Grenadiers march edition
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Hello lads. Hello veryo[spoiler][/spoiler]
the one with the white bloke getting scolded by a ching chong lady
oh dear
I don't have the original one, someone else posts it at me.
been save scumming this ck2 game for the last 30 minutes trying to get a silver-haired male heir
think the 'tism has taken hold
was probably shocked at the lack of warning signs on our escalators (or auto-stairs as we call them here)
just found out john lennon used to beat his wife
I want to shag her.
you have the one that's cropped with just the bloke's face
the human one or yoko?
she could not locate the bananas
im pretty sure you are black
he also screamed in his first son's ear and ruptured his eardrum
I do yeh
kek this is me (gamer) and my gamer wife
I just want to say that every time brexit is discussed between me and my friends or accuaintances most of them think of me as some kind of crazy racist and bigot for agreeing with brexit.
Keep being strong lads.
kek this is based me and my redpilled wife
next time i yell at you, post it
Shut up.
kek this is me and my wife she's truthbombed on the MQ (the muslim question)
based uragay
alright, I can do that
what was the first iteration of teenage mutant hero turtles?
was it the cartoon?
kek this is me (computer programmer) and my based wife (accountant) we're a traditional couple unlike white women
will someone shut lachlan up
kek this is my based wife she let's me vape indoors as long as i get her pregnant, we have a shared bank account
ninja turtles you buffoon
and it was comics
going to stroke my penis until semen shoots out of the tip, think this is what is referred to in the scientific/medical field as an "orgasm"
I am not.
super sentai warriors
kek this is me driving to the church with my traditional christian wife, she's not like atheist white women she knows jesus died for her sins which i must say is based, we listen to jordan peterson audio-books on the way to the church of course
kek what can i say she's a based wife with redpilled views on the neoliberal judeomarxist establishment, as a man in the computers industry i need a woman who is feminine and doesn't paycheque mog me and what can i say we might not share any common interests or humour but she's full of my cum now and soon i'll be a father kek
working all easter like a good toiler
good boy
it looms
duuh cheers boss
cause you dont have a choise. you have to
kek driving my based gamer wife to the air conditioner store to buy an air conditioner because she's always complaining that it's too hot so we need an air conditioner to keep her cool, she's pretty based and tells it like it is, she's always telling me to clean my room just like JBP kek and she's anti-drugs and anti-alcohol like me and we're going vegan or at least vegetarian, kek what can I say it's a based trad life with my based trad wife once she's home with her new air conditioners i'll sneak off to the mechanic to get the car fixed she's a bit of a devil in the driver's seat (and in the bed sheet! kek what can i say tmi or not tmi enough?)
update: got a silver-haired male heir
kek, orientals
Have you got the pot noodle horn?
having a nice wank
Bruce, you're out of control!
at the gym I said subscription instead of membership and the girl replied with "lol this isn't a pharmacy. bitch that's a prescription we're both stupid
should have waited for her outside and bashed her head into the concrete desu
business idea: modular games consoles
choose your own gpu/optical drive/controller/shell
>english nationalism
Cringe and bluepilled
Think those exist already lad
would you rather be able to wank as much as you want but never have sex or have sex once a year but never be able to wank again
you mean get married!!! LOL
>would you rather be able to wank as much as you want but never have sex
kek this is me
Got no social life lads
Did a quick lifting sesh lads
just want to have really vivid dreams again
lucid dreaming i could go without
just want vivid dreams
Probably wondering why the white bread tastes like sweet cake or why the milk chocolate tastes like vomit.
Was going to make an insightful, witty, and thought provoking post but completely forgot what it was about
I had the tango orange man
i overdid it a bit on monday so i reckon i'll be out of commission at least until the weekend
Can Bruce get any wackier?
what does this have to do with British culture?
Geezers need excitement
Already have the first option haha. Am I right lads? haha banter
Pot Noodle is absolutely vile
Ok now this is me ahaha
they used to be much nicer
Shart Noodles
isnt his name amer? look a bit like that tranny bloke doesnt he
I'm really proud of that last one
The next one was going to be about her having really bad breath and me eating really strong mint gum to try to offset it so we can kiss without me dry heaving, but it might have been too wacky for /brit/ at this hour
Nah I need some whack, going to go and visit the proto gf in a bit and need some comedy for the bus ride
>oxford knows summer
To be fair, the Bombay bad boy ones aren't too bad, rest are shite
Not even sure who Summer is to care
used to like the chicken and mushroom ones, they're grim now.
>An American bitcoin investor could face the death penalty after Thailand’s navy accused him of violating the country’s sovereignty by building a “seastead” home off the coast, which he insisted was simply in pursuit of a vision of “freedom”.
Making pot noodles in an art. You need to dribble in the hot water. The amount of water needed is actually below the recommended fill line. If you fill to that line then the pot noodle will be diluted.
Agree that they used to be much nicer. Must've lowered the ol' msg levels.
call the king a bender
they lowered something, don't know what is it but they did.
Been posting here since like 2014 mate
I agree, naked noodle pots are way better.
I wonder if Basement Jaxx are still about
What the FUCK is wrong with yanks
tis' a great thing to see!
hey, cut (hehe) that out. im not circumcised.
shagging a fucking cunt
the next guy explained it pretty well
Why don't you post in /thai/ instead of brit if all you want to discuss is thailand. What relevance does this have to this general?
>I just love noodles! They remind me of Japan! Annyeong Haseyo! That's hello in Japan. I'm going to visit Tokyo with my parents this year and eat loads of ramen and go to the Nintendo museum!
got called bossy at toil
fuck off bossy boots
What was meant by this?