I'm so happy the worst Cathedral in France burned, God knew that plebs needed to have their tastes in check

I'm so happy the worst Cathedral in France burned, God knew that plebs needed to have their tastes in check.

Attached: chartres-cathedral.jpg (900x640, 184K)

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Attached: 9FA8D6B9-79BF-4F54-9360-A0019695508B.jpg (757x1031, 823K)

That's German, but also one of the best ones

Attached: Cathédrale_Notre-Dame_de_Rouen_-_panoramio_(1).jpg (1200x1048, 792K)

Ok now please calm down user, you're being way too edgy you're scaring apu posters

Brightest cathedral due to the biggest area of windows of all of them. 1 hour north of Paris.

Attached: AmienCND01.jpg (900x662, 140K)

Superior northern architecture


Best German Church comming through.
Not the old crap of course but the hip and new replacement.
You should do the same to Notre Dame.

Attached: 09_be_gedaechtniskirche_ensemble_r_rossner_2008_1_981x715.jpg (932x715, 145K)

None is more impressive than the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris as far as stained glasses go

Attached: Sainte-Chapelle intérieur_Paris-1.jpg (1092x729, 586K)

It's however very discreet from the outside

Attached: Sainte-Chapelle extérieur.jpg (1600x1167, 335K)