Edisi orangutan
very cool
>wh*toid with his Brazilian harem
>seething prahomo cucks all over the place
What is best country to semi-retire?
Thai for Wh*toid
For american sexpats? Definitely the Philippines.
Not necessarily for sex. Just to live cheap.
I actually think that this is legit. As opposed to Malays who still live under a feudalistic society and instinctively prefer a strong and affluent man to lead them.
As a Wiwian I unironically want Sandi for 2024
Still the Philippines because they can speak english
Among the most common criticism for Najib among Malays, aside from policy or corruption, is that he's not man enough and is afraid of his wife. Unlike Mahathir who would not take no for an answer from anyone.
Thailand is filled with bogan , chink , and old australian and and those people are known to be cheap
I don't mind learning a new language.
Where the fuck is he?
Pornstache lmao
gak pengen ngentot gan
he's sick
Isn't it expensive? And you have to Sing to the Poor?
Please don't come to Indonesia
Waiting in the shadows, biding his time. He knows full well of Pascabowo's eventual defeat.
Yeah but it's easier when you can already communicate with the locals. You can still learn Tagalog or something.
the fuck
For a firstoid? It's the best deal you can get.
he's scared of prabowo post-election tantrum
>sandi applied for vp just for the public exposure
>sandi's time to shine is 2024
Screencap this
>Claim himself muslim
he's a convert, yet dumb mudslimes still fall to his trick
Only a retarded khalifa would beg for validation from imams.
Spotted the chink.
prove it
protip: you can't
>Convert at 17 years old
>Not even bother learning koran
>Yet, mudslimes thinking he in their sides
>Probably, gonna sell Indonesia to rothschild
>In front of his own house Prabowo asks for the direction of the Kiblat before "Sujud Syukur"
Hello, fren. How are you?
Muslim here can't into high IQ islamic thin king. No one is rightly guided unless they're advocating for sharia. Otherwise, don't choose presidents based on their faith.
Sujud syukur Periode ke-2
>Kemenkes siapkan RS untuk caleg yang mengalami stres usai pemilu
Kek prabowo on suicide watch
ya udah lah ya, yg penting sekolah hemat ga usah beli foto baru, cuma ganti satu biji
you winnin' son?
why do indons fuck orangutans...?
Because they're tight and can't talk
is nice
Why do Canucks fuck moose?
why do canadians fuck animals in the first place?
Why do whites fuck dogs
white people are dogs
Ohnonono..... wowo is betrayed by his nakama ÒwÓ
>Top ten anime betrayal
That's actually bretty based
you're posting that as if there's something wrong
Makes sense, he didn't mention Sandi in his 62% speech.
He's gonna win 2024
rip in pieces
Abis dilempar hengpon kayanya
>mooooom look at me at the internet being edgy xDDD!!!
what's so edgy about love?
Lmao go back to fucking k*skus
shut the fuck up filthy dog fuckers don't @ me ever again
Why are there so few Malays and flips?
Try me /an/on.
What do bros??
Indawg gang tiem
ure cool and swell too malaybros :)
Kick her in the gut and spit in her mouth
At what age did you realized that your life was a comedy instead of a tragedy, /asean/?
driven out because of election posting
When jokowi declared the Islamic gamer republic
Both are too busy handling the chink overpopulation
Why are you such a sadist? What would you do then??!!
After I kick her teeth in some more I take whatever it was she was holding and leave her.
Sandi will be wapres next year regardless who win the election
I'll chastise you cunt and I'm gonna take it whether you like it or not
>wapres next year
You mean pres?
Sandi 2024
>10 years Wapres then 10 years pres
Fuck Prahomo fail election 5 times
If wowo win (noway), he is the wapres
If wiwi win, he will replace ma'ruf next year, he's nothing but a meatshield anyway
pengen ngentot gan
kaskus is dead
No one's talking about that autistic fag here, I'm talking about his wapres. He'd be a perfect successor of Jokowi for 2024 which is his last term.
Pre 2010 kaskus will always live in our heart gan.
guys how about of theres a local chan that respect your privacy and also kept alive by pulsa donation and/or ads in the form of banner from the user?
Asking for a friemd
We're full
It's not going to work. You'll pussy out in the end just like anssen
>Im that old faggot that uses indowebster
sad and oldpilled
How about If I administer the site through TOR and do my best to not have IRL information attached?
My friend I mean
Local chan would probably be filled with weebs pretending to be in Jow Forums /a/ and will talk exclusively anime.
and that is wrong because?
Go ahead and try if you want, just make sure you're not going to pussy out when it gets in the news and police starts looking
is fscchan even in the news and caught the attention of police?
Time to pay your digital zakat.
Not yet. But I think anssen pussied out because on twitter there are a lot of people threatening to report to the police
hispachan, 55chan, and other foreign chans are doing fine, nothing bad would happen if the administrator of the chan doing his job correctly
We be paying zakat to corporations now?
Government you meant?
Yes, zakat is basically tax in the first place.