I'm so happy the worst Cathedral in France burned, God knew that plebs needed to have their tastes in check

I'm so happy the worst Cathedral in France burned, God knew that plebs needed to have their tastes in check.

Attached: chartres-cathedral.jpg (900x640, 184K)

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That's German, but also one of the best ones

Attached: Cathédrale_Notre-Dame_de_Rouen_-_panoramio_(1).jpg (1200x1048, 792K)

Ok now please calm down user, you're being way too edgy you're scaring apu posters

Brightest cathedral due to the biggest area of windows of all of them. 1 hour north of Paris.

Attached: AmienCND01.jpg (900x662, 140K)

Superior northern architecture


Best German Church comming through.
Not the old crap of course but the hip and new replacement.
You should do the same to Notre Dame.

Attached: 09_be_gedaechtniskirche_ensemble_r_rossner_2008_1_981x715.jpg (932x715, 145K)

None is more impressive than the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris as far as stained glasses go

Attached: Sainte-Chapelle intérieur_Paris-1.jpg (1092x729, 586K)

It's however very discreet from the outside

Attached: Sainte-Chapelle extérieur.jpg (1600x1167, 335K)


Much better if you visit a day when the sun shines from the outside through the glasses

This (Germany) did not survive the war. But I find it amazing how they managed to rebuild it.

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What an ugly piece of crap.

Jesus germans truly are just subhuman trash

Attached: catedral-de-palma-de-mallorca.jpg (1400x782, 380K)

how is Notre Damme the worst you retard?

Catholic churches look really nice, as expected. My local church looks like a white square.

That's Berlin. Seems they took a vote and left it exactly as damaged as it was through the war as a reminder that war is horrible.

Köln could really use the WW2 treatment again tbqhwyf.

Spanish churches are really beautiful

too bad the face is meh


they're often small and unimpressive tbqh

I also like spen.

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>Best German Church comming through.
>Not the old crap of course but the hip and new replacement.
>You should do the same to Notre Dame.

Attached: 00.jpg (627x650, 117K)

Yup this is my favourite one
Although I enjoy candid theme

>a building made of stone and concrete will burn down

>Romanian knowledge of masonry
There's wooden beams, and heat weakens the stone.

t. retard

thank you

Like your dick lmao

you like it because they look "exotic"

Like the ceiling of a house. But this is in France and you are in Spain. Why would you care?
And a better question, since it's only Americans, Chinese students abroad, or Eastern Europeans on a minimum wage in the West EU country in question tend to mock me 99% of the cases while the locals of the said countries don't give a rat's ass about me, what's your proof of you being a Spaniard?

Here's a wooden church located in a mountainous southern France area
It was entirely built in Russia without nails with traditional skills, then taken down, transported to France, and assembled again

This was because a Russian religious visited a French abbey near where the wooden church is now located, and started a friendship and exchanges with the French head of the abbey

Attached: Eglise orthodoxe de Sylvanès (Aveyron).jpg (2600x1727, 1.47M)

Attached: eglise-orthodoxe-russe-Sylvanès.jpg (2048x1151, 329K)

In a radically different style here's the French abbey I mentionned that is just a few hundred meters away

Attached: Abbaye de Sylvanès (Aveyron).jpg (1200x782, 414K)

i have a huge hard-on for cathedrals
i wish to visit some

bigger cathedral on the world is sevilla, on spain (exceptin vaticano of course)

Burgos, Palma,Sevilla,Leon, Zaragoza, Santiago....spain has the most beautiful cathedrals on the world.

Attached: catedral-de-burgos-fachada.jpg (750x769, 184K)

Attached: 4062-catedral-de-sevilla.jpg (600x450, 175K)

and bomb there, ahmed? no thanks, stay in your fucking desert, goatfucker.

>and bomb there, ahmed

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small and unnexpresive lol

'ate churches
luv pagans
simpel as

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Move aside plebs.

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lel that cathedral is like half the height of any mid-range Northern France cathedral.
meds can't build cathedrals. You always build mosques instead of cathedrals, that's your sandnigger genes showing up. Africa starts at the Pyrenees

Attached: cathedrale_notre-dame_de_reims-r_christian_lantenois (1).jpg (1400x933, 538K)

>meds can't build cathedrals

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>meds can't build cathedrals

lol i didnt france was such a shithole haha

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this need power wash

the soot and dirt built up over centuries adds more soul

t. ahmed embappe pierre podgba