the first place, keep losing
>Sad attempt. Bottom of the barrel
why do the apologists for this guy think everyone is trying to wage some war to destroy his life? he's just some faggot who posted something really embarassing and people made fun of him. Good for him if he benefits from it, I'm sure he'll spend it on lots of toys and dumb shit
Because cocaine is expensive in USA. 1 gram=100$
His response
Jesus Christ, and he actually deleted his channel because of this?
Just watched his reaction, holy shit that was bad
don't expect an American to understand basic sensibility
these two should be merged in one
/ourlad/ james was scarred by the joker trailer.